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Questions tagged [cmake]

CMake is a cross-platform, open-source build system generator. It generates files for build systems like native makefiles, ninja-build and project files for several integrated development environments.

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Problem with Cmake and including third-party library

I'm trying to properly configure Cmake for my CUDA project. I'm using third party library, CGBN: and Catch2 for unit-tests. Basically I am trying to build ...
drzejus's user avatar
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Undefined reference to _imp__glClear@4? [closed]

I have been trying to set up a graphics environment using GLFW following this tutorial on OpenGL. I have been having a great deal of trouble installing the GLFW library using CLion and by extension ...
William Dappen's user avatar
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Linker Error with MariaDB Connector/C++ When Using CMake

I'm encountering a linker error while trying to build a project using the MariaDB Connector/C++ 1.1.4 on Windows with CMake. I installed the MariaDB Connector/C++ from the MariaDB download page and ...
Nazim Araz's user avatar
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How to use CMake / CPack to add a conffile to a deb package? With CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_CONTROL_EXTRA?

I am developing a C/C++ package, built using CMake, and I want to package it for Debian. So I thought I'd use CPack to build a Debian package. I managed to do so, but my project should also contain ...
Alessandro Bertulli's user avatar
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Does CMake support converting headers to header modules?

I've just started to learn programming in C++ and the books I use for that focus on the new module system to replace the #include method. For make I've found Makefiles that allow to first convert the #...
Patrick Kox's user avatar
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Unable to have clang-cl use wasm-ld as the linker

I never seem to be able to get clang-cl to link with wasm-ld instead of the default lld linker. CMakeLists.txt cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.18.0) project(wasm_test) set(CMAKE_LINKER "C:/...
Tasten's user avatar
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Import glfw for CLion [closed]

I couldnt manage to find a way to import glfw library for CLion. I tried things but they didnt work as expected. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.29) project(TestProj) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 20) set(...
Melih 's user avatar
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Having trouble running cmake

I can't correctly run cmake .. on my computer. while running the command cmake .., some errors occurred: -- The CUDA compiler identification is unknown -- Check for working CUDA compiler: /usr/bin/...
zhengry22's user avatar
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CMake Cannot Find SDL2TTF package

I installed SDL2ttf for a project and SDL2_image and it seems that cmake cannot find the package only of SDL2ttf although i applied the same logic. Specifically i downloaded the libraries, i created a ...
Axilleas Xoumkoslis's user avatar
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CMake FetchContent: How to not use the extracted cmake file now that FetchContent_Populate is deprecated?

After upgrading to CMake 3.30, this fine wrapper function … function(fetch_and_extract_archive dst_name url checksum) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "POPULATE_ONLY" "" "" &...
user2394284's user avatar
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Set compiler flag when installing with vcpkg

I am trying to install pugixml using vcpkg and linking to it using cmake. I want to use it on windows and therefor want to use wchar_t instead of char. I know that pugixml has a compiler flag for this ...
André Lehto's user avatar
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Generator Xcode toolset specification field buildsystem=1 is not allowed with Xcode 15.0.1

./ -- cmake version 3.28.2 CMake Deprecation Warning at CMakeLists.txt:10 (cmake_policy): The OLD behavior for policy CMP0025 will be removed from a future version of CMake. ...
刘越洋's user avatar
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Unknown type name 'ImVec2'

I am trying to build the hello_imgui_template with Cmake, but I am unable to proceed without it giving me hello_imgui/hello_imgui.h file not found. Just to try it out I manually inserted the absolute ...
user22615570's user avatar
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Including static .a Libraries in CMake Project [duplicate]

I am working on a project for STM32 in VSCode and I need to include libraries with the .a extension to be able to call their functions. I need help with configuring CMake. My current CMake setup looks ...
WITC's user avatar
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Doesn't find files when building project

I have linked the SFML and TGUI libraries in my project. I also included these libraries in another CMakeLists in this project. When I start building the project, I get a message that the files from ...
Vinograd's user avatar

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