Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Exodus.


One year after the end of the Dominion War, the Romulan Star Empire comes under attack by a mysterious and alarmingly powerful enemy calling itself the Watraii, a species with a long-standing vendetta against the Romulans. Yet though they remain tenuously allied, the Federation, the Romulans, and the Klingons are unready to become embroiled in another sustained conflict, forcing Ambassador Spock, Admiral Uhura, Admiral Chekov, Captain Saavik, and some unexpected allies to defy their governments in order to meet the new threat head-on. But the first blood drawn may prove to be among the dearest of all.

Unknown to the defenders, the secret behind the Watraii's attack is buried in Vulcan's violent ancient past, during the time of Surak himself, when the proto-Romulans -- staunch opponents of Surak's reforms -- were compelled to take their chances among the cold and distant stars. Now Spock must begin the first leg of a long and dangerous road to learn the truth...before his hopes for the future becomes ashes.



Abrams • Aravik • Jack Butterworth • Charvanek • Pavel Chekov • Edward Clement • Samuel Robert Fox • Tekeny Ghemor • Ivek • JuB-Chal • Kaghvagh • Karatek • Kovar • Lovar • Akellen Macet • George M'beni • Lhian Mendak • Mitrani • Nara • Narviat • Neral • N'Keth • Pardek • Thomas Randall • Ruanek • Saavik • Sarek • zh'Shaav • Skamandros • Spock • Suhur • Surak • Suwarin • T'Arvot • Tebok • th'Telos • Terik • Toreth • Torin • Tor'Ka • T'Partha • T'Raya • T'Selis • T'Vysse • Tu'Pari • Turak • Nyota Uhura • Varekat • Varen • Zerin • Min Zife
Referenced only
Dralath • Durjik • Truman Howes • James T. Kirk • Leonard McCoy • Alan Roberts • Khan Noonien Singh • Benjamin Sisko • Hikaru Sulu

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Alliance • Demon Justice • Dragon's Wrath • IRW Honor Blade • M'retin • Surani • T'Karis • T'Sarik • USS Verne
Referenced only
USS Arcturus • USS Armstrong • USS Enterprise • USS Undaunted


AraKahr • Garaita IV • Hall of Ancient Thought • Ki Baratan • Mount Seleya • Parak Province • Romulus • ShanaiKahr • ShiKahr • Vulcan • Vulcan's Forge • Womb of Fire
Referenced only
Bajoran wormhole • Deep Space 9 • Memory Alpha • Narendra III • Nemor • Nikari • Qo'noS

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Bolian • Cardassian • Human • Klingon • Oriki • Romulan • Tariik • Vulcan • Watraii
Referenced only
Bajoran • Nikariki

States and organizations[]

Cardassian Union • Confederacy of Vulcan • Federation Council • Klingon Empire • Office of Homeland Peace • Romulan Star Empire • Security Party • ShiKahr Preservation Society • Technocrats • Te-Vikram Brotherhood • United Federation of Planets • Vulcan Assembly • Vulcan High Command • Vulcan Northeastern Alliance • Vulcan Science Academy • Vulcan Southern Hegemony • Vulcan Space Initiative • Vulcan Space Institute

Science and classification[]

blood • star • starship • time

Ranks and titles[]

admiral • ambassador • captain • Commissioner of the Vulcan High Command • subcommander • T'Kehr

Other references[]

Ancients of Days • Azeraik's Last Stand • ches'lintak • cholla • Dominion War • Eater of Souls • firebrick • firewine • hyponeutronium • Kora scrolls • kylin'the • Last Migration • Mother World • Old Mother of Fire • Second Battle of Deep Space 9 • shavokh • sundweller • Surak's Analects • Unbonded • Urn of Memory • Vulcan First Dynasty • Vulcan Second Dynasty • year





published order
Previous novel:
The Case of the Colonist's Corpse
TOS novels Next novel:
To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh
Previous novel:
First in trilogy
Vulcan's Soul novels Next novel:
Previous novel:
Captain's Blood
Star Trek hardcovers Next novel:
After the Fall
Previous story:
Turning Point
Vulcan's Heart
Stories by:
Josepha Sherman

Susan Shwartz
Next story:
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Pocket Next Adventure:
The above chronology placements are based on the primary placement in 2377.
The Pocket Books Timeline places events from this story in five other timeframes:
Previous Adventure:
The Romulan Way
Chapter 2
280 AD
Chapters 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16 & 17

281 AD
Chapter 19
Next Adventure:
The Romulan Way
Chapter 4
Previous Adventure:
The Lost Years
300 AD
Chapters 21, 23 & 25
Next Adventure:
The Romulan Way
Chapter 6
Previous Adventure:
380 AD
Chapter 2
Next Adventure:
The Romulan Way
Chapter 8
Previous Adventure:
The Neutral Zone
Chapter 1
Next Adventure:
The Child
Previous Adventure:
What Dreams May Come
Chapter 11
Next Adventure:
Behind Enemy Lines

External link[]
