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Marvel Database

Quote1 I need to know. Five people died tonight, and for what? Why? Those two aren't the only ones taking orders from the dead. My own dead are screaming at me for answers, Dr. Sterman. For vengeance. Jaime Vasquez. Sheriff. Warren Tork. Junior Birdman. Thomas Haney. Fingers. Hannah Trumbull. Mercy. Robert Plesko. Sigmund. And I owe them. I owe them all. Quote2
Moon Knight

Appearing in "Kill List"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Kill List"

Junior Birdman (Warren Tork) is attacked in his home, thrown against his conspiracy wall and begs to know who sent his assassins, wanting to know that he was right. However, The Harlequin Hit-Men duo tell him he dies because "The Voice" demands it, the ghost in the telephone, as neither Tork nor anyone ever mattered, shooting him to death. Soon after, Tork's death is discovered by Detective Flint, who relays to Reese to notify Moon Knight, on the hunt for whomever is hunting the former members of his Shadow Cabinet. Elsewhere, Hunter's Moon calls Moon Knight having found Sheriff (Jaime Vasquez) killed before his arrival, while Tigra safely secured Scout (Kim Hong) and was on the move for the Midnight Mission. On the move, Tigra updates Scout that Birdman, Sheriff, Fingers (Thomas Haney), and Mercy (Hannah Trumbull) were dead. Both were uncertain as to who could be hunting them as none have worked for Moon Knight in years since his previous death,[1] but Tigra notes how these assailants don't care since they're still in pursuit.

As Moon Knight races across the rooftops, he calls Sigmund (Dr. Robert Plesko) to warn him to barricade himself from his attackers, only to see Plesko's apartment explode from a bomb detonation. Although injured, Moon Knight stands, lamenting Plesko's undeserved fate, and radios Reese to ask for an update. Reese reports that Soldier brought Penny Annie (Colleen Shore) to the Mission safely and went out again for the next name, but has no word on Skitter and the X-Men not returning her calls, Reese presumes her safety given she's a is a Mutant on Krakoa. With Don G (Paolo Santacosta) dead for years and Psycho (Peter Slate) comatose but missing, Moon Knight needs a lead. Reese then deduces a connection and talks to Jake Lockley given his work as a cabbie, and he realizes the locations of the victims are on a singular route. They start south and move north to hit everyone in one night before the Midnight Mission can react. Realizing the kill order-- Mercy, Junior Birdman, Fingers, Sheriff, and now Sigmund-- Jake is confused with Sigmund as he lives far from the route, while Reese argues the killers set a bomb so they could continue remotely, Jake agrees it makes sense. With Scout next on the list and her safely at the Midnight Mission, he returns Marc to conscious control as he's too scared to ride the glider cape.

Later on, Moon Knight has a visual on the perpetrators and can't wait for Hunter's Moon or Tigra, so he takes a photo of them to forward to 8-Ball (Jeff Hagees), demanding he identify them or he'll raid his place next. A startled 8-Ball is bemused by the two in the photo, telling Moon Knight they're both jokes having lost a fight to him. Infuriated and baffled, Moon Knight ambushes the hitmen indoors demanding to know who sent them, but they nihilistically spew obedience from the "Ghost in the Telephone." Moon Knight easily disables them both and clarifies himself as a ghost and weapon, and that their "Ghost" isn't safe from him. At the Midnight Mission, Dr Andrea Sterman is uncomfortable with Marc's call for her to diagnose his captives, but he had nobody to turn to given Sigmund's assassination. She verifies that both underwent Menticide, extreme psychological erasure of their personalities to be conditioned hitmen. However, she demands Marc release them to her custody for NYPD to handle the case as she is not one of his crew. Marc capitulates needing her aid, and while she agrees with the brainwashing hypothesis, they were not conditioned via drugs and will need continued therapy to unravel further. Marc is insistent for an answer with five former allies having died tonight and lets Dr Sterman take the hitmen duo for study.

Appearing in "Moon Debt"

Featured Characters:

  • Blade (Eric Brooks) (Main story and flashback)
  • Moon Knight (Denise Niecy) (First appearance) (Only in flashback)

Supporting Characters:


  • Chad (First appearance; dies) (Only in flashback)
  • Phil (First appearance; dies) (Only in flashback)
  • Nigel (First appearance; dies) (Only in flashback)

Other Characters:

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Synopsis for "Moon Debt"

In 1977, during the Inwood fires, Blade was fighting Moon Knight (Denise Niecy) who aimed to kill a vampire, but stopped when he revealed himself a Daywalker[2] and convinced her to help him hunt a local nest. The next night, Moon Knight elaborates her past: raised by two faiths but not devoted enough to believe either, chosen by Khonshu and empowered after failing to stop a robbery. When they arrived, the two raided the vampire nest and slaughter the lot, but Nicey was still distrusting to Blade given her hatred of Vampires. Blade understood and told her that by letting him go, he'd be in debt to the The Fist. In present Day, Mr. Knight (Marc Spector) invited Blade to his Midnight Mission to help Reese with her new vampire status. Blade agrees, with Marc bewildered he was so ready to accept, and Blade clarifies he owed a previous Fist of Khonshu a favor, so he's repaying it now.

Solicit Synopsis

There’s blood on the streets as assassins work their way through a list of names containing those who once formed Moon Knight’s Shadow Cabinet. But with a number of potential targets and no idea who’s next, how can Moon Knight save his former associates? PLUS: Just in time for Black History Month, a second story in which the crescent crusader crosses paths with the Sheriff of the Vampire Nation, Blade!

See Also

Links and References


  1. Marc Spector: Moon Knight #60
  2. Category:Human/Vampire Hybrids