The Witcher Fanon Wikia
50px-WriterWolfMedallion.png This fan-fiction article, School of the Gyrfalcon, was written by TPatricio. Please do not edit this fiction without the writer's permission.

The School of the Gyrfalcon is a school founded in the year 1359 by Anika Marsir with the help of the few survivors of the extinct School of the Hawk. The school was founded under the premise to create a new generation of Witchers to fight the new monsters and the returning ones brought by the Second Conjunction.


The School of the Gyrfalcon arose one year after the Second Conjuntion, created by Anika Marsir, an apprentice of the teachings of Triss Merigold due to the increase in the number of monsters and the emergence of new monsters and fauna brought forward by the Second Conjunction.

This school became the first Post-Second Conjunction to be founded, followed by the foundation of the School of the Crane in 1380 and the foundation of the School of the Boar in 1393.


Early Problems (1351-1353)[]

Nilfgaardian blackmail
Before She could create her own witcher school, Anikab tried to make Kaer Nytk it's base, but, Gemmera being a puppet state of Nilfgaard, She was immediatly confronted by the requirements and conditions made by the Nilfgaardian goverment that required her to pay a fee to the government and to allow spies and other Goverment representatives to be part of the School.

Finding a New Home
Anika, obviously, rejected Nilfgaard contions and moved away from Gemmera, travelling North, gathering on the way, some rebel Gemerian Mages that were against Nilfgaardian occupation.

On her way to Kaedwen, Anika herd about the legendary and officially abandoned Kaer Morhen and travelled there, only to find that a Splinter Faction of the Wolf School made the old keep their home.

After some persuasion and after spending money buying the Keep, Anika was finally free to make a Witcher School like she envisioned, away from any interests and externeal influences.

Foundation (1359)[]

It took six years of hard work, but, in 1359, Anika and the Gemmerian mages she gathered finally officially founded their school, naming it after the biggest and strongest of all Falcons and using it's head as the symbol for the school, the equipment and the medallion that would be eventually used by their witchers.

The School of the Gyrfalcon signs off on the Witcher Reformation Act (1360)[]

In order to gain some credibility with other Witcher schools and with the populace she was vying to protect, in 1360, Anika Marsir sent word to the School of the Fox expressing their interest in reviewing and signing of the Witcher Reformation Act.

Grandmaster Adalwulf, having fought side by side with Anika Marsir during the Haak Invasion and having been formerly a witcher of the School of the Wolf, decided to personally make the journey accompanied by his sisters Eishe of Vicovaro and Arrah of Verden.

Characteristics []

Anika gathered all the survivors from the Hawk's school and took them to the school she created, where they became teachers and mentors to a whole new generation of Witchers.

To complement all the teachings of the retired Witchers, Anika has, over the course of her travels across the Old Continent, assembled former soldiers to teach the aspirants new ways of combat, as well as to better teach them how to deal with all those humans who would inevitably mistreat them.

Training Regimen[]

This led Anika, in conjunction with all the retired soldiers and all the surviving Hawk Witchers, to devise a training and teaching regime that was unique to this school, expanding its duration to twenty years and dividing it into two phases, each with ten years.
  • In the first ten years, the aspirants would learn everything they needed to learn in order to be able to travel and live peacefully among humans.
    • In these first ten years they would also learn how to fight humans and other humanoids, but first and foremost they would learn how not to do so.
    • It was in these first ten years that Anika and the other mages of the school would teach the history of the Old Continent as well as subject the apprentices to the most varied range of philosophical problems, so as to shape the minds of the students to the vision and morals upheld by the school.
  • Only the best students from the first ten years would advance to the second ten years where they would finally undergo the normal mutations, as well as unique mutations brought in by Hawk's school survivors.
    • In these ten years, the surviving witchers would teach the apprentices to hunt and kill all those kinds of monsters that do not kill only to feed and those that do not kill only to defend themselves, those, the apprentices, would learn to preserve and defend, whenever possible.
    • It was in these last ten years that Anika and the other mages would teach the apprentices alchemy, how to brew the most varied collection of potions and how to perform the magical signs that were so necessary to a Witcher.


As the founder of the first Witcher School to be created Post - Second Conjunction, Anika had the freedom to define it's moral views and political standpoints as she pleased. Her inspiration to learn magic, the late Triss Merigold was not the best example, after all, decades before, she betrayed her best friend Yennefer and tricked her lover Geralt into doing the same by sleeping with him in order to gain power and fame.

She found her answer while travelling the World and applied these ideals in the formation of the school.

  • The Gyrfalcons tend to believe that every human, elf, dwarf and halfling is born as a moral blank slate, nor good nor evil. That all villains are a product of environmental influences, such as upbringing, society, or maybe just an unlucky spot of brain damage. They don't deny that evil exists. They know it does, and regardless of their excuses, people who do bad things still have to bear full responsibility for their actions. However, since they don't believe anyone is naturally evil they believe that some spark of goodness will tend to remain within even the most black-hearted of characters and that redemption is always a possibility, although not easy to achieve. But they also know that sometimes there are people that doesn't want to be redeemed and in that case they are not forgiving and treat him or her as a true villain.

When it comes to monsters, the Gyrfalcons refuse to slay those creatures that don't actually hurt people. They are compassionate and understanding. They know that some "monsters" are just trying to survive like everybody else. If a creature doesn't kill, only kills to eat or in self-defense, the Gyrfalcon Witchers will choose to spare it's life most of the times.

Ranking System[]

Due to it's military ambient, this school has very defined rankings, each with it's own set of rules.

Witcher Initiate
The young ones brought to the school were given the rank of Initiate when they began their training. Recruited from around the Old Continent, to avoid separating children from their parents, Anika instituted the rule that ordered that only orphans were to be brought to the school.
Witcher Apprentice
After successfully passing throught the first ten years of training the Initaties that remained were given this title before continuiung their training. Those that did not complete the first years of training would not be abandoned, they would become Witcher Farmers, Witcher Medics or, even Witcher Teachers. The choice, however, was always with the student that could leave the school if He, or She, wished so.
Witcher Professional
After the last decade of training, those who survived the trials would recieve the basic equipment of the school, his hair was cutted clean by Anika, and his or her life in the path would begin.
Witcher Traveler
After spending Eight straight Years in the path, a witcher Professional would be promoted to the rank of Traveler and would recieve the enhanced equipment of the school.
Elite Witcher
Mainly concentrating on Martial training, combat and Monster hunting, Elites engaged in combat more than either of the other ranks in the school, the Elite Witchers were often seen as the absolute masters of the Swords and the Signs. Focusing all their time and effort on honing their Witcher abilities. On the majority of the cases, after 12 years in the path a Traveler Witcher would then be promoted to Elite Witcher with correspondent equipment.
Christa was the exception. The Witcheress never wanted to become a leader and always preferred to spend her year in the path, hunting, killing monsters and helping everyone She could, except those who did not deserve. This insistence to go to the field to do the work enabled her to perfect her sparring and athletic skills, as well as the art of unarmed combat. She had such prowess in the Witchering trade that Anika and the retired witchers from the hawk school presented her with the Mastercrafted set of equipment as a reward and to the other students of the Gyrfalcon School she became known as Witchering Master.
Master Witcher
Master Witcher was a rank given to wise and powerful Witchers. Reserved for those who had shown exceptional skill and devotion to The Path. A Witcher could only be awarded this position after spending, at least, 16 years in The Path.
Witcher Grand Master
There can only be one Witcher Grand Master that is voted in unity. He or She is the epitome of Witchering Trade. Grand Masters participate in the education of all potential Witchers. They were also a vital addition to the state of the Gyrfalcon school and nurturing of the future of new Witchers. These Witchers employ every method they learned in the school and in the Path to ensure the survival and prosperity of the school. This Witchers only take the most dangerous contracts and only fights the rarest of creatures.


Like it happened with other Witcher for centuries, the Gyrfalcon Witchers were also subjected to grueling mutations that changed them physically, physiologically and mentally, however, this school is known, also, for it's experimental and unique mutations.

  • Experimental Mutations: The experimental mutations this school uses are the ones the survivor Hawks brought with them, some of them it shares with other Witcher schools, but the most important ones, it keeps to themselves.
    • Female Mutations: It is traditionally accepted that females do not survive the complete mutations that would make them Witcheresses. Anika however, had the theory that if girls were mutated at a more advanced age than the boys, they would have the same survival rate as them and she had the opportunity to both test and prove this theory when she founded her own school of Witchers.



Unlike their predecessors of the School of the Hawk, the Gyrfalcons rejected the use of harpes, electing to instead return to the use of double-edged, straight swords. They employed however, what the Hawks learned and altered the profile of the blades of the swords they use.

Realizing that curved blades have a larger surface, and therefore greater cutting ability, Anika and the retired soldiers came to the conclusion that a leaf-shaped blade would be ideal for their swords, as it was the best of both worlds, providing the cutting ability of a scimitar and the stocking power of a rapier.

With the profile of the blades decided, they then delved into the size of the school's swords. A long sword would be cumbersome and restrictive, making the use of signals too difficult, but, on the other hand, a short sword would take away the Witcher's reach, putting him in too much danger. This led the leaders of the Gyrfalcon school to decide in favor of bastard swords.

This was the perfect sword for the school's Witchers, as it would allow them to fight with only one hand every time they had to perform a signal or to fire their crossbow, as well as allowing them to fight with both hands for greater reach, leverage and for more power in their blows.

And so, after more than one year of intense research, Anika and the teachers at the school decided that the Witchers wearing the Gyrfalcon Medallion would use a Leafbladed Bastard Steel Sword and a Leafbladed Bastard Silver Sword.

Steel Swords
Name Picture Rank Requirement Appearance Characteristics
Gyrfalcon Leafbladed Bastard Steel Sword Professional Witcher
A simple leafbladed bastard sword design featuring a slightly curved quillon and rather plain iron blade, a black colored grip and a pommel featuring a medallion of a Gyrfalcon head's.
This sword is made of a unit of leather straps to wrap the hilt, four iron ingots to form the blade, for the enchantments a unit of ruby dust and a vial of monster saliva, which increases the wielder ability to criticaly injure an oponent, as well as increasing the chances of causing bleeding on its target, as well as to make a witcher gain more knowledge and skill when used to fight humans and non-humans.
Gyrfalcon Enhanced Leafbladed Bastard Steel Sword Witcher Traveller
The sword's grip has been rewrapped with two units of leather straps. A fuller now runs six inches from the base of the blade. The quillons are still slightly curved like the previous model.
Using the base sword to build off of, this sword is rebuilt with two leather straps around the hilt, two Dark steel ingots from the reforged blade, and the sword has been enchanted further using a unit of ruby dust, two monster claws to increase the wielder's ability to gain adrenline for advanced witcher sword techniques and two vials of monster saliva for an increased chance of causing bleeding on its target and to make a witcher gain more knowledge and skill when used to fight humans and non-humans.
Gyrfalcon Superior Leafbladed Bastard Steel Sword Elite Witcher
The sword features a rewrapped leather grip made of two units of leather scraps on the hilt. The quillons are the same shape as its previous incarnation. The blade now features a bloodgrove 4/5ths from the crossguard up while maintaining the same Leafbladed profile as the other models.
Using the enhanced sword to build off of, this swords blade is once again melted and three more dark steel ingots are added to the metal then reforged into the blade which is further reinforced and enchanted with the addition of a ruby, a monster tooth and two monster claws to further increase the chance to criticaly injure an oponent, as well as increasing the chances of causing bleeding and dismember its target, as well as to make a witcher gain more knowledge and skill when used to fight humans and non-humans.
Gyrfalcon Mastercrafted Leafbladed Bastard Steel Sword Master Witcher
The sword continues to feature a picth black grip. The blade now features a fuller which featured runes 7/8ths of the way up the sword. The slightly curved quillons are now more twisted in pattern.
This sword's metal composite has been reinforced with the addition of two dimertium ingots, its hilt is wrapped with two units of leather scraps, for the enchantments the use of a flawless ruby, a ruby, a monster bone, and a monster's brain to increase the chance to pierce the armor of oponents, to further increase the chance to criticaly injure an oponent, as well as increasing the chances of causing bleeding and dismember its target, as well as to make a witcher gain more knowledge and skill when used to fight humans and non-humans.
Gyrfalcon Grandmaster Leafbladed Bastard Steel Sword Grandmaster Witcher
The blade is etched with runes of power 5/6ths up the blade. The quillions take on a curved thin shape which are squared off at the ends. The pommel features a medallion with a Gyrfalcon head design.
This sword has been reinforced with the addition of incredibly two rare and expensive enriched dimeritium ingots to the metal, for the enchantments a sapphire, a unit of monster blood, a vial of monster saliva and a monster brain to increase the chance to pierce the armor of oponents, to further increase the chance to criticaly injure an oponent, as well as increasing the chances of causing bleeding and dismember its target, as well as to make a witcher gain more knowledge and skill when used to fight humans and non-humans.

Silver Swords
Name Picture Rank Requirement Appearance Characteristics
Gyrfalcon Leafbladed Bastard Silver Sword Professional Witcher
A simple leafbladed bastard sword design featuring a slightly curved quillon and rather plain Dark steel blade, a black colored grip and a pommel featuring a medallion of a Gyrfalcon head's.
This sword is made out of two straps of leather, two silver ingots, a unit of ruby dust and a singular monster eye, it was enchanted to slightly give a specific increase in the intensity of Earth based magical signs, increases the chances of causing bleeding on its target by way of deeper cuts and to make a witcher gain more knowledge and skill when used to fight monsters.
Gyrfalcon Enhanced Leafbladed Bastard Silver Sword Witcher Traveller
The sword is similar in appear to its base form its grip has been rewrapped with two units of leather straps and a fuller now runs six inches from the base of the blade.
Using the base sword to build off of, this sword is rebuilt with two leather straps around the hilt, two Meteorite silver ingots from the reforged blade, and the sword has been enchanted further using a unit of ruby dust, a lock of monster hair to further increase the intensity of the the witcher's signs especially the Quen sign and a monster tongue for a chance of causing bleeding on its target and a monster's tongue, as well as increasing chances of causing bleeding on its target and to make a witcher gain more knowledge and skill when used to fight monsters.
Gyrfalcon Superior Leafbladed Bastard Silver Sword Elite Witcher
The sword features a rewrapped leather grip made of two units of leather scraps on the hilt. The quillons are the same shape as its previous incarnation. The blade now features a bloodgrove 4/5ths from the crossguard up while maintaining the same Leafbladed profile as the other models.
Using the enhanced sword to build off of, this swords blade is once again melted and an dimertium ingot is added to the metal then reforged into the blade which is further reinforced and enchanted with the addition of a ruby, a monster heart, to further increase the intensity of the the witcher's signs especially the Quen sign, and to give a specific increase in the intensity of Earth based magical signs, increases the chances of causing bleeding on its target by way of deeper cuts and to make a witcher gain more knowledge and skill when used to fight monsters.
Gyrfalcon Mastercrafted Leafbladed Bastard Silver Sword Master Witcher
The sword continues to feature a picth black grip. The blade now features a fuller which featured runes 7/8ths of the way up the sword. The slightly curved quillons are now more twisted in pattern.
This sword's metal composite has been reinforced with the addition of two more dimertium ingots, its hilt is wrapped with a single unit of cured leather, for the enchantments the use of a flawless ruby, a ruby, a unit of powder monster tissue and a single monster brain to slightly increase the intensity of the the witcher's signs especially the Quen sign, to increase the chance to pierce the armor of oponents, to further increase the chance to criticaly injure an oponent, as well as increasing the chances of causing bleeding and dismember its target, as well as to make a witcher gain more knowledge and skill when used to fight monsters.
Gyrfalcon Grandmaster Leafbladed Bastard Silver Sword Grandmaster Witcher
The blade is etched with runes of power 5/6ths up the blade. The quillions take on a curved thin shape which are squared off at the ends. The pommel features a medallion with a Gyrfalcon head design.
This sword has been reinforced with the addition of incredibly two rare and expensive enriched dimeritium ingots to the metal, for the enchantments a sapphire, a monster tooth, a vial of monster blood and a lock of monster hair to increase the intensity of the the witcher's signs especially the Quen sign, to increase the chance to pierce the armor of oponents, to further increase the chance to criticaly injure an oponent, as well as increasing the chances of causing bleeding and dismember its target, as well as to make a witcher gain more knowledge and skill when used to fight monsters.


Combining elements of both the predecessor's school and of soldiers armors, a new lightweight armor was created. Wearing the Gyrfalcon School Armor is required of the shcool's witchers, not only to show from which school they are, but because the smiths of the school are far better and have better tools than most of the smiths throughout the Old Continent

Witcher Professional level gear features
Coverage Picture Description
A white cotton, long sleeved padded jacket with a leather cuirass over it, a leather spaulder covered by a three-way leather baldric to carry a sword over their less dominant shoulder and a single belt around their hips with a pouch to carry their potions in.
Their gloves are fingerless except for the thumb, index and middle finger, the knuckle section is padded with hard leather which leads into a leather backed studded section that connects to leather bracers tightened with a two leather belts.
The gear features a pair of linen trousers with a strip of leather that runs down the the outside thigh. Leather kneecaps protect the Witcher's knees are connected to Knee-High leather boots which feature many belts complete the outfit.

Witcher Traveller level gear features
Coverage Picture Description
A white cotton, long sleeved padded jacket with a leather cuirass over it a set of newly added studs, a darker leather spaulder that the initial gear covered by a three-way leather baldric to carry a sword over their less dominant shoulder and a double set of belts around their hips with pouches to carry their potions in.
Their gloves are fingerless except for the thumb, index and middle finger, the knuckle section is padded with hard leather which leads into a leather backed studded section that connects to leather bracers tightened with a two leather belts.
The gear features a pair of linen trousers with a strip of leather that runs down the the outside thigh. Leather kneecaps protect the Witcher's knees are connected to Knee-High leather boots which feature many belts complete the outfit.

Elite Witcher level gear features
Coverage Picture Description
A white cotton, long sleeved, high neck, padded jacket with a Meteorite steel cuirass over it, a leather spaulder covered by a three-way leather baldric to carry a sword over their less dominant shoulder and a single plated belt draped around their hips with pouches to carry their potions in.
Their gloves are fingerless except for the thumb, index and middle finger, the knuckle section is padded with hard leather with newly added studs, which leads into a leather bracer over the right forearm and a metal bracer tightened with a two leather belts, over the left one.
The gear features a pair of padded trousers. Leather kneecaps protect the Witcher's knees and are connected to a pair of Knee-High leather boots. A single strip of metal is strapped around the front of the boot.

Master and Grandmaster Witcher level gear features
Coverage Picture Description
A white cotton, long sleeved, high neck, padded jacket with a Meteorite steel cuirass over it and with full chainmail sleeves. Two leather plate covered spaulders connected to a three-way leather baldric to carry a sword over their less dominant shoulder and a double set of plated belts draped around their hips with pouches to carry their potions in.
Their gloves are fingerless except for the thumb, index and middle finger, the knuckle section is padded with hard leather with newly added studs, which leads into a leather bracer over the right forearm and a metal bracer tightened with a two leather belts, over the left one.
The gear features a pair of padded trousers. Leather kneecaps protect the Witcher's knees and are connected to a pair of Knee-High leather boots. A single strip of metal is strapped around the front of the boot.


Taking the research and diagrams that the survivors of the Hawk School had and using the Zerrikanian Crossbow as a base. the Gyrfalcons developed the Falcon's Dive Crossbow wich could fire a single projectile each time or could, with a crank and sprockets, be changed to fire multiple projectiles in rapid succession. And when it was not being used it could also be folded to fit in smaller holters.

  • Guns
    • The Gyrfalcon school does not believe in the constant use of Guns, believeing that the Witcher Signs are more effective than any gun, and as such, they did not adopt them to the same extent as the School of the Crane. Using them just to make flying monsters land, nothing more.

Combat Style[]

Hand to Hand Martial Art[]

With Anika's authorization, the ex-witchers and the retired soldiers developed an unarmed martial art for the school, for moments and circumstances when the school's witchers are unable to unsheath their swords or use their magical signs and after more than two years of trial and error, they finaly created the Martial Art they were looking for.

The ex-soldiers and ex-witchers developed this new style inspired by their unwanted and unexpected fights in the streets of the cities around the Old Continent, so, this new unarmed fighting style focused on real-world situations and became known for it's extreme eficiency.

It has a philosophy emphasizing aggression and simultaneous defensive and offensive maneuvers and from the outset, the original concept of this new style was to take the most effective and practical techniques of other fighting styles around and make them rapidly teachable to witchers.

At the image of the Martial Art itself, they gave it the name:

  • Dean Teagmhail le Comhrac - Contact Combat.

Swordfighting Martial Art[]

The swordfighting martial art taught by the Gyrfalcon School is completely unique and altogether different from the fighting styles of all the other Witcher Schools that came before and afterward.

While all the other Witchers seem to dance and sway when they fight, performing expansive and flamboyant movements, the Gyrfalcons are different.

As is the case with all Witchers, Falcons perform both simple and complex movements, yet they are taught to be extremely effective and highly efficient. They are taught not to waste time on senseless moves, useless feints and mindless flourishes that do nothing to help them in a fight.

Gyrfalcons are taught by the retired soldiers that train them, that the only goal in a swordfight is to cut, cut the oponent without haste, be quick and objective in the achievement of that goal. Only defeating the enemy matters, all else are distractions and could cause the death of the witcher or of the someone he or she are helping.

This style of sword fighting was so complex that when Adalwulf of Aedirn visited Kaer Okleddol at the time the Gyrfalcon School signed his Witchering Trade Reforms he recognised it as one of, if not the most effective style of fighting in the Old Continent.

And so, the Gyrfalcon School singular and exclusive style was created and Anika named it:

  • An Blath Cath - The Flower of Battle


The Gyrfalcons use all the signs known to the rest of the witchers, however they also inherited the signs that the Hawk school created with the help of Gemmerian mages and that the survivors brought to the school. Between these signs was a variant of Aard that made the air around the witcher thineer wich allowed the witcher to move faster than his/her oponent.



Import of knowledge from the survivors and recipes from the School of the Hawk, afforded the witchers of the school of the Gyrfalcon, the ability to create never seen before potions such as:

  • Cyflymder is a potion that increases the witcher speed for a duration of two hours.
  • Ymwrthedd When drank, this potion increases the witcher's stamina for fourty minutes.
  • Hebflino For a duration of half an hour this potion stops the witcher to ever tire.
  • Falcon Eyes An improved version of the Cat potion that grants 25% more night vision and distance than the cat does.


Like all witchers, they use bombs to kill certain monsters, further developments in bomb technology were brought to them from the Hawk survivors, so they got ahold of bombs never used by other witchers before, improving their monster hunting capabilities.

Sustenance of the School[]

When Anika founded the Gyrfalcon school, the sorceress was careful to ensure that her school was completely autonomous, self-sustained and self-governing. Uninfluencable by external forces and interests.

She created rules that ensured the equal distribution of all winnings earned from contracts and monster hunts among all the members of the school.

This way she made sure that all the witchers would be capable of surviving the year round in the Path, and that at the end of each year they would have a well maintained, healthy and thriving school to return to.

This rule is the reason why this school does not depend or requires the approval of any kingdom or nation, not even Kaedwen, as the school owns the keep formerly known as Kaer Morhen.

Horse Breeding[]

Another way, Anika found to garantee a steady sustenance for her school was to invest in horse breeding. Anika chose four healthy Portiwgaleg Mares and four healthy Portiwgaleg stallions, including Christa's Horse to Kaer Okleddol, so she could breed them under official authorization from the Cidarian Crown.

This deal with the Cidarian Crown allowed the Gyrfalcon School to breed and sell the horses they created, as long as the animals were inside the Cidarians parameters and as long as the school gave half of the earnings to the crown.

With the money the School made from this business, the pendulum was restored and improved, and all the amenities that were left abandoned and unused were rebuilt and workers were hired to used them.

All the money that the school made afterwards and that was not used in any way was stashed in the, reinforced with Magic, Vault hidden away in the secret basement of the castle.

From the moment the school were able to breed enough horses, each witcher would recieve a horse in their graduation, alongside all other rewards.

Known Members []

Founder and Leader of the School[]

Name Portrait Race Nationality Term of Service Fate
Anika Marsir Anika Marsir Human Koviri 1359-???? Active Service

School Mages[]

Throughout her journeys, Anike gathered a restrict group of mages and Sorceresses that, alongside the Gemerian Mages that had survived the Hawk School demise, helped her achieve her ojective of creating a Witcher School and then joined her as Mages, Teachers, Scientists and sometimes as Diplomats.
Name Portrait Race Nationality Term of Service Fate
Husald Husald Human Gemerian 1359-???? Active Service
Thughua 21d38f3fa9dc445aa3c9d0b0b910bcd3 Half-Elf Nilfgaardian 1360-???? Active Service
Erlaes Erlaes Elf Aen Seidhe 1359-???? Active Service
Ieghae 714e5a6ef4f14ba4994830e7b378cbf0 Human Temerian 1359-1400? Status unknown ∅
Siabhonn D7931383f98146b69118da763bd2608e Merpeople
Sea Witch
Great Sea Civilization 1388-???? Active Service

Retired Soldiers[]

To improve the apprentices training, Anika gathered some retired soldiers from across the Continent and Skellige and brought them to Kaer Okleddol to become swordplay, combat and war trainers, some of these retired soldiers came from as far as the Far East.
Name Portrait Race Nationality Term of Service Fate
Driscedos Driscedos Human Temerian 1359-???? (As a Witcher Trainer) Retired as Soldier
Active as Trainer
Omori Ryu Omori Ryu Human Okamese 1359-???? (As a Witcher Trainer) Retired as Soldier
Active as Trainer
Ridlol Ridlol Human Koviri 1359-???? (As a Witcher Trainer) Retired as Soldier
Active as Trainer
Hydalrey Hydalrey Human Aedirnian 1359-???? (As a Witcher Trainer) Retired as Soldier
Active as Trainer
Cerbat Edigg Cerbat Edigg Human Cintran 1359-???? (As a Witcher Trainer) Retired as Soldier
Active as Trainer
Crogrod Crogrod Human Kaedwenian 1359-???? (As a Witcher Trainer) Retired as Soldier
Active as Trainer
Redonerd Redonerd Human Lyrian 1359-???? (As a Witcher Trainer) Retired as Soldier
Active as Trainer
Einof an Craite Einof an Craite Human Skelliger
Clan an Craite
1359-???? (As a Witcher Trainer) Retired as Soldier
Active as Trainer
Tarter Kraros Tarter Kraros Human Rivian 1359-???? (As a Witcher Trainer) Retired as Soldier
Active as Trainer
Koindad Koindad Human Verdenian 1359-???? (As a Witcher Trainer) Retired as Soldier
Active as Trainer

Hawk School Survivors[]

As a successor of the Hawk School the Gyrfalcon received some of it's survivor Witchers that it then employed as trainers improving on the training the retired soldiers provided to the aspiring witchers.
Name Portrait Race Nationality Term of Service Fate
Cornelius of Assengard Cornelius of Assengard Witcher Assengard 1359-???? (As a Witcher Trainer) Retired as Witcher
Active as Trainer
Emil of Cintra Emil of Cintra Witcher Cintrian 1359-1362 (As a Witcher Trainer) Deceased †
Eirvuzeed Eirvuzeed Witcher Zerrikanian 1359-???? (As a Witcher Trainer) Retired as Witcher
Active as Trainer
Neilwunhealt Neilwunhealt Witcher Nilfgaardian 1359-1372 (As a Witcher Trainer) Deceased †
Kruacielt Kruacielt Witcher Lyrian 1359-???? (As a Witcher Trainer) Retired as Witcher
Active as Trainer
Iestyn Glace Iestyn Glace Witcher Kaedwenian 1359-1372? (As a Witcher Trainer) Status unknown ∅


Master Witchers[]

Name Portrait Race Nationality Term of Service Fate
Naishen Naishen Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Cidarian 1383-1391
Active Service
Pizmetac Yldword Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Temerian 1383-???? Active Service
Honorary Master Witcher[]
During her long years of service to the school, Christa never accepted a promotion, preferring to continue her life on the path, however, wanting to award her for all the years on the road, Anika and all the trainers granted her the honorary title, also awarding her the correspondent equipment.
Name Portrait Race Nationality Term of Service Fate
Christa Christa Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Cidarian 1383-???? Active Service

Elite Witchers[]

Name Portrait Race Nationality Term of Service Fate
Hravrand Hravrand Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Cidarian 1383-???? Active Service
Mirdreh Mirdreh Elf (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Aen Ghele 1383-???? Active Service
Xofarr Xofarr Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Soddener 1383-???? Active Service
Watsuji Aneko Watsuji Aneko Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Okamese 1383-???? Active Service
Yashiro Naganori Yashiro Naganori Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Okamese 1383-???? Active Service

Witcher Travellers[]

Name Picture Race Nationality Term of Service Fate
Chosri Chosri Elf (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Aen Manche 1383-???? Active Service
Edrirot Edrirot Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Aedirnian 1403-???? Active Service
Vellerre Vellerre Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Cidarian 1403-???? Active Service
Deingro Deingro Elf (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Aen Teg 1403-???? Active Service
Morikawa Morikawa Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Okamese 1403-???? Active Service
frameless |200x200px Kaikara De Klerk Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Zangvebarian 1403-???? Active Service

Witcher Professionals[]

Name Picture Race Nationality Term of Service Fate
Neeltje Neeltje Elf (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Aen Woedde 1403-???? Active Service
Shadmehr Shadmehr Mehrnia Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Zerrikanian 1383-???? Active Service
Zeshefie Zeshefie Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Redanian 1403-???? Active Service
Ujjalwant Ujjalwant Nischal Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Ofir 1403-???? Active Service
Hanneleen Hanneleen Schmidt Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Zangvebarian 1423-???? Active Service
Phùng Kiên Bình Phùng Kiên Bình Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Buyanese 1423-???? Active Service
Witchers in-Training[]
Name Picture Race Nationality Term of Service Fate
Aslivy Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Cintran Actively Training
Olurend Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Aedirnian Actively Training
Ogrelrag Half-Elf (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Cidarian Actively Training
Sezonthi Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Cintran Actively Training
Sezonthi Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Cintran Actively Training
Sezonthi Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Cintran Actively Training
Sezonthi Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Cintran Actively Training
Sezonthi Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Cintran Actively Training
Sezonthi Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Cintran Actively Training
Sezonthi Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Cintran Actively Training

Retired Witchers[]
Name Picture Race Nationality Term of Service Fate
Corentin Corentin Half-Elf (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Nilfgaardian 1383-1408 (As a Witcher)
1408-???? (As a Diplomat)
Retired as a Witcher
Active as a Diplomat
Liadi Liadi1 Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Nilfgaardian 1394-1408 Retired
Deceased Witchers[]
Name Picture Race Nationality Term of Service Cause of Death
Escond Escond Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Gemeria 1403-1453
Adinda Adinda Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Lyrian 1403-1413
Gervulint Gervulint Half-Elf (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Oidrizik Oidrizik Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Witchers with Unknown Status[]
Name Picture Race Nationality Term of Service
Elolreg Elolreg Half Elf (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Nilfgaardian 1403-1453?
Darsald Darsald Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Ofir 1388-1415?
Sarih Sarih Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)
Hengforsian 1383-1403?
Methlys Human (Previously)
Witcher (Currently)

School Diplomats[]

  • Corentin [The Retired Witcher became the school's envoy for the Aen Ghele after his marriage to Soerli]

School Spymaster[]

The resident master-in-charge of coordinating the school's spying efforts abroad

  • Ferdinand Hooren [The Redaninan born master of spies for the School of the Gyrfalcon.]

School Librarian/Loremaster and staff[]

The resident scholar-in-charge of maintaining the School's library and acquiring new relevant knowledge.

  • Erno Of Kaedwen [Kaedwenian Scholar that joined the school.]
    • Nabrezit [A young Verdenian that serves as Jalest's assistant both at the library and during his lessons.]

Recruitment and Retrieval Squads[]

Squads that were sent out into the world at times to acquire orphans, to go through the conversion process. They would also recruit for the School such as mages, smiths and associates. They would usually go out with the other witchers come spring, returning after they got all the marks they intended.
  • Former Witcher
    • Cornelius of Assengard
  • Retired Soldier
    • Omori Ryu
  • Mages


  • Yourtard Ornal [Dwarf]
  • Rosamunda Farheimer [Halfling]


Responsible for the creation and sale of Witcher gear and swords usually exclusively to members of the school and (sometimes) to approved members of other schools.
  • Frittidr an Tordarroch [A Grandmaster level Skelliger Weaponsmith and runic inscriptionist that works to create most of the School's Witchers weapons.
    • Rhamana Zoleigge [One of Frittidr's apprentices, this Dwarf was the first apprentice to be recruited by Him.]
    • Zulfrin Gotthoff [One of Frittidr's apprentices, this Gnome was the second apprentices to be recruited by Him.]
    • Youride Kraibrenn [One of Frittidr's apprentices, this Temerian was the third apprentice to be recruited by Him.]
  • Motelven Of Cidaris [A Grandmaster level Cidarian Armorsmith that works to create most of of the School's Witchers Armors.
    • Yundruc Of Riverside [One of Motelven's apprentices, this Redanian was the first apprentice to be recruited by Him.]
    • Svigrot Of Daevon [One of Motelven's apprentices, this Kaedwenian was the second apprentice to be recruited by Him.]
    • Eilririns [One of Motelven's apprentices, this Verdenian was the third apprentice to be recruited by Him.]


Adalwulf of Aedirn Caa3379b44eb4f839761f8b7681eb249
Putnam Pitch Putnam Pitch ( Circa, 1490 )

Gemerian Mages
These Mages were part of and allies of the Hawk School and their alliance extended to the Gyrfalcon School, helping the new school develop and eventually thrive.

Human Kingdoms
Cidaris COA Cidaris1
The relation between the Gyrfalcon School and the Cidarians became closer after Anika's school became am official sanctuary of Cidaris saddle horse and closer it became after one the members of this school, Christa became involved in the Second Cidarian Civil War.
Nemet COA Saskia
This relation owes its existence to Corentin's new position as ambassador in the Far North.
Thanks to the retired witcher efforts, the Gyrfalcon School established solid relations with this Far North state, which became a kind of official refuge every time a contract made a Gyrfalcon Witcher travel Far North.
Skellige COA Skellige
Like many other Witcher Schools, the Gyrfalcon School and several clans of Skellige became allies, either granting protection during the journey to the islands, either by providing lodging in their castles, either by joining the Gyrfalcons in their contracts.
Of course that the fact that Geralt of Rivia helped Cerys lift a curse and secure the throne, helped all other schools, including the Gryfalcon School make an alliance with the islands and earned good will between the islanders and several witcher schools.

Skelliger Clans
Clan an Craite COA an Craite
Clan an Craite have always been friends and supportive of witcher and of the Witchering Class and that only increased after Geralt of Rivia helped Cerys an Craite lift a curse, put an end to Birna Bran's ploy to place her son on the throne and forge an alliance with Nilfgaard, which eventually convinced most of the other clans to support Cerys move to become the first ever Queen of Skellige.
Clan Tordarroch COA Tordarroch
The alliance between this clan and the Witchers of the School of Gyrfalcon and with other witchers is not as famous as the one with Clan an Craite but it is as important, if not more important.
As this is a clan renown for it's smiths, most witcher schools in the continent count on their work to forge new weapons and armors to keep their members alive in The Path
Clan Tuirseach COA Tuirseach
This is the most fragile of all alliances between the clans and the School of the Gerifalte Falcon, as two of the clan's most prominent members, Birna Bran and her son, perpetrated a plan that could have jeopardised Skellige's independence and Anika does not forgive such a situation so easily.
Witcher Schools
School of the Fox Book! School of the Fox Medallion
The relation with the Fox School comes mostly because of everything Adalwulf of Aedirn made for his fellow Witchers and for the Witchering trade.
The two schools maintain a formal relationship and view each other as allies, as this is one of the schools that signed off on The Witcher Reformation Act.
School of the Dragon School of the Dragon Book! Medallion
After Christa and Anika Marsir made contact with some Dragon Witchers and with their moral code in the Far East, during one of their travels, the relation between the two schools grew to become one of true admiration, respect and camaraderie.
School of the Owl FT0fnKE
Up until the moment Corentin became the Gyrfalcon School's ambassador to the Far North, the two schools never had any formal contact, even thought both schools were aware of each other.
Since their first contact the two schools maintain a respectful and close friendship.
The consequent contacts made by Christa and later by other witchers of the School of the Gyrfalcon have only served to tighten the relations of both schools to the point where the School of the Owl is one of the few schools with whom the Gyrfalcons have shared their bestiary and a limited number of their most exclusive and advanced mutations.
School of the Crane Tumblr 17646c589b382b3967b85e1c425fbe05 ccc787e8 500
This two schools don't maintain any formal relation but view each other as allies.
School of the Lynx Db7kaoy-6fee958b-7385-41bf-8433-5c6a8b8cec77.octet-stream
As this school is an attempt to make the Cat school better, they have the Gyrfalcons respect.
School of the Boar SchooloftheBoar
Their close relation comes from the fact that both are some of the first Witcher schools to be founded after the Second Conjunction.


Skelliger Druids
The Gyrfalcons don't agree with their world views and don't understand their religion but don't hostilize them, always treating them with respect and some deference as both do everything to defend the natural order and are united in their will to end the monsters and creatures brought forward by the Conjunctions.

Witcher Schools
School of the Viper
The Gyrfalcons don't agree with their methods and don't have any kind of relation with them, but they also don't hostilize the Viper Witchers because they understand that sometimes killing a king is the lesser evil.


Human Kingdoms
Nilfgaardian Empire COA Nilfgaard
Redania COA Redania

Skelliger Clans
Clan Brokvar COA Brokvar
Clan Dimun COA Dimun
Clan Drummond COA Drummond


  • The Hand-to-Hand Martial Art used by this Witcher School is based on the real life Martial Art created, trained and Employed in combat by the Israeli Armed Forces; Krav Magá
  • The Swordfighting Martial Art used by this school is based on the 14th Century writings Fior di Battaglia gathered and writen by Fiore dei Liberi, somewhere before 1409
  • The school's beliefs regarding humans, dwarves, elves and halflings are the Witcher Universe equivalent to Rousseau Was Right.
  • Many people compare the School of the Gyrfalcon with the Crane School as both are the biggest post Second Conjunction Schools to defend the Old Continent and the Western Continent, respectively, even though their Witchers almost never cross paths.
  • Throughout its history, this school has endeavoured to be equalitarian in every single way, constantly striving to recruit the same number of men and women which makes this school extremely progressive for the time.
  • Determined to put an end to the Law of Surprise once and for all, the leader and founder of the school, Anika Marsir, refuses to accept children that were taken away from their parents or other relatives. Simultaneously, she instituted the rule that only allows the recruitment of boys and girls who are orphans and have no family left at all.
  • Due to the extinction of most of the witcher schools on the Continent, the Gyrfalcon School became one, encompassing other territories beyond the Northern Kingdoms and Nilfgaard in the Old Continent. Something that the reconstructed surviving schools would imitate later on.


  • The School of the Gyrfalcon is a pure fanon creation as such there is no official proof of its existence in the Witcher works outside the fanon community.