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Marvel Database


She is the leader of the hidden village in the Great Rift Valley, Kenya, a member of a royal lineage that exists since the times before the writing was even conceived. For countless generations the power was passed from mother to daughter. Her daughter, N'Daré, however, rebelled against this tradition, escaped from the village, married and gave birth to Ororo Munroe.[1]

She had another child, Shetani, but since he was a male, he hadn't inherited the power of their lineage. Feeling betrayed, he also left the village and formed personal army. Shetani threatened to kill N'Daré and Ororo if his mother ever tried to contact them. Because of this threat she never sent anyone to contact Ororo, but she knew they would be reunited one day.[1]

Several decades later Shetani confronted Storm. After being defeated he led Ororo to the village to met her grandmother for the first time.[1]

She later visited the wedding of Ororo and T'Challa.[2]



She is a descendant of an ancient dynasty of African Priestesses, but it unknown if she have any powers. She mentioned to Ororo what she always knew what they would meet one day and what she felt Ororo coming to the village from afar,[1] but it is unknown if it was just a figure of speech or she could actually predict the future.

See Also

Links and References

