I'm writing several separate equations using

equations in here

equations in here

equations in here

Each equation is long and has a series of steps involved. I have aligned each step within each equation so that each equation looks "professional". The problem when doing this is that some of the equations, themselves, start in different places depending on their length in the document. Some start a little to the left, some a little more to the right. Is there a way to align separate equations? I tried surrounding the equations with align*but each equation stays the same. I just want each separate equation lined up say to the left for example. Is this possible?

  • Welcome to TeX.SE! Did you also use the & sign within align* to specify which part should be aligned? If it still does not work, please provide a MWE showing the error.
    – anderstood
    Commented Feb 2, 2015 at 4:06

1 Answer 1


It is possible, for example, with the flalign* environment. Just surround each equation with &...&.




\noindent These are my equations




enter image description here

Each equations can be inserted in a separated flalign*, if you want



\noindent These are my equations






enter image description here

As barbara beeton notices in the below comment, the spacing between consecutive flaligns is too large. To avoid that, you can redefine locally the lengths \abovedisplayskip and \belowdisplayskip, as in the following example:


\noindent These are my equations






enter image description here

  • unfortunately, the vertical space between the separate flalign* "groups" is too large. i'll provide an alternate when i can get back to my workstation at the office. (too much snow to travel just now.) Commented Feb 2, 2015 at 14:35

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