Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
This character is a member of the McCoy family native to the Kelvin timeline.

Pamela Branch in Mississippi.

Pamela McCoy (née Branch) was a female Human in the 23rd century of the Kelvin timeline. She was married to Doctor Leonard McCoy, but divorced by 2255. (TOS comic: "IDW Star Trek, Issue 17")


Pamela Branch met Leonard McCoy when they attended the University of Mississippi on Earth in the mid-23rd century when she suffered brain-freeze from an ice cream cone. Branch wore a white dress during the wedding ceremony, and adopted the last name McCoy. She divorced in 2255 because their respective professions kept them apart from another too often. In the divorce, she acquired their house, cars, and a Vulcan painting. (TOS comic: "IDW Star Trek, Issue 17")

Leonard was very bitter about their breakup, saying that the divorce left him with only his "bones" (thus giving rise to his long time nickname, "Bones"). (ST movie & novelization: Star Trek)



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