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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Tokath in 2369.

Centurion Tokath was one of the Romulans who attacked Khitomer in the year 2346. (TLE novel: The Art of the Impossible)During the attack, a number of Klingons, instead of dying in battle, were instead captured. They were then taken to Carraya IV, to be used as as possible bargaining chips in negotiations between the two empires, but nothing came of it, and the Klingon prisoners remained there. Eventually the Romulans and Klingons on the planet learned to live with each other civilly, with Tokath even marring one of the Klingons, a woman named Gi'ral and together had a daughter named Ba'el. In 2369, Worf, searching for information about his father Mogh, obtained information from a Yridian dealer, enabling him to discover the settlement, and upon being captured, struck up a romantic attraction with Ba'el. Tokath was unhappy about that, and did everything possible to discourage them. When Worf refused Tokath's demands to stay in the settlement any longer, the Romulan ordered a firing squad to execute him, but he and Gi'ral stopped the execution when Ba'el went in front of Worf, shielding him with her body. Afterward, when Worf left, taking a number of young Klingon prisoners back to the Klingon Empire, Ba'el decided to remain believing that because of her mixed bloodline, she would not be accepted in either Empire.( TNG episodes: "Birthright, Part I", "Birthright, Part II")

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