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Quote1 We've intruded upon their eternal rest after their lives spent in service. I don't think they'd listen. Besides... talking has never really been the purpose of the Fists of Khonshu Quote2
Moon Knight (Marc Spector)

Appearing in "The Killing Time - Part 2"

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Synopsis for "The Killing Time - Part 2"

With Zodiac flabbergasted by what appears to be Mr. Knight, Soldier continues his impersonation to buy time for him and Reese. In a fit of confused rage, Zodiac deduces the scene is a deception as there'd be no way for Moon Knight to travel from New Jersey in time and opens fire. Meanwhile, Tigra follows Moon Knight through the resting space of the Fists of Khonshu as a shortcut to rescue Reese and Soldier, the souls of past Moon Knights pursue them for their trespass. She asks if this is where Marc will go, but he voices uncertainty not having prior disclosure of the location, advising they ask Hunter's Moon if they survive.

Fists of Khonshu (Earth-616), Marc Spector (Earth-616), Greer Nelson (Earth-616) and Zodiac Cartel (Earth-616) from Moon Knight Vol 9 12 001

Back on Earth, Zodiac voices his awe at Reese's speed to jump in front of a bullet trying to save Soldier, but her effort was futile as he used a .357 Magnum which wet through her to strike Soldier in his heart. Figuring out that it was Soldier, Zodiac comments that he always sought a cause to die for when he was alive and was happy to help. However, he is flanked by crescent darts before Moon Knight attacks him, acknowledging he feels no pain and venting frustration that he invested time and resources to kill Moon Knight but the hero was never where he was planned to be. Following Moon Knight's death threat, Zodiac notes his forces compared to the hero's and Moon Knight counters with the arrival of the pursuing Fists of Khonshu. As Zodiac's forces engage the undead mummies, Moon Knight kills a chainsaw wielding member of his Cartel before arming himself with that chainsaw.

Amid battle, Tigra asks Marc's plan and his only focus is killing Zodiac, but Tigra voices that the Khonshu Fists are more preoccupied with the Cartel members than them for the time being. The frustrated Zodiac flees and questions in rage of how could he have prepared for Moon Knight Zombies, but he walks away ready to set off the car bombs he prepped in advance. However, a grieving Reese intercepts him in a monstrous fury, letting out the vampire within much to Zodiac's glee. Meanwhile, a fatigued Tigra asks the undead Fists if they are to fight but Hunter's Moon frees himself and assures Tigra that his predecessors won't fight. Speaking in a secret language by Khonshu, he venerates the undead Fists and prays they return to their rests, and they stand down from combat. As Reese moves for the kill, Marc intercepts her and tells her no as killing Zodiac would make her as bad as him. Finally at Zodiac's throat, Marc's efforts to kill him are abated by the assertion of the Steven Grant persona, who is stopping Marc from killing Zodiac in the belief that doing so will lose Reese.

Solicit Synopsis

It all comes down to this: Moon Knight vs. Zodiac in the final struggle for Marc Spector's soul in the Battle of the Midnight Mission.

See Also

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