
How AI is Helping Retailers Forecast Demand and Optimize Inventory Placement


Can AI give retailers and their supply chain partners the guidance they need to improve demand forecasts and inventory optimization? It’s already doing so — and generating measurable results — in a range of use cases, but much of its potential is still unexplored.

This special report identifies AI-powered solutions’ biggest benefits in this complex interlocked area, including:

  • AI’s ability to gather and coordinate data, including unstructured data, from a wider range of sources;
  • Using these data insights for other types of targeting, including better aligning advertisers retail media placements with specific audience characteristics;
  • Support for gaming out “what-if?” scenarios that allow supply chain managers to support decisions that need to be made quickly; and
  • The ability to translate trend information into action, helping retailers take advantage of opportunities in both the short and long term.

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