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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
"Do you really wish to know?" — Spoilers from the books and/or adaptations to follow!
Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Luka was a witcher of the School of the Wolf and a friend of Vesemir and Sven.[1]


Luka met Vesemir and Sven as young boys at Kaer Morhen, where all three survived the gruesome trials and finally become witchers. It's Luka who mentions the boy Tomas together with the "Law of Surprise" to Vesemir, when the boys talk one cold night about how they came to the witchers. According to Luka, he was "dumped" by his people and he hardly believes that someone would join the witchers voluntarily. When the group of boys must venture into the Red Swamp for their training, monsters attack and young Luka is almost killed by one of them, but Vesemir stabs the creature and saves Luka's life.

Many years later as an adult, he returns to Kaer Morhen once more for the winter and finds Vesemir returning with a big pouch of money, while Luka complains that he didn't earn enough. They then joke around some with Sven, who had picked up and brought to the keep the newest group of boys to be trained and put through the trials.

Later on during the Trial of the Grasses, Vesemir gets bored and proposes they head out to a tavern for some fun. Luka joins him and the two head out and entertain some women about their tales. However, a couple knights overhear the witchers and begin to provoke the two. The provocation escalates when the knights draw weapons and Vesemir and Luka kill the knights. Despite it being self-defense, Luka and Vesemir are imprisoned. While the sorceress Tetra Gilcrest tries to convince King Dagread that this incident is enough reason to execute them, Illyana Zerbst is able to negotiate a different deal with the king.

Illyana then meets Vesemir again with the offer of the King's amnesty: if Vesemir frees Ard Carraigh's forests from the mysterious bloodthirsty creature, he'll let the two witchers go. Meanwhile Luka will stay under Lady Zerbst's protection.

However, unbeknownst to Luka, Deglan had been working in secret with Reidrich in creating new mutated creatures. Falsely believing all the witchers knew about these experiments, Dagread had Luka executed despite Illyana's protests.[1]


