Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A Time to Hate is a Star Trek novel, the sixth book in the A Time to... miniseries which provides a story buildup to Star Trek Nemesis. While the series encompassed elements of multiple spinoff series as a crossover, the main plot was generally a TNG tie-in, although the books were not branded with the Star Trek: The Next Generation logotype. This installment was written by Robert Greenberger and released June 2004. The initial concept for the series was for each novel to be a two-part duology, with the naming corresponding to couplets of the well-known prose of Ecclesiastes in the Bible. As such, this book was a direct followup to A Time to Love.

Aspects of these books relating to the continuity of the so-called "relaunch" group of series was revealed in Star Trek: Coda to be part of the First Splinter timeline, an alternate reality that diverges from the primary universe of canon Star Trek, although the conclusion of that timeline leaves open the possibility that non-contradictory concepts and events of A Time to... books might also reflect the continuity of the prime version of events.


The recurring blood feuds between the Bader and the Dorset ended mysteriously a century ago when both races colonized the planet Delta Sigma IV. But, unknown until now, it was a reaction to a naturally occurring gas that led to their harmonious existence... a reaction that would eventually mean certain death for the planet's inhabitants. What the Enterprise crew believed was a cure for the population — a treatment introduced into Delta Sigma IV's environment by Kyle Riker, a man at odds with his son, Commander William Riker — has instead triggered worldwide carnage, as long-suppressed aggression and hostility are suddenly and violently unleashed.
Caught in a world on the brink of self-destruction, Captain Picard — a man still waging his own personal battle for redemption in the eyes of his commanding officers — must somehow find a way to resolve this catastrophic event and save his crew, even as the implications of his actions may ultimately doom an entire race....



Almonte • An Revell An • Koll Azernal • Beloq • Caldwell • George Carmona • Chintok • Cholan of Huni • Clemons • Cobbins • Beverly Crusher • Data • Davila • DeMato • El Bison El • El Rodak El • Glavine • Goodnough • Thomas Gracin • Anh Hoang • Kathryn Janeway • Jus Renks Jus • Geordi La Forge • La Rock • Liryn • McEwing • Colton Morrow • Nafir • Neumark • Nikros • Noraa • Jim Peart • Kell Perim • Jean-Luc Picard • Vincent Porter • Ranzz • Kyle Riker • William T. Riker • Seer of Anann • Seo • Stenik • Aaron Studdard • Taurik • Tognetti • Deanna Troi • Tropp • Upton • Christine Vale • Van Zandt • Wasdin • Susan Weinstein • Whis • Wigginton
Referenced only
Koll Azernal • Dex • Thomas Gracin • Jeyal • Klag • Maror • Moq • Odo • Olivarez • Thaddeus Riker • Thomas Riker • Elizabeth Shelby • Surak • T'Bonz • Lwaxana Troi • Barin Troi • Kestra Troi • T'Sona • Unoo of Huni • Worf


Delta Sigma IV
Referenced only
Andor • Deep Space 9 • Delta Quadrant • Farius Prime • Lazon II • Nervala IV • Omega IV • Sherman's Planet • Vagra II

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Enterprise (Sovereign-class)
Referenced only
USS Al-Batani‎ • USS Bartlet • IKS Gorkon • USS Jefferies (Galaxy-class) • USS Lakota • USS Marco Polo • USS Nautilus • USS Pegasus • USS Titan • USS Trident

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Bader • Bajoran • Bandi • Betazoid • Bolian • Denobulan • Dorset • Gallamite • Human • Rigelian • Trill • Vulcan • Zakdorn
Referenced only
Breen • Cardassian • Ferengi • Minaran • Sindareen

States and organizations[]

Starfleet • Starfleet Medical • United Federation of Planets
Referenced only

Other references[]

American Civil War • arkenium duranide • brain • coffee • Dominion War • dress uniform • Emergency Medical Hologram • environmental suit • ferrocarbonite • fire • fluoxetine • Imzadi • jambalaya • knife • liscom • medical tricorder • melatonin • memorial service • mok'bara • nacelle • phaser • plasma injector • rain • raktajino • serotonin • sickbay • sulfur • tricorder • turbolift • water


Dominion War (2373–2375)
2378 (2370s chronology, Enterprise-E voyages)



The A Time to... Mini-Series
A Time to Be Born A Time to Die A Time to Sow
A Time to Harvest A Time to Love A Time to Hate
A Time to Kill A Time to Heal A Time for War, A Time for Peace


published order
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
A Time to Love
Pocket Next Adventure:
A Time to Kill

External link[]
