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Questions tagged [c++]

C++ is a general-purpose programming language. Use this tag for questions about/utilizing C++. Do not also tag questions with [c] unless you have a good reason. C and C++ are different languages. Use a versioned tag such as [c++11], [c++20] etc. for questions specific to a standard revision.

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IntelliSense reports that identifier "size_t" is undefined for standards > C++03

I use VS Code with Microsoft's C/C++ extension, which includes IntelliSense. Whenever I use size_t, it is not recognized by IntelliSense. I am aware that it isn’t a requirement in the C++ standard ...
Thomas Moerschell's user avatar
-1 votes
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What language would you reccommend for building a UI to access and manipulate large SQL databases? (Why? Benefits/Drawbacks?)) [closed]

I'm fairly new to coding and have been learning and building a personal archival database using SQL over the past few months. However, I would also like to develop a simple (at first) UI to use for ...
MossyQuill's user avatar
1 vote
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Why are types escaping namespace when included after vector header?

If I compile this minimized example with clang++: #include <system_error> #include <vector> namespace MyNamespace { namespace ffi { #include <sys/types.h> } void example() { ...
Camden Narzt's user avatar
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-4 votes
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std::vector::erase() is not erasing windows and only erasing last element [closed]

This is the broken output void WindowManager::checkWindowsForCloseRequest() { for (auto window = windowStack.begin(); window != windowStack.end();) { if (window->shouldWindowClose())...
Janelyn's user avatar
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Boost Beast Websocket verify client certificate more than once on connection

I have a Boost Beast asio based websocket server, which (in abbreviated form) starts like this ssl_context_.set_options( boost::asio::ssl::context::default_workarounds | boost::asio::ssl::...
Paul Grinberg's user avatar
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Initializing a vector with a class that has a pass-by-reference constructor parameter and saves that reference as a member

I'm trying intending to create a single instance of a type that gets shared among the items in a vector. Each of the vector's item types requires a pass-by-reference parameter in the constructor but I ...
AMG's user avatar
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How can I use VSCode with CMake and have different targets each with a different architecture and toolchain?

I'm working on a project with Visual Studio Code and CMake where I'm compiling / cross-compiling different targets for different platforms. Currently the project has three platforms, each of which ...
Bri Bri's user avatar
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How to Determine if a Point is Occluded by a Mesh in Vulkan Without Ray Tracing? [closed]

I'm working on a Vulkan application where I need to determine if a specific 3D point is occluded by any of several triangular meshes. The meshes are defined using vertex and index buffers. I'm ...
Lucas de Paula's user avatar
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How can I get the values from Shell Property 'System.ItemAuthors' as a string array in C#?

I’m at a complete loss on how to do this. I’ll preface by saying I’m able to get many shell properties for a file when they are of type uint64, uint32, DateTime, string, etc. as the example code shows....
Finch's user avatar
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Class member function returning another class: works for getting a class variable, but not for setting a class variable

Somewhere there seems to be an implied const that is not allowing getSubsiaryClass() when changing a variable member of the SubsidiaryClass, but it works fine for reading a variable. It isn't a ...
user26521688's user avatar
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C++ Image color reduction error diffusion not working

I'm trying to implement the Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion algorithm as seen on this blog and plenty of other sources and I cannot figure out what's gone wrong with my code for the life of me. The ...
Zero G's user avatar
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Why are non-type template parameters limited to structural types?

When using non-type template parameters, the non-type parameter must be 'structural' per the C++ standard. Classes with private data members are not structural. However, sometimes it is convenient to ...
Arjonais's user avatar
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DLL Injection Hook Not Working in WPF Application

i am student studying reverse engineering. These days, I am learning API Hook using DLL Injector I made personal DLL Injector using C# WPF and C++/CLI also i have created a DLL that hooks the send ...
jeong's user avatar
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Inaccurate compile-time computation of Fibonacci sequence in a recursive lambda

Below is a recursive lambda expression that can compute the values of Fibonacci sequence both in runtime and during constant evaluation: auto fib = [](this auto && f, auto && p) { ...
Fedor's user avatar
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How can instancing make this so much slower? [closed]

I'm drawing many copies of the same model. I can draw them by pushing a different uniform matrix for each one, or I can push a buffer full of matrices once and draw them with instancing. Why would the ...
kjgoebel's user avatar
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Does a deque maintain its capacity even if emptied completely?

I wanted to test if a deque<> does free its chunks if it is completely emptied: #include <iostream> #include <deque> using namespace std; uint64_t nAllocs = 0, nFrees = 0; void *...
Edison von Myosotis's user avatar
-3 votes
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How do I get rid of this blue directory text that crams into everything else? Did I install C++ wrong, I installed MSYS2 aswell

The simple code that I ran: I tried running, debugging, rewriting the code. I thought it would eventually fix itself, but it keeps spewing this out. When I try it in a Command Prompt, it works as I ...
Omex's user avatar
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Giving application window active focus when opening a file

In the documentation for QWidget::activateWindow() function, the following is said: ... On Windows, if you are calling this when the application is not currently the active one then it will not make ...
comp1201's user avatar
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Command exited with non-zero status 124

Given two integers n and x, find the number of triplets (a,b,c) of positive integers such that ab+ac+bc ≤ n and a+b+c ≤ x. a,b,c are greater than 1. (c is k in my program): #include <iostream> ...
Aditya Raj's user avatar
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Synchronize three Threads in C++ one after the other

This is in continuation to this really nice one: That post was for the sequence (t1 & t2) --> t3. Let's say I have a program running, and there ...
barak's user avatar
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explicit deleted constructors - does this matter?

When marking a constructor as deleted, i.e. class MyClass { // ... MyClass(int x) = delete; // ... }; is there any effect to marking the deleted constructor as explicit? i.e. ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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What does "+ +" (with space between + operators) do in C++? [duplicate]

The following code: float a = 1.5; float b = a + + 1.2; compiles and actually returns 2.7 for b. Why does it compile, shouldn't the extraneous + be flagged as a syntax error? It compiles on several ...
Nick Gnedin's user avatar
-2 votes
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How do I create CRUD in C++ and connect it to a database. A sample code or link to specific Youtube tutorial will be helpful. Thank you [closed]

I do not how to Create, Read, Update, and Delete database in C++ I tried to install mysql on my computer and I cannot connect it. My laptop's operating system is windows. I am finding it difficult to ...
HeartAndSoul's user avatar
-13 votes
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EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00007ff8ed191184, pid=51412, tid=0x0000000000009a34 [closed]

I am writing protection for the maincraft cheat in the form of a native and when I added lazy importer I started having such errors # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # ...
Максим Шуриков's user avatar
-2 votes
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Qt6 QSGTexture not shown inside QQuickItem using custom shader classes

I try to show a simple texture through opengl and Qt6 using custom shader classes. I created a QQuickItem which uses the updatePaintNode override to apply the QSGTexture to the custom Shader. When I ...
adebono's user avatar
-10 votes
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Chinese character turns into �� or @@ or just nothing [closed]

For example: In run and debug: In terminal: When I input any Chinese, the debugging interface will show that the value of str1 is �� or @@ or just nothing, and it's a little unstable (but � is ...
TheSingingSands's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I create a User Customizable popup menu from an existing CMenu?

I use MFCs CMenu to create right-click popup menus for many user commands (C++ using VS 2022). Is there already a framework for allowing user customization of these popup menus? Meaning the user will ...
Dev Dabo's user avatar
-1 votes
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getting "expression list treated as compound expression in functional cast" CE, but everything looks just fine

I tried building this: whole code (unordered_map.h): test: and got a CE out of nowhere...? getting a strange compilation error while ...
Riabov Vladimir's user avatar
-2 votes
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my code is showing wrong output in VS Code what should I do?

My code is showing wrong output in VS Code of my system whereas in online compiler and VS Code of other system it is working correctly how can i fix this issue. Here is the code below #include <...
Chandraprakash Sahu's user avatar
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Create nvblox depth image from sensor message pointcloud2

I have a rosbag2 with sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2 messages. I am using Nvblox. First I would like to ask if there is any way to create a depth image from the point cloud data. Second I would like to ...
GB1234's user avatar
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