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Questions tagged [aws-security-group]

Amazon EC2 Security Groups

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Issue with Connecting to ArangoDB in AWS EC2 Setup Using Docker and CloudFormation

I have an AWS setup where I use an Infrastructure as Code (IAC) template (YAML) to deploy a stack using CloudFormation. My deployment creates two AWS EC2 instances: Main-service and Data-service. Both ...
slow_learner's user avatar
-1 votes
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Use secret manager with security group AWS

I'm deploying an API with AI model on AWS. To do so I created an ECS Fargate with a security group. My API needs to store secrets so I'm also using the Secrets Manager. The problem is that I want to ...
tycyly's user avatar
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NLB Says Target Group is Unhealthy

I am trying to use a NLB to route traffic to EC2 instances in a private subnet, but the target instances are labeled as "Unhealthy" by the NLB. Here is what I am trying to do: I want clients ...
Tom Brady's user avatar
0 votes
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AWS CloudFormation returning "null" error message

I am creating a Security Group resource via CloudFormation in a yaml template. I am able to create a change set for this, but when I execute the change, the Security Group creation step fails (...
Auroratide's user avatar
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Self referenced Security group inbound rule in AWS RDS terraform?

I'm catching up with the security group with Terraform. When checking official DOCS, there was self referenced Security group inbound rule. like this, ingress_with_self = [ { from_port = ...
52zxc's user avatar
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AWS ECS service connecting to RDS instance fails when I add an ALB

I have a Laravel app that I've dockerized and the image is pushed to ECR. The app is connecting to an RDS database hosted on the same VPC. I've created a cluster and service on ECS. Without the ALB, I'...
TheAdnan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

EC2 instances cannot connect to Stripe when behind an ALB

I was deploying my NodeJS backend that integrates Stripe payment. When the user on the frontend clicks on the Checkout button, the backend API simply calls Stripe SDK to create a checkout session and ...
Tran Thai Anh's user avatar
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AWS ECS EC2 without loadbalancer?

I am deploying Nginx as a service/task on AWS ECS with EC2, and I've run into an issue where I cannot connect to the Nginx welcome page via its public IP address. I can access that by using ...
Bilal Majeed's user avatar
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how to refer a particular value from terraform output which is using merge function?

output "security_group_ids" { value = merge( { for k, v in aws_security_group.s1 : k=> }, { for i in var.security_group_id : i=> }, ) } I ...
Vineesha_C's user avatar
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1 answer

I am geting Cycle errors from trying to create security groups on terraform

I am getting a cycle error from my terraform code when trying to create security groups. Initially, the security groups referenced each other, but for debugging purposes, I removed the references. ...
David Essien's user avatar
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Windows EC2 Inscance cannot access https page on specific port

I have an EC2 Intance running on Amazon AWS and it needs to do a GET Request to an URL in the 48080 port. Something like: GET When I put this URL on my personal ...
barduchi's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to connect RDS Database with MySQL workbench even with Public Access

I am trying to deploy my Spring Boot + MySQL application on AWS. My deployment is as follows- Default VPC 3 public subnets AWS Elastic Beanstalk, deployed in one AZ. MySQL database (using RDS) is in ...
ayush's user avatar
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2 answers

Terraform: How to pass multiple values as output and map to another module's variables

I'm setting up terraform modules to create my AWS resources, i need to create muliple resouces from same module templates. Created 2 sg with for_each in, and need to pass them to another ...
Nijo 's user avatar
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AWS RDS: I can't see my MariaDB db but I can see my MySQL db

I have an AWS RDS with MySQL engine and going migrate to MariaDB. I created my MariaDB db from AWS Console but I can't see it in MariaDB client. The settings of my MariaDB db is based from my MySQL db ...
alditis's user avatar
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When installing prowler: "site-packages is not writeable" [duplicate]

I wan to install Prowler on my windows but getting following error when running command: pip install prowler Error: Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable I ...
Neha Jain's user avatar

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