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Marvel Database
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X-Men Vol 6 8 New Line-Up Trading Card Variant Textless
Quote1 We do not save monsters. Quote2
Gabrielle Kinney (Earth-616) from Crisis Marvel Protocol X-23 and Honey Badger Art box
Quote1 Xarus didn't choose to be a vampire, but you are choosing to be close-minded. Quote2
X-Men Vol 6 8 New Line-Up Trading Card Variant Textless
Quote1 If you take those chains off him, he will kill you. That's all he knows how to do... that's all any of them know how to do. Quote2
Gabrielle Kinney (Earth-616) from Crisis Marvel Protocol X-23 and Honey Badger Art box
Quote1 Huh... it kind of reminds me of this other girl I know who was created to kill but instead decided to make a whole different life for herself. Quote2

Appearing in "Blood Red"

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Synopsis for "Blood Red"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

Laura's bloodiest rescue mission yet! The vampires will stop at nothing in their bid for supremacy, including capturing mutants for hellacious experiments to boost their own power. But not on Laura Kinney’s watch! The Wolverine slices a swath through the vamps, but when she encounters the truth behind their machinations, will an unlikely ally prove to be more than she bargained for?

See Also

Links and References

