Activity tagged "crypto lobby"

The two candidates in today’s primaries that received substantial backing from cryptocurrency PACs both won their primaries.

1. John Curtis defeated Trent Staggs in the Republican Utah Senate primary, with the help of $1.7 million in crypto industry funding.

2. George Latimer defeated Jamaal Bowman in the Democratic primary for NY H-16, with the help of $2 million in crypto industry funding.

Ads run by these PACs made no mention of crypto or technology. In the NY race, ads from Fairshake seemed to align very closely with AIPAC’s aggressive campaign against Bowman, echoing their messaging accusing him of antisemitism.

“Defend American Jobs” was the PAC splashing out in the Utah race. They’re the Republican-focused crypto super PAC; “Protect Progress” is the Democrat counterpart.

Though Fairshake (nominally nonpartisan, and by far the highest fundraiser of the crypto PACs) previously made identical donations to both, they’ve just made another $5 million donation to Defend American Jobs without a corresponding donation to Protect Progress.

Defend American Jobs has raised $14.7 million so far this cycle; Protect Progress has raised $10.3 million.

Here's a glimpse at the spending in each race.

Charts showing amounts raised by each candidate, and amounts spent by outside groups to support or oppose. John Curtis raised around $3.8M, $9.2M was spent to support him, and $3.5M of that support came from the crypto industry.
Brad R. Wilson raised $5M.
Trent Staggs raised $1.25M, $900k was spent to support him, and $1.9M was spent to oppose him, $1.5M of which came from the crypto industry.
Jason Walton raised $2.9M.
Charts showing amounts raised by each candidate, and amounts spent by outside groups to support or oppose.
Jamaal Bowman raised around $4.3M, $1.9M was spent to support him, and $12M was spent to oppose him, $2.1M of which came from the crypto industry.
George Latimer raised $5.8M. $5.6M was spent to support him, and $1.1M was spent to oppose.

Other outside spending for Curtis mostly came from a super PAC called Conservative Values for Utah, with Defend American Jobs pitching in $5M last minute.

And as I mentioned, Bowman’s other opposition primarily came from AIPAC's UDP.

The cryptocurrency industry Super PAC Fairshake is now #1 out of all Super PACs by total funds raised.

They've raised more than $175 million to influence upcoming elections in the US, and have more than $100 million of it still waiting to deploy.

Despite the relatively small size of the cryptocurrency industry, cryptocurrency-focused super PACs are among the most well-funded this election cycle.

All super PACs
Name	Description	Receipts	Cash on hand
1	Fairshake	supports cryptocurrency interests	$177,877,738	$106,996,176
2	Never Back Down Inc.	supports Ron DeSantis	$145,482,418	$6,956,298
3	SMP	supports Senate Democrats	$122,904,784	$92,396,317
4	Make America Great Again Inc.	supports Donald Trump	$109,741,526	$34,459,354
5	Senate Leadership Fund	supports Senate Republicans	$63,887,538	$59,510,912
6	Democracy PAC	George Soros' super PAC, supports Democrats	$60,240,533	$38,980,191
7	United Democracy Project ('UDP')	AIPAC-backed super PAC, supports Israel	$53,274,582	$19,036,330
8	Club for Growth Action	supports small-government conservatives	$52,047,665	$10,024,220
9	LCV Victory Fund	supports environmental issues	$26,655,513	$19,078,389
10	Best of America PAC	supports Doug Burgum	$24,148,569	$183,181
11	Keystone Renewal PAC	supports Pennsylvania Republicans	$21,468,424	$17,965,490
12	Working for Working Americans - Federal	United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners' super PAC	$20,083,557	$4,785,234
13	Restoration PAC	Dick Uihlen-backed super PAC, supports Republicans	$15,783,790	$3,578,225
14	Fight Right Inc	supports Ron DeSantis	$14,739,207	$335,572
15	Defend American Jobs	supports cryptocurrency interests	$14,675,000	$97,800
16	Republican Accountability PAC	supports anti-Trump Republican interests	$14,601,169	$11,994,224
17	Protect Freedom Political Action Committee	Jeff Yass-backed super PAC, supports Republicans and Libertarians	$14,419,489	$3,345,785
18	Tell It Like It Is PAC	supports Chris Christie	$13,864,801	$1,729,830
19	Right for America	supports Donald Trump	$13,050,317	$13,034,653
20	Forward Majority Action	supports Democratic state legislators	$12,782,598	$4,759,183
21	AFC Victory Fund	supports school privatization	$12,296,915	$7,126,033
22	Last Best Place PAC	opposes Tim Sheehy	$11,280,000	$14,496
23	Opportunity Matters Fund Action	supports Tim Scott	$11,182,494	
24	With Honor Fund II, Inc.	supports military veterans	$10,510,881	$4,583,337
25	Maryland's Future	supports Tim Hogan	$10,391,275	$10,341,102
26	Protect Progress	supports cryptocurrency interests	$10,325,250	$2,100,505
27	Standing Strong PAC	supports Adam Schiff	$10,154,552	$12,580
28	Campaign for Democracy Group	supports Gavin Newsom	$9,859,666	$6,014,641
29	Win It Back PAC	opposes Donald Trump	$9,633,851	$898,505
30	Everytown for Gun Safety Victory Fund (Everytown Victory Fund)	supports gun control	$9,510,465	$6,933,986

This month alone:

$25M from Andreessen Horowitz
$25M from Coinbase
$25M from Ripple
$10M from Jump Crypto

Committee: FAIRSHAKE
Contributor's Name	Contributor's Address	Employer/Occupation	Memo/Description	Memo	Text	Date	Amount ($)	Aggregate ($)	Limits
AH Capital Management	2865 Sand Hill Rd Suite 101
Menlo Park, California 940257022		See Attribution Below		
05/30/2024	25000000.00	25000000.00	
Marc Andreessen	2865 Sand Hill Rd Suite 101
Menlo Park, California 940257022	AH Capital Management / Partner		MEMO	
05/30/2024	12500000.00	12500000.00	LIMITS
Ben Horowitz	2865 Sand Hill Rd Suite 101
Menlo Park, California 940257022	AH Capital Management / Partner		MEMO	
05/30/2024	12500000.00	12500000.00	LIMITS
Bernay Box	201 McKinney Ave
Dallas, Texas 75201	Bonanza Capital, Ltd / Investor			
05/21/2024	1000.00	1000.00	
Coinbase	248 3rd St Suite 434
Oakland, California 946074375		24,999,995 USDC received, not liquidated		
05/30/2024	24999995.00	25000000.00	
Mike Dudas	237 Greens Farms Rd
Westport, Connecticut 068806224	6th Man Ventures / Venture Capitalist			
05/30/2024	2500.00	2500.00	
Jump Crypto	60

Total spending this election cycle:

Andreessen Horowitz: $48.9M
Coinbase: $52M
Ripple: $44.8M
Jump Crypto: $15M

So what gives? Why the hell would the famously liberal denizens of Silicon Valley and the idealistic dreamers behind Bitcoin and AI possibly be in the tank for such a nakedly fascistic candidate?  … is a question you would only ask if you’ve been asleep for the past 15 years.

Coinbase’s “Stand With Crypto” PAC claims to have raised $87 million, but their donations list totals up to only $1,176,900. They seem to be double-counting corporate contributions to super PACs to overstate how much their “community” supports this supposedly grassroots project.

Screenshot: $87,186,950 donated by crypto advocates
Our community See how our community is taking a stand to safeguard the future of crypto in America. Donations to Fairshake, a pro-crypto Super PAC, are not included on the leaderboard. Recent activity Top donations 1 position 1 medal MoonPay profile picture MoonPay $1,000,000.00 2 position 2 medal ENS avatar for toshibase.eth toshibase.eth $20,000.00 3 position 3 medal Generic profile picture for anonymous user geminifrontierfund.eth $15,000.00 4 ENS avatar for barmstrong.eth barmstrong.eth $11,774.37 5 Generic profile picture for anonymous user wwarren.eth $10,049.30 6 Generic profile picture for anonymous user Anonymous $10,000.00 7 Generic profile picture for anonymous user 0x...37e02 $8,951.84 8 Generic profile picture for anonymous user 0x...ede10 $7,174.67 9 Generic profile picture for anonymous user Anonymous $5,000.00 10 ENS avatar for warpie.eth warpie.eth $3,500.00

The list trails off at donations of $44.67, so there could be additional smaller donations not shown on the page, but not more than $85 million’s worth.

The Stand With Crypto PAC was registered just days after the April quarterly filing deadline, so they have not yet had to file any receipts with the FEC.