Is it free to update Chrome?

Updated at: Feb 18, 2022

Yes! Google makes updates to Chrome absolutely free. It doesn't cost anything to Update Chrome, and if you find a website it that is charging you to download or update Chrome then you can be certain that it's some kind of scam.

Updating Chrome on your Computer is free

Chrome will automatically update itself every time a new version of Chrome is released. There's no cost associated with this; Chrome's auto-update tool will simply run in the background every few hours and when it finds a new version it will typically update it for you. If you've disabled that setting, or you can't wait and want to tell Chrome to check for updates right now, follow the guide here: Update Chrome.

You'll need to restart Chrome (by closing it and then opening it again) in order to apply the update. Once you do that, you'll be using the latest version of Chrome again. Using the latest version of Chrome will help keep you safe online and ensure that all the features of modern websites work properly. Find out more: Why should I update my web browser?

It goes without saying then, that it's also free to Download Chrome if you don't have it already.

Updating Chrome on Android is free

If you have an Android based Phone or Tablet, then typically it will keep Chrome updated automatically. There is also no cost for updating to the latest version.

As long as you haven't changed the default setting, Android will update Chrome when there is a new version released, provided:

  • Your device is connected to a Wi-Fi network
  • The device is plugged in and charging
  • The device is sitting idle (ie. you aren't using it at the time)
  • You aren't actually using Chrome at the time

If you'd like to manually trigger Chrome on Android to update itself, simply follow the easy to read guide: Update Chrome on Android.

Updating Chrome on iOS is free

In the same way that Google provide Chrome free of charge on Computers and Android devices, it's totally free to use and update Chrome on your iPhone and iPad.

Chrome updates are managed via the Apple App Store, and the default setting on iOS is for Chrome to update itself when new versions are released. If you've disabled that setting or want to force your phone to look for the latest version right now, you can follow the guide to updating Chrome on iPhone and iPad.