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The Red Swamp is a treacherous swamp located south of Kaer Morhen. It's home to a variety of monsters including ghouls, wraiths, krallachs, and basilisks.


Due to its close proximity to the School of the Wolf and being a nesting ground for all sorts of creatures, the place is used as part of the school's witcher trials to weed out the boys who'll then be put through the mutations. Notably, in 1108,[1] Vesemir, Luka, Sven, Tomas, and the rest of the boys that were being trained at the time were sent here, with Tomas and many others being killed in the process. Sven survived but lost his left arm and Luka was almost killed by a ghoul but Vesemir managed to kill it, claiming his first monster kill. Vesemir was then chased by krallachs and fell off a cliff but survived due to luck.

In 1165 Tetra Gilcrest, wishing to find a way to wipe the witcher school and witchers from existence, lied to Kitsu and made the mutated elf believe Vesemir had destroyed her home and killed her "child". In turn, Kitsu used her unnatural powers to control monsters to seek out revenge by going to the Red Swamp and sending the monsters through portals Tetra opened up at Kaer Morhen.

