Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For the primary universe counterpart, see Neelix.

In the mirror universe, Neelix (2337-2378) was a male Talaxian living in the Delta Quadrant in the 24th century. Neelix was the lover of Kes. (VOY - Mirror Universe novel: The Mirror-Scaled Serpent)

Spectre continuity[]

Neelix was a male Talaxian living in the Delta Quadrant in the 24th century. In 2374 he encountered the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance ship Voyager commanded by Cardassian Gul Rutal and was taken prisoner. By the time Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise-E was brought on board, Neelix had been brutalized and was in constant fear of the Alliance personnel. He took a shot from a Klingon disruptor meant for Picard and was seriously wounded. (TOS novel: Spectre)

Mirror Universe continuity[]

Neelix was a male Talaxian living in the Delta Quadrant in the 24th century. Neelix was the lover of Kes. Kes was tortured for being viewed as ugly by the Kazon for a span of time; Neelix rescued her and while both were under pursuit by the Kazon. The Caretaker moved Neelix' ship to the Alpha Quadrant, where they ran into the Terran Rebellion and Intendant B'Elanna of Ardana. Neelix later joined the Terran Rebellion's ranks and continued to fight against the Alliance. (VOY - Mirror Universe novel: The Mirror-Scaled Serpent)

Neelix became Captain after Chakotay's death with Seska as his first officer and in 2377 participated in the rebellion's successful attempt to prevent the Cardassian Ninth Order from conquering Bajor after its secession from the Alliance. In 2378, Seska and Neelix were both killed during the Memory Omega led attack on the SoHcha shipyards. (ST - Mirror Universe novel: Rise Like Lions)

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Appearances and references[]
