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For other uses, see Whips (Dark Souls II) and Whips (Dark Souls III).
Main article: Weapon Types

Whips are a type of weapon in Dark Souls.


Whips are rather unique weapons in that they have no blade or blunt surface to strike enemies with, which makes them very ineffectual against enemies with any kind of armor whatsoever. Against foes without armor or scales, however, they can be relatively effective. The large radius of the whip's attack makes them very good at dealing with multiple opponents, and while it is impossible to combo well with it, each separate swing does come quite quickly.

Whips are also unique in that they cannot be parried or riposted. This, along with the Notched Whip's Bleed buildup, or the Guardian Tail's Poison buildup, means that multiple attacks on foes is both safe and effective. Conversely, though, whips cannot backstab or riposte, making them less useful for players who often go for these. They are also incapable of plunging attacks.

Whips do not display the augmentation applied to the weapon when the whip is coiled in the players hand, however upon the whip's extension for an attack, the augmentation effect will appear. In terms of PvP, this allows for the user of the whip to hide the augmentation (such as Crystal Magic Weapon) until attacking their opponent. Although, in the case of the magic augmentations, the augmented whip will glow blue (innate effect of magic augmentations) while coiled in the players hand, but the blue magic 'aura' will only appear upon the whips extension. Also, when casting the Hidden Weapon sorcery, the whip will be invisible in the player's hand, but when the player attacks with it, a light aura can be seen while the animation performs. This only happen with whips.


Whips Damage Type
Auxiliary Effect
Attack Values Stat Requirements
Damage Reduction Parameter Bonus
Physical Damage Magic Damage Fire Damage Lightning Damage Critical Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith
Physical Reduction Magic Reduction Fire Reduction Lightning Reduction Stability
Wpn Guardian Tail
Guardian Tail
84 – – – 100 15 10 – –
30% 10% 20% 20% 16 – C – –
Wpn Notched Whip
Notched Whip
76 – – – 100 8 16 – –
30% 10% 20% 20% 16 – B – –
Wpn Whip
Regular 80 – – – 100 7 14 – –
30% 10% 20% 20% 16 – B – –

Whip Physical Damage Magic Damage Fire Damage Lightning Damage Critical Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith Durability Weight
Guardian Tail 84 0– 0– 0– 100 0– 3C 0– 0– 250 5.0
Notched Whip 76 0– 0– 0– 100 0– 4B 0– 0– 200 2.0
Whip 80 0– 0– 0– 100 0– 4B 0– 0– 200 1.5

Whip Physical Damage Magic Damage Fire Damage Lightning Damage Critical Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith Durability Weight
Guardian Tail +15 210 0– 0– 0– 100 0– 3C 0– 0– 250 5.0
Notched Whip +15 190 0– 0– 0– 100 0– 5A 0– 0– 200 2.0
Whip +15 200 0– 0– 0– 100 0– 5A 0– 0– 200 1.5
