Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Nicholas Locarno (also known as Vector) was a Human man who was a Starfleet cadet who trained at Starfleet Academy in the 2360s and was later a gridstalker operating at the edge of Federation territory.


In 2368, Locarno was leader of the Academy's Nova Squadron flight team. With the commencement of the Academy approaching, Locarno convinced his team members (Wesley Crusher, Sito Jaxa, Jean Hajar, and Joshua Albert) to perform the illegal Kolvoord Starburst maneuver to impress the visiting dignitaries at the commencement ceremonies.

While on a training run near Saturn the team practiced the starburst, however there was an accident resulting in the loss of all five training craft and the death of Cadet Albert. Realising that all of their careers were at stake, Locarno and the others perpetrated a cover-up of the maneuver when the official inquiry was held. However, the truth was discovered by Captain Jean-Luc Picard who demanded that either Cadet Crusher told the truth about the accident or he would. Wesley decided to tell the truth and Locarno was expelled from the Academy, while the others were severely reprimanded. (TNG episode: "The First Duty", TNG novel: The Best and the Brightest)

Following his departure from the Academy, Locarno became a civilian pilot for hire who operated out of New Axton. In 2381, Locarno was one of four former Starfleet officers deemed to be in need of rescue as Nova One was supposedly targeting other former officers. The USS Cerritos was tasked with finding him. However, as Beckett Mariner had gone into a self-destructive tantrum due to her promotion to lieutenant junior grade, D'Vana Tendi took Mariner for a simple mission fixing a weather satellite while the crew tracked down Locarno.

Unknowingly, Tendi's act drew them to Sherbal V, where they were attacked by the IKS Che'Ta' and forced to beam onto the planet. There, they discovered the captains of the missing ships, who had been marooned on the planet by their lower deckers. After rallying the stranded crews together, Mariner was transported up to the mysterious ship and was met by Locarno. Simultaneously, an away team led by Captain Carol Freeman discovered the plans for the mysterious ship in Locarno's storage bay on New Axton. Locarno had noticed Mariner's record of insubordination and, unaware of the reason for her erratic behavior, planned to recruit her on that basis. (Star Trek Lower Deck: "The Inner Fight", "Old Friends, New Planets")

On board Locarno's ship, the Nova One, he made a call to everyone willing to listen to join his Nova Fleet, an independent fleet that would not be held back by bureaucratic red tape and where all members were equals, and invited them to the Detrion system. Locarno protected his fleet behind a system-wide trynar shield and a Ferengi-created Genesis Device. He had hoped to use Mariner to "bring truth to power", but she instead called him out on his mad plan and stole the Genesis Device before commandeering the USS Passaro. Locarno and Nova Fleet chased Mariner but when she hid in an ion storm, only Locarno went after her. Locarno attempted to manipulate Mariner by telling her that Sito's death had been meaningless, but Mariner–who, while stranded on Sherbal V, had been told that her erratic behavior dishonored Sito's memory–told him that Sito had given her life for Starfleet, and then reminded him that he had caused Albert's death.

As Locarno pursued Mariner, the Cerritos flung the Orion destroyer Retribution into the trynar shield, causing a breach that allowed her captain's yacht to enter the system. This caused the rest of Nova Fleet, already disillusioned by Locarno's controlling and reckless behavior, to abandon Locarno. As Locarno disabled the Passaro, Mariner activated the Genesis Device before he boarded the ship and the two got into a fight before Freeman was able to transport Mariner onto the Cerritos' captain's yacht. Confident, Locarno raised the shields on the Passaro and went to disable the countdown, only to learn that it was locked behind a two-latinum-bar paywall. The bomb detonated, killing Locarno and using his components, along with those of the Passaro, Nova One, and the ion storm, to create a new planet. This world, Locarno, was named after the late cadet (due to the incorporation of his atoms into its overall makeup), and was expected to become a new home for refugees. Upon learning this, Freeman mused that Locarno had done some good after all. (Star Trek Lower Deck: "Old Friends, New Planets")

In the alternate reality destroyed in the temporal apocalypse, Locarno met up with the privateers of the Celtic in order to help them find a Starfleet vessel that had gone missing so that the privateers could take its technology. This first involved a confrontation with the USS Norfolk, which allowed him to gather information about the missing vessel and then Locarno shut down the Norfolk. Once the Celtic arrived at the Korso Spanse, Locarno identified the vessel there as the USS Reston which had been lost at the Battle of Sector 001 where it was taken by the Borg. Despite this warning, Captain Evan Walsh still ordered a boarding party over to the Reston, which Locarno joined. Once aboard Locarno attempted to reactivate the ship's computer core but was unsuccessful and the Celtic was destroyed soon after. Later, Locarno helped determine that the away team had been sent to the Reston to be turned into Borg and then allowed himself to be assimilated along with other members of the crew. (ST novella: Revenant)



Nova Squadron personnel
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. 2368 Joshua Albert • Sarita Carson • Wesley Crusher • Jean Hajar • Sito Jaxa • Nicholas Locarno • Beckett Mariner Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
2384 Dal R'El • Grom • Maj'el • Zeph

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