Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 Never confuse a physical passion for a condition of the heart, my dear. Since the dawn of mankind, the two have rarely gone hand in hand. Now go back to the Baron, stay safe and warm in the cozy, comfortable, protected little world you've married into, and raise our child--my child--as his. Quote2

Appearing in "The Draco: Prelude (How Did I Get Here?)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Katsche
  • Helga

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "The Draco: Prelude (How Did I Get Here?)"

  • Synopsis not yet written


The editors added a line that this issue was set 20 years ago, which is impossible based upon the ages of Nightcrawler, who turned 21 in Uncanny X-Men Annual #4, and Shadowcat, who is several years younger than Kurt, but if he were 20 it would mean that she is still about 15 – which, being at college and having recently been hinted to be 18-19, she certainly isn’t. Writer Chuck Austen hadn’t meant for any date to be mentioned at all, but as far as he is concerned Nightcrawler is roughly twenty-six.

See Also

Links and References

