I am new to ARM Cortex and facing difficulty to understand how TBB branches.

Code snippet attached:

DCB ((P0 - BrTable1)/2) 
DCB ((P1 - BrTable1)/2)

Now, my understanding is as follows:

TBB [PC,R1] will try to look for BrTable1 at PC + 4 (next instruction). Instead of PC, I can also give BrTable1 pointer here. R1 is counter and for next N cycles depending on R1 possible values, it will have cases.

Branching will happen as : PC_new = (BrTable1_pointer) + 2 * (data written at BrTable1_pointer + R1)) whereas R1 will be as a up-counter from 0 to X (For 8 bit, X = 255)

For R1 = 0, DCB ((P0 - BrTable1)/2) will

  • Branch my code to (BrTable1 + 2 * ((P0 - BrTable1)/2))
  • Branch my code to (BrTable1 + (P0 - BrTable1))
  • Branch my code to P0

Now this is as per expectation also.


Intention is to compare the value of R1 and accordingly branch.

  1. Is my understanding correct?
  2. If I want to write only 2 cases for R1 == 0 and R1 == 10 then should I write my DCB instruction at ( BrTable1 + 10 ) location or is there any method to write it in next instruction only?
  3. Do I have any control on R1?


  • Apart from the “for next N cycles” bit, which I'm not sure what it means, this seems to be correct. Though note that all of R1 is used, not just the low 8 bits. TBB is particularly useful for dense branch tables. If your table is sparse, it might be better to just use a conditional branch or two.
    – fuz
    Commented May 16 at 12:04
  • 1
    Please do not upload images of code/data/errors. Copy the code into a code block instead (see my edit of your code snippet for how to correctly format a code block).
    – paleonix
    Commented May 16 at 13:50
  • @LalitArora Always happy to help, but please do edit your question and replace your picture with code.
    – fuz
    Commented May 23 at 11:00


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