Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} OR {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU


Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

This page is meant to be specific to the style of the Memory Beta. Wikipedia:Style should also serve as a guideline, but it is not required reading before contributing to this wiki. It is also a good idea to consult similar existing pages for typical layouts headings and templates. See featured articles for examples of what the community considers to be well-made articles.

General style[]

  • The title/subject of the page should appear as close to the beginning of the text as possible and be emboldened.
  • After its first use, the title should appear within the text as normal text, only in bold for its first appearance.

Point of view[]

There are two types of pages on Memory Beta: those that deal with information on subjects within the Star Trek universe, and those that look at real-world subjects (novels, authors, etc.) related to the Star Trek universe.

Articles about subjects within the Star Trek universe should be written from an in-universe perspective and in past tense, assuming everything within the universe is real and all those events occurred in the past. This also applies to real-world subjects in-universe; for instance, the article on mining is written from the in-universe point of view, rather than a general real-world article on mining (for which one should consult Wikipedia).

On the other hand, production-related real-world articles should be written in the present tense from a real-world point of view.

Citing sources[]

For more extensive citation guidelines see Memory Beta:Cite your sources.

It is very important for contributors to provide complete and accurate citations for all additions; these should be added to the end of each paragraph or section where the citation occurs. There are templates available to maintain standardization and to allow easy addition of citations:

Syntax example Text displayed
({{au|TOS|Cacophony}}) (TOS audiobook: Cacophony)
({{c|EV|Flesh of My Flesh}}) (EV comic: "Flesh of My Flesh")
({{eb|CoE|Turn the Page}}) (CoE eBook: Turn the Page)
({{e|DS9|Tears of the Prophets}}) (DS9 episode: "Tears of the Prophets")
({{g|TNG|Armada II}}) (TNG video game: Armada II)
({{m|TOS|The Wrath of Khan}}) (TOS movie: The Wrath of Khan)
({{mn|TNG|Insurrection}}) (TNG movie & novelization: Insurrection)
({{n|ENT|The Good That Men Do}}) (TNG novel: A Time to Be Born)
({{n1|TNG|All Good Things...}}) (TNG novelization: All Good Things...)
({{n2|TOS|The First Artifact}}) (TOS novella: The First Artifact)
({{r|ST|The Worlds of the Federation}}) (ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation)
({{rpg|Last Unicorn RPG|The Andorians: Among the Clans}}) (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Andorians: Among the Clans)
({{ss|VOY|The Difficulties of Being Evil}}) (VOY short story: "The Difficulties of Being Evil")
({{STO|Diplomatic Orders}}) (STO mission: "Diplomatic Orders")
({{web|TOS|Starfleet Shipyard}}) (TOS website: Starfleet Shipyard)

Most of the above templates feature an additional optional field to input a miniseries or anthology title:

Syntax example Text displayed
({{c|TNG|sub=The Space Between|History Lesson}}) (TNG - The Space Between comic: "History Lesson")
({{ss|TOS|sub=Constellations|Fracture}}) (TOS - Constellations short story: "Fracture")

For magazine articles, the format is altered slightly:

Syntax example Text displayed
({{mag|Star Trek Magazine|140|Rewriting History}}) (Star Trek Magazine Issue 140: "Rewriting History")


USS Enterprise

The USS Enterprise

Images should be place using the thumb format. For instance, [[File:USS Enterprise.jpg|thumb|The USS ''Enterprise'']] creates the image to the right. Thumbnail images automatically appear to the right of the page (but can be set left if it would benefit the layout of the page) and are set to the user-configured image size. Because of this, editors should avoid dictating an image display size for thumb images, unless it is necessary for the image to be fixed at one size only for some purpose on the page. For especially tall images, users should also use the "upright" command, which scales the image by taking into account its vertical dimensions as well.

Images placed in sidebars at the top of the page should not be thumbed and should be set to 220px.

Using canon information[]

Though the emphasis of Memory Beta is non-canon material, it is encouraged to include canon information where appropriate. For example, "USS Bozeman (NCC-1941)" includes a brief synopsis of the TNG episode Cause and Effect to explain the Bozeman's history, but the purpose of making the article was to note that she later appeared in The Return.

Linking to other sites[]

While researching other sites is encouraged for completeness, plagiarism is forbidden. If another site, such as Memory Alpha, has a more complete article, link to it at the bottom of the article. Do not link to an external page about another topic within the main text of an article. Instead, make a wikilink to that topic, even if it doesn't exist yet.


Articles should be added to any categories they fall under. A complete list of categories can be found at Special:Categories. Most categories are also listed by theme in the wiki's supercategories: Culture, Characters, Geography, Politics, Science, Star Trek and Technology. To add an article to a category, type [[Category:Name of category]].


Novels (including eBooks) should always include the template {{novel}}. The template below generates the box at the right. When creating an article for a novel, use this example as a guide.

  • Separate tags with |.
  • Include "ISBN" in the ISBN number.
  • Tags (such as "title" and "author") are case-sensitive.
  • Only list the first publication. Additional publications can be listed in the main article.
| type        = novel
| title       = A Time to Kill
| cover image = [[File:a_time_to_kill.jpg|220px]]
| series      = {{ST|The Next Generation}}
| miniseries  = [[A Time to...]]
| minino      = 7
| author      = [[David Mack]]
| format      = [[Paperback]]
| published   = [[2004|August 2004]]
| pages       = 344
| ISBN        = {{ISBN|0743491777}}
| date        = [[2379]]

Making articles for short stories with {{short story}} similar to novels:

{{Short story
| title       = "Adventures in Time and Jazz"
| series      = {{ST|The Next Generation}}
| author      = [[Kelly Cairo]]
| anthology   = [[Strange New Worlds VII]]
| pages       = 96-102

There are a number of other templates available, many with instructions.

Layout template[]

The following is a standard template for a story page. Details of exactly what should be placed under each section are described in the guide below. This template should be adjusted for the media type: prose works do not commonly have illustrations so will not require the images section, and short stories rarely have external links, etc.

See Memory Beta:Featured Articles for examples of exemplar articles and their use of the formatting.

(Media template)



===Starships and vehicles===
===Races and cultures===
===States and organizations===
===Science and classification===
===Occupations and titles===
===Other references===


===Related media===
===External links===


At the top of the page, a very brief description of the story can be placed, to give a very basic outline of its position amongst other Star Trek stories, but please, no spoilers here. For example, on the page for A Singular Destiny:

A Singular Destiny is a 2009 Star Trek novel by Keith R.A. DeCandido. The novel is the first of several books set after the Star Trek: Destiny trilogy, exploring the fallout of the Borg Invasion. The book centers around the character of Sonek Pran, a Federation diplomat, and his mission on the USS Aventine.

Publisher's description[]

If the story has an official blurb it should go in this section. For novels, this might come from the back of the book or the dust cover, while for comics it might be sourced from solicitations. The source of the text should be identified and emboldened, with the blurb itself indented and italicized below using the ; and : syntax:

;From the back cover of ''[[Glass Empires]]''
:''[[Star Trek]]® One man can change the future, but does he dare? Spock ...


A longer summary highlighting the key elements of the story.


A horizontal listing of references, spaced with •, subdivided under the following headings:

  • Characters
  • Starships and vehicles
  • Locations
  • Races and cultures
  • States and organizations
  • Science and technology
  • Ranks and titles
  • Other references

If any section becomes large, then you may wish to add additional sub-divisions to that section. For instance, dividing characters by their posting or affiliation, or making separate section for locations in space or on a planet. In these cases, use something like the following:

;{{small|Imperial Starfleet}}
:{{mu|Robert Bennett}} • {{mu|Lance Cartwright}} • {{mu|Robert D'Amato}} ...

:[[Kerok]] • [[Kolok]] • {{mu|L'Haan}} • [[L'Nesh]] • ...

which generates:

Imperial Starfleet
Robert Bennett • Lance Cartwright • Robert D'Amato ...
Kerok • Kolok • L'Haan • L'Nesh • ...

If the "other references" section becomes too long, then additional subcategories may be used to break it up: "Foods and drinks", for instance. Additional section titles will also be determined by the type of references listed.

Sub references should be contained within parentheses. Such references include specific races within a species, words in a language and so forth:

:[[Human]] ([[American]] • [[Chinese]]) • [[Klingon]]

Which generates:

Human (Chinese • American) • Klingon

It should be noted whether subjects were actually featured in the story or merely referenced. For instance "The strange new alien rather reminded the Captain of a Gorn", references a Gorn without one actually appearing in the story. Subjects like this should be listed in a sub-section of the parent section, headed with the {{ref}} template:

:[[Human]] • [[Cardassian]] • [[Horta]] • [[Borg]]
{{ref}} [[Bolian]] • [[Catian]] • [[Gorn]] • [[Tholian]] • [[Vulcan]]

Generates the following:

Human • Cardassian • Horta • Borg
Referenced only
Bolian • Caitian • Gorn • Tholian • Vulcan

This distinguishes between races that appeared in the novel and those that were merely mentioned or referenced in exposition or dialogue.


This section details how each story fits into the in-universe chronology and production history and includes two sub-sections. Both sections may feature a brief introduction giving an overview of the timeline. For instance, information about where the novel is mostly set and when it was first released would be a good addition here.


This section includes the in-universe {{timeline}} template, detailing how the story fits into the chronologies used on Memory Beta.

Star Trek chronologies
DC Comics Timeline (1995) • Pocket Books Timeline (2006) • Memory Beta Chronology (on-going)

After this section, a listing of all date references should be placed. The date references should include dates of events both in the story and referenced by the story, and how and where these events occur or are referenced in the story. For instance:

2355, stardate 3456.7
Captain Picard visits a monastery (events of chapter 4)
2769, Ferengi year 112
Data time travels to Morex IX (events referenced in chapter 6)
Production history[]

This section includes the production part of the {{timeline}} template, detailing where the story is placed in the sequences of a series and/or miniseries releases, and in the sequences of author releases. If a story has been released more than once, this can be followed by a bulleted list detailing the reprints. For instance:

  • 1974, May, first published by Bantam Books
  • 1978, October, Titan Books UK reprint.
  • 1984, June, reprinted in the Best of Star Trek omnibus by Pocket Books


This section is used to collect information about the page, listing background information, related stories, and links, internally and externally, to related articles.

Information should be in a bulleted list (add * to every line) of facts and information not included elsewhere on the page. Information on production, availability, continuity problems and any other facts relevant to the page should be listed here.

The appendices section can accommodate many different features, such as quotes and internal link navigation boxes. Some other common sub-sections of appendices include:


This section covers information on the production of the story, how it related to other publications, and other miscellaneous background information. It may include the following sub-sections as required:

  • Novelizations
  • Comic adaptations
  • Covers
  • Non-english editions
Related stories[]

This sub-section should list related stories, for instance if the novel was a sequel to an episode or the only other appearance of certain species.

The relations can be linked either by individual stories, for example on the Unity page:

  • "Conspiracy" (TNG episode) - The parasitic aliens of Unity made their first and only TV appearance in Conspiracy, which established their appearance and many of their abilities and practices.

Or alternatively if there are a lot of linked relations under the linked theme, for example on the Probe page:

Navigation boxes may also be placed in this section, for instance a listing of a miniseries a given story is a part of.


For episodes, comics and games there might well be images on the wiki; these can be displayed in a gallery on the page. For instance from "The Fires of Pharos", this generates the gallery below:

 File:Hal Wyeth.jpg|[[Commodore]] [[Hal Wyeth]]
 File:Raeger.jpg|[[Ensign]] [[Raeger]]

Note, appropriate images should be placed within the body of the summary, with the Images section giving a place for any additional images.

External links[]

A bulleted list of external links with brief descriptions. Some suggested sites for linking to are:

In-universe articles[]

In-universe articles cover a broad array of subjects, so there is no one correct way to organize a page. One should seek to maintain a site style, though, so it is best to consult similar articles for an idea of existing layouts. Some things are consistent across in-universe pages. All articles must be cited, and all articles should begin with an introductory paragraph giving an overview of the subject. After the intro paragraph, the article should continue describing the subject in greater detail and with sub-sections detailing specific elements, where appropriate.


In-universe articles may use an appendices section to detail background information on a given subject. The following is a suggested arrangement of appendices sections that should be used, where appropriate:


Detailing background information on a subject; how it appears in Star Trek productions, continuity issues, detailed analysis of sources, behind the scenes information, etc.


Navigation boxes should be placed in this area.


Editors may wish to include a selection of quotes on character pages, they should be placed here.

Appearances and references

A comprehensive listing of what stories the subject appears or is referenced in, listed in order of publication. This is not an alternative to in-line citations, but a tool for seeing how a subject has been used over time. References should be marked after the title as (referenced only), or alternatively the list may be split into two sub-sections independently listing appearances and references.


For pages utilizing the tag citation system (see Memory Beta:Cite your sources for instructions on use), the reference repository should be placed here.


Any information from unlicensed or unpublished sources should be detailed here.

External links

Links to other websites should be placed here.
