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Strike The Blood Wiki

Yume Eguchi (江口 結瞳(えぐち ゆめ) Eguchi Yume) is a Succubus; the vessel of Lilith who is the world's strongest Succubus. As such, she became the key to awakening and controlling the Leviathan. She took a liking to Kojou Akatsuki and has since seriously pursued her dream of marrying him. Following the events on Blue Elysium, she now resides in Itogami Island with Kazuma Yaze as her legal guardian. She also has been recommended for a scholarship and has since been enrolled at Tensou Academy.


Yume has a petite body. She has short purple hair that reaches to her shoulders that has ends that outwardly tilt and dark blue eyes. She is seemingly always wearing a black headband with two ribbon-shaped symbols on each its side with her blue dress. When she is as Lilith, she grows a dark purple tail that ends with a reversed heart-shaped symbol, and when needed, she grows a pair of dark purple wings that have purple horns. After enrolling to Tensou Academy, she has come to often wear the Academy's uniform which consists of a sailor cap with a white one-piece sailor suit.

At the beginning of the story, Yume was wearing a blue two-piece swimsuit with a loose parka, she was not wearing beach sandals.


Yume, since becoming the vessel of Lilith and experiencing the pains it brought about, turned suicidal but since she is selfless at heart, turned next to martyrdom to ameliorate herself about it. She is persistent with her decisions and aimed goals and strives her all to succeed them.


Yume was found and turned into the vessel of Lilith by her. She underwent terrible bullying experiences because of her coming into possession of the mind-control Magical Art which made her believe that her existence will only always cause problems and harm others, but she as much as she would want to, she could not kill herself as simply because Lilith would only easily find another suitable vessel after her and that person would only suffer just like her. As such, after she learned about Leviathan's ability to dissipate anything into nothing, she decided to assist Taishikyoku with their plan of awakening and controlling it only to betray them and reveal her true goal of killing herself along with Lilith using it.


The Black Sword Shaman[]

Yume has been confined in a facility on Blue Elysium. She is rescued by Sayaka Kirasaka and after, they run away for a fair distance when Sayaka suddenly senses a formidable opponent near them and thus instructs Yume to separate from her and look for Kojou. Yume finds Kojou at a lifeguard center and follows him through his part-time work, confusing Asagi Aiba briefly. She soon reveals her circumstances to them before crying herself to sleep. While unconscious, she is then taken by Kojou and Asagi to a cottage. They after buy her clothes to wear as she was only wearing a swimsuit.

Bride of the Dark God[]

Yume visits Saikai Academy in the afternoon to show off her school uniform to Kojou.

The Fugitive Fourth Primogenitor[]

Yume meets with Asagi and Motoki Yaze at Kojou's apartment before making their first temple visit of the year.

The War of the Original Vampires[]

Never-ending Night Banquet[]


Yume is Lilith's vessel and thus whenever Lilith takes over her body, she grows a tail and a pair of wings that she may use accordingly. As such, she possesses innate physical strength far exceeding Humans as she was able to blow Kojou and Yukina Himeragi away with just her tail. She also has the unique ability to control any person's mind and render their deepest desires go berserk or pacified.

Mind Berserk: Yume can control any person's mind by turning their deepest desires berserk. However, she can not with Primogenitors as she failed to do so with Kojou.

Mind Pacification: Yume can control any person's mind by turning their deepest desires pacified. She hums a certain melody which activates it and then after a strong yellow light emanates from her body. It is strong enough to pacify even Leviathan.



