Update Chrome on iPhone & iPad

Updated at: May 28, 2024

This guide will step you through the process of updating your Google Chrome web browser on iPhones, iPads and iPods - these all run the same Operating System from Apple: called "iOS".

iOS updates Chrome automatically by default

By default; all Apps that you've installed on your iPhone or iPad will updated automatically by iOS when new updates become available. It's the default behaviour of iOS to do this; so unless you've specifically changed this setting your phone should continue to update Chrome automatically for you.

Updating Chrome on iPhone

This guide will show you how to tell iOS to find and install any available updates for Chrome.

  1. On your iPhone, tap the App Store icon

    Screenshot of the Home Screen, highlighting the Settings app icon

    You may see that the App Store has a red badge in the top-right corner: this shows how many of your Apps have updates that can be installed. (As you can see; our demo phone has quite a few!)

  2. Tap your Account button

    If you have any Apps that need updating, you will see a red badge over your Account icon, in the top-right corner of the screen. Tap on it.

    The App Store showing the Account icon with pending updates

  3. Find Google Chrome and tap Update

    You'll now see a listing of all the Apps on your iPhone that have pending updates. You may need to scroll down until you see the Chrome logo and "Google Chrome" app name.

    You'll notice the Update button next to the App Name. You'll also see the date when this version was released.

    Screenshot of tab bar along the bottom of the App Store

    Tap the blue "more" link to reveal detailed information about what the latest update includes and to decide if you want to install the update.

  4. Chrome will now be updated

    When you tap the "Update" button, the App Store will download and install the latest version of Chrome for iPhone or iPad.

    Screenshot of the App Store updating Chrome

    If you want, you can close the App Store while the update is being downloaded.

  5. Chrome is now up to date

    Once this update process is finished, you'll have the latest version of Chrome installed on your iPhone.

    When you look at the Chrome icon on your Home screen, you will notice a small blue dot next to the "Chrome" app name. This indicates that Chrome has recently been updated.

    The Chrome icon shows a small blue dot next to it

    You can also re-open the App Store and scroll right to the bottom of the list of updates and you'll see a section named Updated Recently. You'll see Google Chrome there; along with the date it was updated and a shortcut button to Open it right there.

Congratulations, you have now ensured that your copy of Chrome on your iPhone or iPad is up to date. Confirm this by using our page to check if your web browser is up to date.

We hope that helped you! Running an up to date browser is a big step in staying safe online; so well done!.

Looking for guides to update other web browsers?

Here are some guides to update other web browsers like Safari or Firefox.