Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Agnes Jurati was a Human woman in the late 24th century.


In the 2390s decade, Doctor Jurati worked in the Division of Advanced Synthetic Research at the Daystrom Institute in Okinawa, Japan, on Earth. She was a protege of Doctor Bruce Maddox. (PIC episode: "Remembrance")

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Template image. This article is a stub relating to Starfleet personnel. You can help our database by expanding on it.



Stargazer personnel
USS Stargazer (NCC-2893) Ailat • Ang • G. Asmund • I. Asmund • Ben Zoma • Bender • Caber • Cadwallader • Cariello • Chen • Crusher • Durand • Grace • Greyhorse • Hanta • Iulus • Jiterica • Joseph • Kastiigan • Ki'hiut • Kochman • Kotsakos • Leach • Lisuni • Maisel • Merritt • Morgen • Nikolas • Obal • Paris • Pfeffer • Picard • Pierzynski • Refsland • Ruhalter • Satran • Schuster • Simenon • Stroman • Suranyi • T'Moni • Ulelo • Urajel • Valderrama • Vandermeer • Vigo • Werber • Wu • Yojaleya • unnamed USS Stargazer (NCC-2893) personnel Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
USS Stargazer (NCC-2893-A) USS Stargazer (Intrepid-class NCC-2893-A): Hendry • Rackham
USS Stargazer (Stargazer-class prototype NCC-2893-A): Roma Giordano
USS Stargazer (NCC-82893) Cristóbal Rios • Seven of Nine • Mekara • Moshe • Sing • Urtern • Kemi • unnamed USS Stargazer (NCC-82893) personnel
beta shift: Jörg Hillebrand • Richard Kruse • Thomas Marrone • Ben Robinson • Claudia Roque • Brad Wilder
gamma shift: Benjamin Betts • Amber Maher • Larry Markart • Todd Marks
ISS Stargazer Reginald Barclay • Deanna Troi • Jean-Luc Picard • Data • Natasha Yar • Sam Klock • Khushal • Geordi La Forge • Jack Crusher Terran Empire emblem image. Seal of the Terran Empire Starfleet.
Terran Rebellion starship Stargazer Gerda Idun Asmund • Gilaad Ben Zoma • Andreas Nikolas • Phigus Simenon • Montgomery Scott Seal of the Terrans.

Appearances and references[]


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