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Questions tagged [java]

Java is a high-level object-oriented programming language. Use this tag when you're having problems using or understanding the language itself. This tag is frequently used alongside other tags for libraries and/or frameworks used by Java developers.

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Is there a way to change the Java SDK depending on the git branch on Intellij IDEA?

Im new to Intellij IDEA. On my git project I use branches for different version (minecraft modding) and for example version1 is using JDK 17 and the second one JDK21. When I switch between branches I ...
Patema's user avatar
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How to action update expression

I'm using the AWS Java SDK v2 with UpdateExpression so that I can update an item without having to retrieve the item from DynamoDB. I've managed to build the update expression but now I don't know how ...
Izak Joubert's user avatar
-1 votes
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Are RMap `getMap`, `putAll`, `put`, `remove` operations atomic & threadsafe?

We are using Redisson library for Redis and we are utilizing Hash data structure to store an object with different properties. We have 2 Kafka listeners, which listen for incoming messages, and store ...
alext's user avatar
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How to catch the PSQLException exception? [closed]

How to catch the **PSQLException ** exception? I am using Spring boot JDBCTemplate and it can throw a PSQLException exception. Using try-catch, I get this message from IDEA: "Exception 'org....
San 's user avatar
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How to get Last element in the redis elasticache if the highest score is not known? Also, how to get limited number of elements in a particular range?

I am trying to get the element with highest score in redis elasticache. some documentation states that, this can be done by using 2 methods- jedis.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max); jedis....
Developer208's user avatar
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Best Practices for Validation in a Spring Boot Application [closed]

In my Spring Boot application, I have encountered a scenario where multiple services interact with each other, and objects passed between them need to be validated. Currently, I am using @Valid in the ...
AMZ's user avatar
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excelWB.write(fileOut); gives IllegalArgumentException

I am trying to use an excel to write the into new file using Apache POI. This is the method code, import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet; import ...
Lyrk's user avatar
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Apache Camel OnException JUnit5 Test

I have this Camel Route and would like to test it. from("jms:queue:importer.messageImport") .routeId("Import") .onException(Exception.class) .maximumRedeliveries(0) ...
Burner's user avatar
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Bean Could not be found despite proper project file structure

File Structure screenshot I've seen other posts solving this issue with this exact file structure yet no matter what I do it always gives me this error: *************************** APPLICATION FAILED ...
mrsteel2935's user avatar
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Issues with Region in S3AsyncClient using Minio with AWS SDK for Java

I encountered an issue while configuring S3AsyncClient using the AWS SDK for Java in a Spring Boot application. Despite setting all the necessary properties, I keep receiving the following error ...
wallhack's user avatar
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Java libraries built from source have differences to those published wrt to anonymous classes

I am trying to build groovy (and others) from source using the instructions in their help file. The built binaries operate just ...
visionset's user avatar
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Is JBoss 8 compatible with java 8? [duplicate]

I am trying to migrate an ear application from JBoss 7.1 eap to jboss 8, is it compatible with java 8? I get the following error Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try ...
Alejandro Manuel Carrion's user avatar
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javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not extract ResultSet

Here the error: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not extract ResultSet at org.hibernate.internal.ExceptionConverterImpl.convert(...
Kutman Salamatov's user avatar
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I have implemented the code to raise local reminder notification everyday at specific time. On Android 14 phone not able to receive this notification

Below is my code snippet. AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); calendar =
Aniket's user avatar
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Java Stream API memory consumption of multiple .filter() in chain [duplicate]

Have a question regarding .filter (or any other non-terminal) methods in Stream API chain (code in the block below is just for example): var s1 = Stream.of(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); var intemidiate1 = s1....
omelnykov's user avatar

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