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Are Knuth's fonts searchable in pdf yet?


Donald Knuth at the Desktop Publishing Pioneers meeting laments that converting to pdf using his fonts yields pdf files without searchable text. Is this fixed yet?

2 Answers


Type 3 fonts can be given encoding vectors as of the pdftex in the 2018 release, thanks to Pali Rohar.


The fix for this would be for Latin Modern to be updated to match the preferred shapes, and to use it in an up-to-date TeX variant such as xe(la)tex or lua(la)tex.

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Are Knuth's fonts searchable in pdf yet?


Donald Knuth at the Desktop Publishing Pioneers meeting laments that converting to pdf using his fonts yields pdf files without searchable text. Is this fixed yet?

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Type 3 fonts can be given encoding vectors as of the pdftex in the 2018 release, thanks to Pali Rohar.


Will, Latin Modern is simply not a replacement for Computer Modern. We extensively looked into the idea of using LM pfbs (to get the improvements) with CM tfms, but there are just a few discrepancies in the metrics, mostly relating to accent positioning. But any discrepancies at all are too many, and Jacko did not want to change LM. (Even less so at this late date, I'm sure.) So bluesky pfbs remain the only usable set. <paragraph no idea how to do that> as for xetex and luatex, they are nothing like drop-in replacements for pdftex, let alone knuthian tex, so they aren't the answer here either. - Karl Berry May 26, 2019 at 22:45

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