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About this mod

A collection of gameplay fixes, tweaks and quality of life changes.

Permissions and credits

This started out as a small collection of personal fixes for Dragon Age: Origins that hadn't been made by any other modders, released publicly by popular request from the guys at the old BSN. It's since grown in scope to be a one-stop shop for all mechanics-related fixes in the game, plus some quality of life changes, cosmetics, and mild balance tweaks without significantly altering the feel of the gameplay. Quest and dialogue fixes aren't in the scope of this pack - try Qwinn's Ultimate DAO Fixpack if you're looking for such.

This fixpack is completely modular. The CORE folder is needed for the various modules to work together (note that they don't do anything on their own until individual modules start directing events to them), but for everything else you can freely pick and choose. For a conservative approach you might want to limit yourself to only the fixes and possibly some of the lower impact tweaks.

It's designed to be as compatible with other mods as I can make it. For the most part it should work gracefully with anything that uses event manager, though there are some events where performance and/or bugfixes necessitate monopolising the event as eventmanager can cause issues with too much event redirection.

On the note of bugs, while I dogfood the mod there's always the chance of scenarios I haven't encountered which may result in anything up to and including breaking your game, all of your saves and the computer it's being run on. No warranty of any kind is included.

I've included .nss source files for anyone curious. Having these in your override folder doesn't affect the game at all.

- There's a bug with the base game where auto-pause can trigger multiple times at the start of a fight if large numbers of enemies are present. The mere existence of event overrides seem to exacerbate it, even if the events aren't being triggered. This mod makes extensive use of overrides, so it's more likely to occur. The autopause bug is fixed by the module_core override in extras, but it's a high risk of incompatibility with other mods.
- In Awakening during It Comes From Beneath, the Dark Theurge doesn't animate properly to possess the ogre commander. Like with the pauses, this seems caused by the mere existence of overrides.


Unzip the Dain's Fixes file and place the contents into Documents/BioWare/Dragon Age/packages/core/override. Any subfolder inside override works, but I'd suggest keeping them inside the Dain's Fixes folder for neatness. Optionally pick and choose whatever modules you want, but the CORE folder must remain. I strongly recommend doing this, at least for the QOL and tweak sections, as they may not all be to everyone's taste. It should work with Vortex but you'll still need to manually remove any undesired changes from the override folder.

You can drop into existing saves with no issues, though a couple of the changes - particularly around item properties and heroic attributes - won't be applied retroactively. Modal talents will typically need turning off and back on again for changes to be picked up.


The Lucky, Fast Move, Hide Weapon VFX Crusts and Telekinetic Dual Weapons modules can cause permanent changes if the mod is simply removed. If you are using them, you'll need to delete the contents of override/Dain's Fixes apart from the CORE folder, then re-save your games. The mod will detect the removal of these modules and update your game accordingly.

Once this is done, or if not using any of those 4 modules, simply delete the Dain's Fixes folder from the override directory.

If using a version prior to 4.0.0 the fixpack won't auto-detect and you'll need to take the miscellaneous file and inflate it to your override folder (or the core files from version 4.0.0) and re-save your games.


Please ensure all modules are from the same version of the mod. There are some unlisted changes to make modules work nicely with new additions; for instance using 2.8.0 DWE fix with 2.9.0 suppressing fire will break the suppressing fire talent. Other than that, simply delete the old version and replace with the new.

For mods not specifically listed here, expect this to be compatible with mods that don't change any combat mechanics, while ones that do are likely to be iffy.

These can never be compatible due to modifying the same things but expecting different outcomes.
* Combat Tweaks
* Lock Bash - fully compatible if you don't install autoloot containers or party skill lockpick QOLs (or the extra counterpart)

Only use my mod or bad things will happen

See included compatibility files under miscellaneous. The creation of a compatibility file isn't necessarily an endorsement.

Either affect wholly different things, or I've specifically accounted for them in my mod


These don't do anything on their own, but are needed for many of the changes to work together and with other mods.
* DF Options:
Defines the options table for configuring if certain mods are enabled or not in cases where they can't be appropriately separated.

* Event Manager:
Repack of Anakin55's excellent mod as per his instructions. Needed for compatibility between various event overrides and other mods that do the same.

* Effect Manager:
Similar to event manager, but specific to the apply and remove effect events. Required for performance and indirectly bug fixes (as the engine simply stops processing scripting if it takes too long, which can lead to things like cutscenes not triggering or equipment disappearing).

* Equip Manager:
More of the same. Allows graceful coordination of equip events while minimising the amount of event redirection going on.

* IOH Manager:
Coordinates Item On Hit events while minimising event redirection.

* Uninstall Checker:
Determines if modules have been uninstalled that require specific actions to avoid permanent game effects.

Fixing where game behaviour is clearly different to developer intent. If you want a conservative approach, only take these.
* Abilities apply impact threat:
Spells and talents which have impact threat associated with them now apply the threat correctly.

* Alistair restriction:
Fixes being able to give items restricted to Alistair to other followers while in camp.

* Antimagic Ward:
Now prevents secondary effects of spells as per its description. To keep in line with other spell mechanics, this only works on hostile magic.

* Arrow of Slaying:
Changed level difference scaling from binary XOR to squared. Since this generally results in huge numbers against white-ranked enemies, it instead deals their current hp in damage (i.e. instant kill).

* Attack Speed mod:
Fixed behaviour where an attack speed mod of less than -0.5 resets to normal attack speed. Most fixes change core scripts (bad for compatibility) - this caps it in character properties (.gda config file) before it reaches the engine.

* Aura stacking:
Fixes the benefits of auras (such as Rally or Rock Mastery) being applied twice after transitioning areas.

* Bad monster animations:
Fixes Greater Shades and Shriek Alphas being unable to cast Misdirection Hex and Mark of Death respectively due to lacking the appropriate animation. Also prevents a certain lategame boss from attempting to cast Misdirection Hex while in revenant form.

* Beyond the Veil:
Now provides +20% movement speed as per description.

* Chain Lightning:
Now benefits from spellpower, using the same scaling as other spells (i.e. 100 spellpower doubles damage). It also no longer bounces to the propagating target, can also continue to propagate if the bolt kills the target, and centres its AoE on the correct target when selecting enemies to bounce to.

* Chevalier Set Bonus:
Set bonus now gives +3 Willpower rather than -3.

* Combat Magic tooltip:
Upkeep now shows in the tooltip.

* Condition groups:
Fixes the ability to use multiple mutually-exclusive modals (e.g. Shale's modes, bard songs or mage weapon enchantments) if queued up.

* Conditional modals:
Fixes modals sometimes not being turned off when they should on equipment change, and turning off when replacing a weapon with an equally valid one.

* Crow Poison:
Crow Poison and the concentrated variant now correctly have a chance to stun the target with each hit.

* Crushing Prison targeting friendlies:
Allows targeting on all targets. If targeted on a friendly unit that is not affected by forcefield, nothing will happen (no animation, mana won't be deducted, no cooldown).

* Cone of Cold:
Now must pass a physical resistance check in order to freeze a target.

* Curse of Mortality:
Now prevents combat health regeneration.

* Damage Ward:
Removes all incoming threat when damage ward effect is applied (source of damage immunity for Forcefield and Strength of Stone). Game engine instead resets outgoing threat.

* Dispel and Chromatic Coatings:
Fixes Dispel Coating doing nothing and Chromatic Coating applying the dispel effect instead of elemental damage.

* DLC heartbeat:
Fixes the PC not having the periodic heartbeat event in Golems of Amgarrak and Witch Hunt. This means that the PC can't detect traps, stamina/mana regen doesn't update, and a number of my fixes that rely on the event won't work.

* DOT duration:
Fixes DOTs sometimes applying one too many or one too few ticks.

* DOT stacking:
Fixes multiple DOT heartbeats being active when refreshing DOT effects. For instance the Corrupted Spider Queen's infamous poison spit damage, or casting Walking Bomb then Virulent Walking Bomb at a target resulting in a double potency VWB.

* Dual Striking:
Fixed one of the three animations failing to apply the attack impact event and so always whiffing.

* Dual Weapon Expert:
No longer triggers on self damage, may trigger if the target already has other DoTs applied, and you must hit an enemy with an autoattack or talent that requires dual wielding or wielding melee weapons to trigger the bleed. Also corrected the damage to its intended value ([level+7] damage over [level/5 + 2] seconds, minimum 5 s).

* Dual Weapon Sweep:
Sweep occasionally misses if the target is directly in front of the caster. Fixed this.

* Earthen Grasp rank adjustment:
Fixes Earthen Grasp applying the full duration to targets of all ranks, rather than yellow and orange enemies shortening the duration.

* Fang:
Changed stats to that of the console version.

* Find Vitals:
Now applies intended benefits of +10% crit chance and +20% crit damage rather than +5% spirit damage.

* Fire and ice cancel out:
Fire DOTs now remove the paralyze effect of cold spells in addition to petrify and DOTs, and added Blizzard and Hand of Winter to the list of spells it removes. Cold DOTs (effectively only Blizzard) still remove all fire DOTs as per vanilla behaviour.

* Follower specialisation points:
Fixes followers not gaining a specialisation point at level 7 if their AI package doesn't have a specialisation. Basically a fix for Sten thoug h some others also benefit like party members in Golems of Amgarrak.

* Friendly abilities dropping stealth:
Characters are no longer dropped out of stealth when receiving friendly effects.

* Fightening Appearance buffs Threaten:
The Frightening Appearance talent now passively buffs Threaten, causing it to draw triple threat rather than double.

* Generates Cleansing Aura:
Implements effect. Aura is identical to Cleansing Aura but does not drain the wielder's mana/stamina.

* Heroic Attributes:
Fixes characters' hit rates erroneously showing 100% towards the end of the game, friendly fire counting towards total party damage, and total damage capping out at 999999 which can be reached in DLCs. These won't work retroactively however.

* Increases Hostility and Intimidation:
Implemented this item effect in line with source comments. Now increases threat by 5 per attack (like Increases Hostility) and adds an effective 10 strength when evaluating an Intimidate roll.

* Increases Monetary Gain:
Implemented this item effect in line with source comments and codex rewards. Gold from killing enemies is increased by 5% per such item held by the killer. Fully stacks with codex xp increase.

* Item set on party change:
Applies item set bonuses to characters when they are swapped into the party. Compatible with No Helmet Hack.

* Lacerate:
Currently does absolutely nothing (the game checks if the character has a modal active, not a passive ability). Fixed it to apply the intended DoT.

* Legion of the Dead heraldry:
Adds +3 all stats rather than +20.

* Life Drain:
Applied heal is now dependent on the damage the target takes: affected by target resistance and damage scale, caster spirit damage amplification and forcefield. Blood Sacrifice is likewise affected by forcefield and damage scale, and fixed the caster health cap not taking into account the 2x heal multiplier.

* Mage Chest key:
Opening the chest at ostagar no longer removes the key from your inventory. This allows you to complete the lonely deserter, and still open the chest in Return to Ostagar.

* Magebane and Soldiersbane drain:
Fixed Magebane and Soldiersbane to drain mana/stamina rather than increase it.

* Mana Cleanse:
Fixed Mana Cleanse to reduce target mana rather than increase it.

* Mighty Blow:
Now applies a 50% slow for 5 seconds, as per description.

* Monster abilities:
Fixes a slew of monster abilities that don't work quite right:
    - Abomination's triple strike now debuffs the target instead of buffing it, for the Desire and Sloth variants.
    - Arcane Horror now has cooldown applied correctly to Swarm and Restore Undead abilities
    - Broodmother charge now always deals damage and knocks down the target if the physical resistance check is failed. In vanilla these effects are applied if and only if the resistance check succeeds.
    - Canine howl now applies defense penalty correctly, and boss version applies knockdown in the correct direction.
    - Desire Demon's Cursed Dance correctly puts males to sleep and curse of mortality effect now prevents health regen. Additionally, mental resistance check is now against demon's spellpower rather than strength.
    - Desire Demon's Scream now checks resistance against spellpower rather than strength.
    - Ogre Stomp now calculates damage and checks resistance against each target, rather than itself.
    - Stalker scare icon now shows up as debuff rather than buff.

* Morale:
Implements the High Morale and Low Morale item properties. Grants the respective high morale and low morale traits, which give +2 armor, +5 defense and +3 strength, and -2 armor, -5 defense and -2 damage respectively.

* Oghren Dwarven Resistance:
Gives Oghren the Dwarven Resistance ability.

* Overpower:
Fixes Shield Mastery minimising weapon damage rolls on Overpower rather than maximising them.

* Paralysis Explosion:
Fixes Paralysis Explosion not checking for spell resistance when Glyph of Paralysis is used last.

* PC crit chance:
Fixes the player character lacking a base 3% chance to crit.

* Plus heal:
Fixes the +% heal item property having no effect.

* Poison stacking:
Applying a poison or coating will remove any existing poisons or coatings first.

* Power of Blood:
Changed the descriptions of Blood Thirst and Tainted Blade to reflect them being sustained rather than active abilities, Dark Passage to reflect it being passive, and added cooldowns to Dark Sustenance, Bloody Grasp and Blood Fury. Also fixes Bloody Grasp causing its icon to linger in the caster's status bar.

* Ranged aim speed:
Fixes Haste and Swift Salve reducing aim speed instead of increasing it.

* Reaper's Cudgel:
Changed the rewards in Origins and Awakening to use the same model as in Golems, fixed the issue where no rune slots are present, and reduced its absurd value to (presumably) what was intended.

* Reduces Hostility:
Implemented effect. Reduces character's threat to each enemy in combat by an additional 0.5*<item power> per second. Also fixes Shale's Rock Mastery modal, which will decrease threat at 4 points/second.

* Repeater Gloves:
Reduces rapid aim property from -3.0 seconds aim time to -0.3 seconds.

* Rock Barrage:
Fixes Shale's Rock Barrage having no effect.

* Rune Slots:
Fixes all items which lack rune slots but should have them, e.g. Crow Dagger.

* Rune stacking:
Fixes elemental runes double counting when equipped in a weapon with the same element.

* Scattershot:
Can now propagate if it kills the primary target on impact.

* Shale immunities:
Gives Shale the various golem immunities (which are many, but the only ones likely to be used against the party are Stun and Daze). It's present in game but given to Shale's model reference before she was moved from the base game to DLC.

* Shale quake:
Now knocks targets back as per description.

* Shattering blows:
Corrects appearance flags so that this will now apply. Additionally adds appearance flags to revenants and the Varterral.

* Shield Wall damage:
Shield Wall now reduces damage dealt by 20% as per description.

* Slow Rune duration:
Now scales with item power. Changed slow duration to (3 + power) seconds in line with other effects. Chance to proc remains at 10% (twice as likely as paralyse).

* Spirit death:
Spirits now properly deactivate abilities on death (no more permanently lingering aura of pain/captivating song), grant xp, and refill stamina if killed by a warrior with deathblows.

* Suppressing Fire:
Now only triggers on ranged attacks or talents, rather than any form of damage. E.g. tainted blade won't trigger it on yourself, and throwing an acid flask won't trigger it on enemies.

* Sweeping Strike:
Can now choose where to aim cone when already targeting an enemy.

* Telekinetic dual weapons:
Fixes telekinetic weapons applying double the armour penetration bonus when dual wielding.

* Twin Strikes:
Now applies the first hit from main hand and second hit from off hand, rather than both from main.

* Vessel of the Spirit:
Wynne must now have Aneirin's Token equipped to gain the bonus effects, rather than in inventory. Aditionally shows deactivation penalties as debuffs rather than buffs, and the tooltip no longer includes a level requirement.

* Weak Points:
Implements the on-hit effect so that this actually does something. Adds +25% damage scale over 9 seconds. Probably overpowered, but so is everything else in Awakening, and it's following as close as possible to the partial implementation.

* Weakens Nearby Darkspawn:
Implemented effect. Creates a 5 metre radius aura that applies the effects of the Aura of Weakness spell (-10 attack and defence, physical resistance check for 30% slow) to any darkspawn entering it.

Changes where it's not clear that vanilla behaviour is wrong, where things aren't implemented but it's not clear what the intent was, or simply where I think it can be done better while still maintaining a similar vision.
* Alistair's Oath:
If all wardens get an amulet made from their joining blood, how come Alistair doesn't have one? Now he does.

* Attack resolution:
This is 5 mods in one, which are unfortunately inextricably linked. You can enable/disable each by editing the dfopts_attackres.gda file with GDApp.
    - Normalises the behaviour between auto-crit (autocrit effect e.g. pinpoint strike, death hex and attacking from stealth) and never-crit (dual strike, rapid shot), with each such effect canceling an opposing one out. Vanilla behaviour with both causes non-crit rolls to convert to crits and crit rolls to convert to hits, incentivising a low crit chance.
    - Allows backstabs to land when under the effects of Misdirection Hex, if the attack threatens a critical.
    - Implements the Messy Kills item property, doubling the chance of a deathblow.
    - Calculates attack timing with Dual Striking as the average of both weapons, rather than the main hand only.
    - Removes the evasion dodge animation that interrupts the rogue.
The various talent changes are all compiled with this tweak and will respect the options gda file, defaulting to vanilla behaviour if this tweak isn't included.

* Awakening metal scaling:
Armour made from white steel and volcanic aurum has a huge fatigue penalty and minor armour bonus compared to dragonbone. This sets the scaling of the high tier metals in line with tiers 1-7.

* Blizzard disabling effects:
Existing behaviour only checks once each to slip and freeze - when entering the blizzard, and on the third (globally, not per unit) heartbeat respectively. Blizzard now has a 12.5% chance to do each of those actions on every heartbeat (75% chance of no effect). The freeze may also now allow enemies to be shattered.

* Blood Control:
If combat ends while an enemy is still charmed, the effect ends immediately and remaining DOT is dealt instantly.

* Crushing Prison disables bosses:
Crushing prison can now disable bosses. With a base duration of 9s, it's still a weaker disable than many that can already target bosses, so I see no reason why CP (and only CP) should have that exception. Contains the fix above; using both isn't needed.

* Dog inspiration:
Dog starts with a massive dexterity inspiration. This is almost classified as a fix, as it's all in the game just the dog can't gain or lose approval to trigger receiving it.

* Don't dispel 3rd party modals:
Dispel no longer removes buffs from third party sustains. For example, it won't remove Haste provided by another mage. If dispel is cast on the mage sustaining the effect, it will still be deactivated.

* Dual Striking reduces anim speed:
Makes dual striking increase animation time by +25%. Used to counterbalance the big power increase from the fix to the broken animation above. The tweak and fix are independent; use both.

* Follower scaling:
Caps autoscaling of allies to level 7. The goal is to prevent autoscale from ruining followers that join later, not to remove their build identities.

* Lucky:
Implemented the item property. Gives +1% crit chance, evasion and spell resistance per power level.

* Qunari attributes:
Qunari don't have any racial bonuses. Added +3 Str and +1 Dex as their attribute bonus.

* Random Encounter frequency:
Greatly increased the chance of the starmetal encounter, slightly increased chances of other easter egg encounters.

* Random Encounter frequency (Awakening):
Many of the awakening encounters are never able to trigger, and transit becomes a dull affair. Fixed their trigger conditions.

* Rewards from all kills:
Enemies killed by other enemies now grant xp to the party and may generate random loot.

* Shield offensive talents:
Changed shield base damage, and changed the damage calculations when shield mastery is present to be more in line with their descriptions.
Shield base damage in vanilla is hard coded as 5, with a maximum damage of 0. Instead gave shields their own damages:
Small shield: 1
Round shield: 2
Kite shield: 3
Large shield: 5

All have a damage range of 1.4 (i.e. the max damage is 1.4x the base damage, so a large shield does 5-7 damage). Damage scales with material. This is a net buff (albeit a minor one), except for small shields and low tier round shields.

Shield bash - (with shield mastery) doubles the attribute bonus, instead of adding it a second time. This increases critical damage, and changes the probability distribution of damage (two random numbers are more likely to be near the mean, rather than extremes).
Shield pummel - as with shield bash, doubled the attribute bonus on the shield hits rather than adding it a second time.
Overpower - no direct change. However, shield mastery in vanilla set it to use shield max damage (0), rather than within the damage range. This actually reduced its damage. With the modified shield damage, shield mastery now results in an increase in damage (as presumably intended).
Assault - no change.

* Silverite Asala:
Changes the material of Asala to Silverite so that it's actually a viable weapon by the time you get it.

* Spider Queen:
Fixes some cases where the Corrupted Spider Queen won't trigger web traps or summon reinforcements, and increases the damage of her Poison Spit talent by 50%. A 2x multiplier was originally implemented in game code but is commented out with the note "removed, too powerful". The DOT stacking fix applies a severe nerf to this ability however, so this tweak is to restore the vanilla difficulty of the fight.

* Uncap health regen:
Increases the health regen cap from +20 per 2s tick to +100. Mostly a big buff to the Regeneration spell and Shale's Regenerative Burst.

* Winter's Grasp freeze:
Target must now pass a physical resistance check to resist freeze, rather than it being level based (previously was 5% per level, max 95% at level 19+). Frozen targets can now be shattered.

Mostly swapping item models.
* Bergen's Honor:
Uses the winged helmet model as per its icon.

* Chasind Great Maul:
Uses the chasind crusher model rather than the generic maul.

* Staff of the Magister Lord:
Uses the twisting metal model as per its icon.

* The Edge:
Uses the crow dagger model as per its icon.

* Varathorn's Ironbark armour:
If you give Varathorn ironbark and ask for armour, he'll turn it into... silverite? Changed the material of the reward to ironbark (and increased the armour enchantment slightly so that it retains its original power).

* Warden Tower Shield:
Changed its description so that it's not an exact duplicate of Duncan's shield.

Removing or altering some things that inconvenience me. YMMV.
* Apply party buffs to new members:
Applies partywide buffs (Flaming Weapons, Frost Weapons, Haste, Telekinetic Weapons, Song of Valour, Song of Courage) to party members when they are switched in, revived or summoned.

* Autoloot containers:
Automatically loots containers when opened. Will instead open the inventory screen if inventory is full, or the container has a plot item or item which triggers an event on pickup (such as adding a codex entry).

* Autoloot kills:
Automatically loots any enemies killed by the party at the end of combat. Flashes a warning if the party's inventory is full.

* Display received items:
Displays the name of any item(s) received. The color and duration can be customised by editing the rcvitem_opts.gda file with GDApp. By default it's green and appears for 2 seconds.

* Fast move out of combat:
Increases movement speed out of combat by 50%. Note that the buff will stick around in save games if the mod is removed - resave games with the included remover to fully uninstall. The size of the increase can be adjusted by editing fastmove_speed.gda with GDApp.

* Helm of Honnleath strength requirement:
Removes the strength requirement from Helm of Honnleath. Inspiration for this was it bugging out with the No Helmet Hack on my low-strength rogues.

* Hide modal AoE VFX:
Hides the aura effect of AoE spells and talents such as Rally. Effects show for 2 seconds then are hidden. Exceptions can be added by adding the appropriate ability ID code to vfxwhitelist_aoevfx.gda with GDApp.

* Hide modal VFX:
Hides the crust VFX of modal talents. Effects show for 2 seconds then are hidden. Exceptions can be added by adding the appropriate ability ID code to vfxwhitelist_vfx.gda with GDApp. By default stealth is included as an exception.

* Hide Shale crystal VFX:
Hides flames/sparks/etc on Shale's fists when higher tier crystals are equipped.

* Hide weapon VFX crusts:
Hides the crust VFX on weapons from enchantments, both inherent/runes and applied by mages. Effects show for 2 seconds then are hidden. Stealth's crust is sadly hard-coded in the engine and can't be removed. Doesn't work for telekinetic weapons because it's special, see...

* Hide weapon VFX telekinetic:
Hides the crust VFX on telekinetic weapons. No fancy fade out here sadly, just no animation at all.

* Modal exploration irritations:
Removed the damage heartbeat from Blood Thirst, The Tainted Blade and Aura of Pain during exploration, and Berserk preventing stamina regen while exploring.

* Mute modal AoE SFX:
Mutes the "boom" sound from entering Rally's AoE, and the periodic shockwaves from Air of Insolence.

* Party skill for disarm:
When disarming traps, checks for the skill level of the most talented rogue in the party, rather than the disarming character. Also reduces the disarm time from 3 seconds to 0.1 second and removes the kneeling animation. Does not apply in combat.

* Party skill for unlock:
When unlocking doors and chests, checks for the skill level of the most talented rogue in the party, rather than the disarming character. See the "Party members unlock" extra if you want a more immersive version where the rogue unlocks it themselves.

* Quiet singing:
Removes the obnoxious war cry sound effect from Song of Valour and Song of Courage.

* Reactivate modals after combat:
Berserk, Aura of Pain and Blood Magic are reactivated when the game disables them outside of combat. Feign Death and Captivate are still left as is.

* Stealing cooldown:
Reduces the cooldown on stealing to 0.5 seconds.

* Stealing no stealth drop:
Stealing no longer drops the thief out of stealth.

* True display damage:
Shows the true average damage in the inventory screen. Bioware's calculation is incorrect and also has a rather weird fudge applied to it based on attack timings that isn't true to the actual timing calculation. By default this doesn't incorporate crits or on-hit effects in the damage calculation, but they can be enabled by editing dfopts_displaydmg.gda with GDApp.

A bunch of changes that aren't necessarily for everyone - moreso than tweaks/QOL changes. These include alternative versions to above changes, occasions where descriptions and gameplay differ but I think the description is wrong (but your opinion may differ), high conflict risk, less balanced changes, or simply ones that people might find irritating. These are installed separately - see the Extras pack and included readme. Where these are listed as alternatives I suggest removing the default version.
* Autoloot kills (conservative):
Alternative to Autoloot kills that does not loot any enemy holding a plot item or item which triggers an event on pickup.

* Blood Control damage on resist:
Now only applies damage when the target can't be charmed (due to having dialogue) or it passes the mental resistance check.

* Desire Demon Nightmare:
Makes Desire Demons prioritise casting Horror on any sleeping enemies. Only applicable if Monster abilities fix is installed, otherwise they won't be able to put anything to sleep.

* Destroyer:
Changed to proc on normal hits as well as crits, as per description.

* Dual Weapon Expert duration:
Alternative to DWE fix above that additionally sets the duration to a flat 5 seconds rather than increasing with level.

* Dual Weapon Sweep Crits:
Alternative to the Dual Weapon Sweep fix above that additionally allows Dual Weapon Sweep to score critical hits.

* Hard squash weapon vfx:
Fully removes all weapon crust vfx from abilities and items that create them. No fade out effect and may have compatibility issues. Makes both Hide weapon VFX crusts QOLs redundant.

* Item stat requirements:
Enforces minimum attribute requirements for items - if an item is equipped via temporary attributes that are then removed, the offending item(s) will be unequipped once the inventory screen is closed.

* Modcore:
module_core override. Fixes bug with autopause triggering multiple times, refreshes displayed damage when inventory screen is opened instead of having to change equipment, and prevents Berserk, Blood Magic and Aura of Pain sustains being turned off outside combat. Makes QOL -  Reactivate modals outside combat redundant. Displayed damage conforms with true display damage QOL and Show DPS in inventory extra if they are installed.

* Nature damage spells:
Changes Stonefist, Walking Bomb and Virulent Walking Bomb to deal nature damage as per their descriptions. If you want it for one but not the other, delete the abi_xxx.gda file inside this folder for the unwanted skill. E.g. if you want physical damage for Stonefist but nature for (virulent) walking bomb, delete abi_stonefist.gda.

* Party members unlock:
If the controlled character fails to unlock a door or chest and there is a capable rogue in the party, they will automatically unlock it. No attempt will be made if a key's required, the object isn't pickable, or the rogue's skill is insufficient. Remove Party skill for unlock if you want to use this as it will take precedence.

* Ranged talent aim time:
Removes the additional aim time added whenever ranged talents are used. Beware - this applies equally to enemy archers!

* Show DPS in inventory
Shows the character's DPS in the inventory screen instead of average damage. By default this includes crits but not on-hit effects, but these can be customised by editing dfopts_displaydps.gda with GDApp. Replaces QOL - True display damage.

* Tactics slots:
Significantly increases the number of tactics slots available for all characters (will need to wait until level-up to be applied to existing characters). Split into separate fixes for Origins and Awakening which must go into different folders.