Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Introduction (blurb)[]

The assignment seemed mundane enough: clearaway a "junk pile" of abandoned ships that are adrift in a region of space that is in the way of a convoy of colony vessels en route to a new world. But the S.C.E.'s missions never stay routine for very long...

Odd occurrences start happening all over the U.S.S. da Vinci, compounded by the fact that none of their solutions for clearing the ships seems to be working. Soon, the very nature of reality becomes endangered, and Soloman must interface with a powerful alien computer to keep the da Vinci from falling victim to the...



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This article is marked as lacking essential detail, and needs attention. Information regarding expansion requirements may be found on the article's talk page. Feel free to edit this page to assist with this expansion.



111Carol AbramowitzJil BarnakJulian BashirNancy ConlonKieran DuffyBart FaulwellDiego FelicianoRachel GilmanDavid GoldSonya GomezMax HammettSusan HaznedlEllec KrotineDavid McAllanLauoc SoanElizabeth LenseMartus MazurChan OkhaP8 BlueLaura PoynterRobin RusconiSalekAnthony ShabalalaSolomanFabian StevensMor glasch TevSongmin Wong
Referenced only
Douglas AdamsSherlock Holmes

Starships and vehicles[]

The BeastUSS da VinciMinstrel's Whisper


Deep Space 9Galvan VIIntarRhaax IIISargasso sectorSarindarTeneb

Races and cultures[]


States and organizations[]

Khnndak EmpireNalori RepublicStarfleet Corps of EngineersUnited Federation of Planets

Other references[]

Dominion WarSchrödinger's Catthree tailed kkk'tukkiquith'quattkkk


Related stories[]

Star Trek: Corps of Engineers stories and publications
eBooks The Belly of the BeastFatal ErrorHard CrashInterphase (Part OnePart Two)Cold FusionInvincible (Part OnePart Two)The Riddled PostHere There Be MonstersAmbushSome Assembly RequiredNo SurrenderCaveat EmptorPast LifeOathsFoundationsEnigma ShipWar StoriesWildfireHome FiresAge of UnreasonBalance of NatureBreakdownsAftermathIshtar RisingBuying TimeCollective HindsightThe DemonRing Around the SkyOrphansGrand DesignsFailsafeBitter MedicineSargasso SectorParadise InterruptedWhere Time Stands StillThe Art of the DealSpinCreative CouplingsSmall WorldMalefictorumLost TimeIdentity CrisisFables of the Prime DirectiveSecurityWoundsOut of the CocoonHonorBlackoutThe CleanupProgressThe Future BeginsEchoes of CoventryDistant Early Warning10 is Better Than 01Many SplendorsTurn the PageTroubleshootingThe LightThe Art of the ComebackSigns from HeavenGhostRemembrance of Things Past
Short stories "Field Expediency" • "An Easy Fast"
Omnibuses Have Tech, Will TravelMiracle WorkersSome Assembly RequiredNo SurrenderFoundationsWildfireBreakdownsAftermathGrand DesignsCreative CouplingsWoundsOut of the CocoonWhat's Past


published order
Previous eBook:
Bitter Medicine
SCE eBooks Next eBook:
Paradise Interrupted
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Bitter Medicine
Pocket Next Adventure:
Avalon Rising