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Questions tagged [minecraft]

Use this tag for programming-related questions about the computer game Minecraft. Note: Minecraft questions are generally OFF-TOPIC on Stack Overflow unless they relate to creating mods/plugins or otherwise developing for the game. Questions related to gameplay are best asked on

-12 votes
0 answers

EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00007ff8ed191184, pid=51412, tid=0x0000000000009a34 [closed]

I am writing protection for the maincraft cheat in the form of a native and when I added lazy importer I started having such errors # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # ...
Максим Шуриков's user avatar
0 votes
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Is there a way to change the Java SDK depending on the git branch on Intellij IDEA?

Im new to Intellij IDEA. On my git project I use branches for different version (minecraft modding) and for example version1 is using JDK 17 and the second one JDK21. When I switch between branches I ...
Patema's user avatar
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-2 votes
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how to change the setting of a flat wolrd in a minecraft server 1.16.5 [closed]

so I actually know how to do that but that take me some time (multiple hours ;-;) to understand the way it work, and there is no place on the internet with a simple and easy response so I'm here to ...
MrTiki's user avatar
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Springboot + MCerror: No auto configuration classes found in META-INF/spring/org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguration.imports

I’m trying to run Spring Boot inside a Minecraft plugin. When I use the main function in IntelliJ to get and print an entity, it works fine. However, when I start the application from the JAR file on ...
Max's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Text Rendering in Minecraft Mod is Clipped Vertically to 2/3rd [closed]

I am working on a Minecraft mod where I am rendering custom text using OpenGL. However, the text is not rendered fully vertically and is cut to 2/3rd of its height. I suspect it might be a clipping ...
Cat Warrior's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

running command when program crashes [duplicate]

I have a Minecraft server that runs on Ubuntu 24 and mincraft1.21. Sometimes the Minecraft server file suddenly stops working and jumps back to the terminal. How can I write a Bash program that when ...
amir sobhan ahmadi's user avatar
-2 votes
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Maven cannot build a JAR file

I was making a Minecraft plugin these last two days and every day at 00:00 in my time maven just stops working like it was. I don't know if it's cause the time, but this happened to me twice ~at night....
Hajdenkoo's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I connect my bot to an online server? [code from below]

const mf = require('mineflayer') const pv = require('prismarine-viewer') const bot = mf.createBot({ username: 'Bot', password: 'pass', host: '', port: 25565, }) bot.once(...
Lirihiwa's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

The file in the editor is not runnable - IntelliJ

i reinstalled the whole windows system because of a trojan that i had. I installed java JDK 21, as i need it to code minecraft plugins. I installed the plugin MinecraftDevelopment as usual, done ...
Giuseppe Gentile's user avatar
0 votes
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Minecraft Mod deployment exception

I am trying to create a Minecraft mod for Minecraft Version 1.20.1 using Forge 47.2.8 but since I added my 2nd block, Minecraft suddenly started crashing upon startup. Block Register Code: package net....
TRYTRY_LIVE's user avatar
-1 votes
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Gradle Doesn't use correct JVM [closed]

I am currently trying to compile a basic mod build for Minecraft 1.12.2. However, when I type the gradle command it tells me: Unable to start the daemon process. This problem might be caused by ...
Jxyzh's user avatar
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How to apply a minecraft skin texture to my model and add the outer layer to the model?

I want to add minecraft skin model to my website using three.js: I'm using next.js, so to interact with three.js I use @react-three/fiber and @react-three/drei. I just started learning three.js and ...
zzhuravleff's user avatar
0 votes
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Why does my onHitEntity only fire sometimes? Minecraft forge net.minecraftforge:forge:1.20-46.0.12

I created a drone in minecraft and gave it some goals which it executes well. Currently I'm having an issue that i cannot for the life of me figure out. so the drone currently shoots an arrow. the ...
Adam Kruger's user avatar
0 votes
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Minecraft bedrock API addon

So I want to put button on my screen and when I press it a command run example /say Hello World using maybe Minecraft API and that button is on left side on my screen how I can do that To create addon ...
Leonard's user avatar
-5 votes
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How do i interact with an image in C [closed]

Ok so i wanted to write a program that could take an image check each individual pixel's color in a frame and assign it a greyscale number just by dividing the RGB value by 3. the problem is that i ...
typhrenn's user avatar

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