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Marvel Database

Appearing in "The Fall and Rise of Moon Knight!"

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  • Punisher's bike

Synopsis for "The Fall and Rise of Moon Knight!"

Moon Knight and Nepthys believe Punisher has killed Randall Spector. However, Randall gets up again, and is invulnerable to additional laser blasts. He and Punisher struggle over the gun, shoot the ceiling, and end up flooding the lab.

Moon Knight awakens hanging from a tree with his wrists tied. Shadowknight stands in front of him holding an ax. Randall reveals that years ago, he was among a group of rebels that Bushman and Marc Spector attacked. He later managed to make his way the Tomb of Seti, and was present when Khonshu resurrected Marc.

Back at the lab, Punisher is pinned under rubble. He frees himself by detonating plastique explosives. He swims up to the surface of the lake, but is surrounded by Nepthys and the Knights of the Moon.

Shadowknight cuts the rope that was holding up Moon Knight, and the two of them fight.

The Knights of the Moon try to shoot Punisher, but he manages to retrieve his motorcycle and weapons. Nepthys runs away, and finds the two brothers. She attacks Moon Knight, but is shot and killed by Punisher. Shadowknight escapes.

See Also

Links and References

