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Questions tagged [webassembly]

WebAssembly (abbreviated Wasm) is a new portable, size- and load-time-efficient format suitable for compilation to the web.

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Unable to have clang-cl use wasm-ld as the linker

I never seem to be able to get clang-cl to link with wasm-ld instead of the default lld linker. CMakeLists.txt cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.18.0) project(wasm_test) set(CMAKE_LINKER "C:/...
Tasten's user avatar
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How to use a WASM binary in an NPM package using Rollup

Github Repository to reproduce issue: I have three packages: C -> B -> A Package C is a react component library that wraps package B. Package B contains a ...
Kyle Decot's user avatar
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Wasm works in dev but during build Wasm file is lost

I am working with a wasm library from Manifold-3d. I am able to import it during dev, but in the build directory this gets lost. import init from "./built/manifold?init"; let newWasm = ...
pyenthu's user avatar
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Loading .wasm file compiled from Rust gives "CompileError: wasm validation error: at offset 184: function body too big"

I was trying to create my web assembly module using Rust`s wasm-pack and use it within the .html file. I tried to use to generate the .wasm . I created a new blank repl, installed rustup ...
Deep Drop's user avatar
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Blazor (or vanilla C#) to WASM for showing a console application on a webpage

"That's odd. Why are you doing this?" I just want to know if it's possible. Of course there's alternatives, as there is to everything. This is 100% just a proof of concept. I have a simple ...
buddingprogrammer's user avatar
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3 answers

Double floating point operations using four IEEE rounding modes implemented in terms of round to nearest ties to even

I am looking to implement the RandomX Proof of Work hash function in JavaScript + WebAssembly. The README explains how this isn't possible: Web mining is infeasible due to the large memory ...
l-m's user avatar
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1 answer

How to Skip Unsupported Libraries When Building Flutter Web App with Wasm?

I'm developing a Flutter project targeting both mobile and web platforms. I want to build most of the app using WebAssembly (Wasm) for performance. However, the google_maps_flutter package doesn't ...
Giga Ananidze's user avatar
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1 answer

kIsWasm always return false / How to compile for WebAssembly support?

Following the official Flutter Wasm documentation ( I tried to compile my Flutter Web App for Wasm-support, but constant kIsWasm returns always ...
Kuhlemann's user avatar
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About c++ multithreaded code converted to WebAssembly view rendering problem in js call

var Module = { print: (function() { var element = document.getElementById('output'); test_element=document.getElementById('test_element'); // if (element) element....
user25527891's user avatar
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How can I use imported memory in Rust code targeting `wasm32-unknown-unknown`?

I have the following Rust code: use wasmer::{ imports, AsStoreRef, Function, FunctionEnv, FunctionEnvMut, Instance, Memory, MemoryType, Module, Store, }; const WAT_CODE: &str = r#" (...
Archy's user avatar
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How to load wasm which uses SharedArrayBuffer in Chromium Embedded Framework application

I am using CEF v116 (C++) for a desktop application and trying to load a WebAssembly bundle. This bundle has a js wrapper layer which allocates memory using SharedArrayBuffer and exposes wasm APIs to ...
amoadb's user avatar
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Getting console errors when trying to run model in browser using rust, wasm and wonnx

I'm attempting to embed some text as vectors in the browser using rust, webassembly and wonnx. When I try and run my model in the demo, I get these errors in the console: wonnx_embeddings_repro_bg.js:...
Jacob Marshall's user avatar
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2 answers

Assertion Failed: Compiler flags to be set for a linker in qmake file of qt, so that we won't get Uncaught Runtime error , after main() function exits

I am trying to expose a UI (built using qt) on the browser, using Emscripten. Compiled dependencies, and could able to link those to the UI, it got compiled successfully without any errors, but while ...
Mallakbasheer's user avatar
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Npm cannot find an executable while running the create-wasm-app JavaScript project template

I have been following a Rust + WebAssembly Tutorial and on the 2nd part of the 2nd chapter, after looking into the files and telling you how to build them, the tutorial asks you to run this command: ...
Waffleleroo's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to Integrate Wasmer (WASM) with Swift iOS Project?

I am working on an iOS project where I need to integrate a WebAssembly (Wasm) module using the Wasmer runtime. I have successfully compiled my code into a .wasm file, but I am struggling with ...
Artisan Craft's user avatar

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