Coinbase’s “Stand With Crypto” PAC claims to have raised $87 million, but their donations list totals up to only $1,176,900. They seem to be double-counting corporate contributions to super PACs to overstate how much their “community” supports this supposedly grassroots project.

Screenshot: $87,186,950 donated by crypto advocates
Our community See how our community is taking a stand to safeguard the future of crypto in America. Donations to Fairshake, a pro-crypto Super PAC, are not included on the leaderboard. Recent activity Top donations 1 position 1 medal MoonPay profile picture MoonPay $1,000,000.00 2 position 2 medal ENS avatar for toshibase.eth toshibase.eth $20,000.00 3 position 3 medal Generic profile picture for anonymous user geminifrontierfund.eth $15,000.00 4 ENS avatar for barmstrong.eth barmstrong.eth $11,774.37 5 Generic profile picture for anonymous user wwarren.eth $10,049.30 6 Generic profile picture for anonymous user Anonymous $10,000.00 7 Generic profile picture for anonymous user 0x...37e02 $8,951.84 8 Generic profile picture for anonymous user 0x...ede10 $7,174.67 9 Generic profile picture for anonymous user Anonymous $5,000.00 10 ENS avatar for warpie.eth warpie.eth $3,500.00

The list trails off at donations of $44.67, so there could be additional smaller donations not shown on the page, but not more than $85 million’s worth.

The Stand With Crypto PAC was registered just days after the April quarterly filing deadline, so they have not yet had to file any receipts with the FEC.