For healthier future of the Internet

Originator Profile

Participating Companies

朝���新聞社 一般社団法人 WebDINO Japan ADKマーケティング・ソリューションズ 愛媛新聞社 河北新報社 共同通信社 高知新聞社 神戸新聞 佐賀新聞社 SEARCHLIGHT 産経新聞社 山陽新聞社 時事通信社 静岡新聞社 ジャパンタイムズ 小学館 スマートニュース 中国新聞 中日新聞社 TBSテレビ 電通 電通総研 新潟日報社 日経新聞 日本テレビ放送網 日本電信電話 日本放送協会(NHK) News Corp 博報堂DYメディアパートナーズ ビデオリサーチ 福島民友 フジテレビジョン fluct 北海道新聞 北國新聞 毎日新聞社 magaport 宮崎日日新聞 Momentum 読売新聞東京本社 LINEヤフー

As of June, 2024

What is Originator Profile CIP ?

The Originator Profile Collaborative Innovation Partnership (OP CIP) has proposed a web standard technology called "Originator Profile" to provide information on web content creators, site operators, advertisers, etc., and we are working on its specification and test implementation.

OP technology aims to establish a system that enables easy identification of third party-authenticated high-quality media and content by making it possible to verify the originators and distribution channels of information, as well as to deter the flood of fake news (misinformation/disinformation) and to combat the massive ad-fraud problem.

Together with stakeholders in the media, advertising, and Internet industries, we aim to contribute to the healthy development of the Internet in the future by helping to distribute quality content that people can view with confidence, improving the ethical standards of the Internet space, and creating a virtuous cycle for the information democratic society and industry. The CIP aims to contribute to the healthy development of the Internet in the future.


What is Originator Profile Technology

Originator Profile technology makes it easy to identify quality news articles and media that are third party verified. It will provide verifiable information about web content authors and advertisers. By increasing the transparency of content creators and distribution channels and enabling the identification of trusted sources, it helps increase the value of responsible, quality articles and media.

We provide information that confirms the existence and authenticity of the originator, such as the content creator, the distribution site operator, and the advertiser. In addition to basic company information such as author and organization name, information may include,

  • Corporate stance
  • Editorial policy
  • Reporting responsibilities
  • Editorial guidelines
  • Privacy policy

OP includes information, such as the above, on the material. This will contribute to confirming its trustworthiness. The information is verified by a third party and then signed and is displayed in the browser with automatic verification and an authentication icon.

Window of Chrome Extension Prototype

Assigning content with an Identifier (ID) with information that has been verified by an impartial third-party certification organization increases transparency of the content, enabling both media and advertisers to verify trusted ads placement and delivery sources, respectively, leading to responsible articles and media exposure and increasing the value of both the media and the advertisements.

On the Web currently, information such as the originator can only be trusted as stated by the site operator, and there is no technical means of verification. By developing web standard technologies that provides transparency and verifiability of content distribution, and by establishing a mechanism for various stakeholders to participate, we will improve the soundness and trustworthiness of the Net space, leading to further development of the industry and furthering of the public interest.

What we do

Under the supervision of Keio University "Cyber Civilization Research Center" (CCRC), OPCIP will conduct technological development and demonstration experiments for the practical application and social implementation of Originator Profile technology. Based on the feedback received, OPCIP will further develop the system and implement it in society and propose open-source implementation and specifications to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the standardization body for web technologies. In parallel with standardization activities at W3C, OPCIP will continue its efforts to contribute to the development of a healthy Internet by making proposals and cooperating with the Web content industry, online advertising industry, browser vendors, and others around the world.