My Hero Academia Wiki
My Hero Academia Wiki
Getting Started

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If you need help, you can refer to the Help pages, FANDOM University or ask a Hero.

Before editing, please make sure that you review our Manual of Style and all of our policies. We have a large userbase of dedicated users and have established systems to keep this wiki organized. Please do not disrupt our systems by violating our policies. If you wish to learn more about our style of organization, please feel free to visit our #wiki-errands channel on Discord.

Are you an experienced editor? Check out these projects to see which areas of the wiki are in need of help:

  • Wiki Departments are projects that consist of a group of users dedicated to gathering and assisting articles circled around a single concept or topic. Consider joining one to get started!
  • Stubs are articles that are of unusually small size and need to be expanded more. Help make stubs into full-fledged articles by adding more information.