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The Black Cat and Dog

A demon is a term used for mysterious beings invoked from other planes. They can take their own form or possess a body of animal or members of the intelligent races. People and animals possessed by demons are known as energumens. It would appear as though demons are not a single race but a catch-all term for creatures of a similar nature, as they are extremely different.

An art of summoning demons is called goetia and is banned by both clergy and Brotherhood of Sorcerers.[1]

In some parts of the known universe, demons are believed to be minions to the god Yrrhedes.[2] In Redania, some speculate that Gaunter O'Dimm, or Master Mirror, is an incomprehensibly powerful demon.[3]

Known demons[]



  1. Season of Storms
  2. Oko Yrrhedesa
  3. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone expansion
  4. In Gwent: The Witcher Card Game his card tag was changed from "relict" to "demon" in a later patch, but nothing else confirms if he's a demon in the lore