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Marvel Database


Fists of Khonshu (Earth-616), Marc Spector (Earth-616), and Greer Nelson (Earth-616) from Moon Knight Vol 9 12
The Fists of Khonshu are the souls of Moon Knights across the history of humanity. They rest in a pocket dimension under the patronage of their father, Khonshu. When Marc Spector sought a way for him and Tigra to reach Zodiac in time, Khonshu permitted him passage through the space where the Fists of Khonshu rested, but the souls pursued them. When they returned to the mortal plane, the undead Fists of Khonshu attacked Zodiac's Cartel and killed many. Before they could turn their attention back upon the trespassers, Hunter's Moon spoke a prayer to them and sent them back to rest.[1]



Like their modern successors, the Fists of Khonshu wield a variety of weapons:

  • Moon white vestments from Khonshu.
  • Crescent moon shaped throwing darts.
  • Matching Truncheons for close quarter combat.

See Also

Links and References

