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Questions tagged [docker-volume]

A docker data volume is a specially-designated directory within one or more containers that bypasses the Union File System.

-2 votes
0 answers

Volume Mounting in WSO2 EI Docker Container

I am using WSO2 EI Docker image to create a container by executing docker run command with volume mounting option to persist data outside the container. docker run -it -p 8280:8280 -p 8243:8243 -p ...
Justin's user avatar
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Docker volumes and MySQL data access

I am currently writing an automated check-in system in flask with a MySql database. I want the code to run indefinitely, so I've deployed the app and database on Docker. This way I can keep iterating ...
irishcomputing's user avatar
1 vote
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Access to docker volume with intellij

I mounted the volume in the container. project perfectly works but i can't edit my code. I tried to open the project through the below route with an intellij Ultimate, but the alarm keeps popping up. \...
i_jdk's user avatar
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Docker container can't access named volume [closed]

I'm spinning up a service with via docker compose and in it, create a named volume, only specifying the container path, not the host path. I'm not bind mounting an existing directory. See my (...
milkyuniverse's user avatar
-6 votes
1 answer

what is the difference between all these docker volumes?

I am learning Docker and i am now on volumes and i have a few questions, i made a python scripts that returns a text file and i wanted to save it just to learn how to use the volumes, i used this ...
user24733065's user avatar
0 votes
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Why my docker container does not see a NFS mountpoint defined as a volume?

I am setting up my Jellyfin server on docker. I correctly mounted my NFS on /net_storage/media on my host machine, and I am able to see all the files. Then, i created my docker compose file: --- ...
Mudu 93's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Docker volume is cleared on every restart via docker-compose on ubuntu [closed]

Docker volume is cleared on every restart via docker-compose on ubuntu server, but on my pc everything works properly. Volume always contains data, even after restart. How to solve this? Thanks. My ...
silenzzz's user avatar
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Unable to create file using Spark on Client Mode in airflow-spark-docker

Getting this error in airflow: [DELTA_CANNOT_CREATE_LOG_PATH] Cannot create file:/opt/bitnami/spark/my_lakehouse/staging/customers/_delta_log but if I ...
Aniketh Deshpande's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How can I get pre-existing data from a mysql database into a mysql docker container?

I am new to using Docker and I want to place an existing project in a set of Docker containers so I can run the project on other platforms/devices. I currently have a Flask app connected to a mysql ...
irishcomputing's user avatar
0 votes
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Docker Compose Watch populates <none> images [duplicate]

I'm writing an application using ASP.NET Core 8 and SQL Server. I use docker-compose watch feature to rebuild my image every time there's a source code change Here's my Dockerfile for .NET app FROM ...
Arsen Aghajanyan's user avatar
0 votes
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Docker bind mount or volume

I am trying to use docker compose to share a directory between my container and my host. I understand that I cant use a normal bind mount, as bind mounts copy the directory from the host into the ...
confusedandsad's user avatar
0 votes
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Use a shared folder in the Compose

I want to create a docker container with a Dockerfile, Compose.yaml and a .env file. In the Dockerfile I create a image based on python, the Dockerfile: FROM python:3 RUN mkdir -p /share_data/ COPY ...
Monetillo's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Docker compose volume binding doesn't work on windows

I have created the below docker-compose file in my app: version: '3.9' services: MongoDB: ... backend: ... frontend: stdin_open: true tty: true build: ./frontend image:...
Behnam's user avatar
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How can I configure docker container permissions that persist without a start script?

We have applications running in docker containers via compose. I mounted the config files and log folders via compose volumes; the applications don't have permissions for these folders, even if I set ...
Paul Stewart's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Set volume owner / permission in docker compose

Minimal example of compose.yaml services: my_service: image: alpine volumes: - my_vol:/my_vol command: [sh, -c, 'adduser -S -s /bin/sh my_user && su - ...
Vito De Tullio's user avatar

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