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Quote1 You can feed them to the Void. Maybe they even deserve it, but you don't deserve living with it. Listen, Riri. You're not too young to make big-time regrets. Quote2

Appearing in "Here Be Mandarin Rings"

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Synopsis for "Here Be Mandarin Rings"

Tony Stark finds himself in a nightmare in which he is suited up as Iron Man in the Silver Centurion Armor. In it, a silent but rageful Magneto uses his powers to tear apart Stark's suit, turn it into a spear, and impale him with it; a manifestation of Tony's remorse for his technology being repurposed for evil. He jolts awake, and looks out the window, observing a patrolling Stark Sentinel flying in the distance. Emma Frost enters Tony's room to console him, and initiates sex with him to put his mind at ease.

In deep space, the Makluan dragon that intercepted Ironheart and Forge gives her a warning for her own sake about the corruption that the Mandarin's rings bring about, and departs. Later, Riri and Forge have arrived at Nidavellir. They are welcomed by the Dwarf forger Zlusk, who informs the duo that their furnaces are inoperable. Skeptically, Zlusk accepts their offer to relight the forges, and guides them inside, where Riri and Forge set out on their task. Many days later, the duo have finished smiting the mysterium into Iron Man-themed spaceships. Zlusk suddenly attacks Riri, having decided with the other Dwarves to keep all the mysterium for themselves and force the secrets of its smiting out of Riri and Forge. The duo fends off the attackers, and Riri prepares to use the Mandarin's rings to exile the Dwarves to the Darkforce Dimension. Forge talks her out of it, and the assailants flee. Riri admits that she is scared of the way the rings are making her act. A little while later, Riri and Forge take the rings to his ship, where its sextant scatters them into space, with hopes it will take them wherever they are needed. Riri laments that she didn't learn anything from them, but Forge suggests that she might have learned something about herself.

Later on, the mysterium ships are relocated to Arakko, making a show of force to Orchis in the process before heading to Earth. At the Bloom, the mutant double-agent Firestar convenes with Feilong and the rest of Orchis' top brasses to disclose Tony's operations and claim that the ships will land on the Australian outback. In retaliation, Feilong plans to have every Sentinel on Earth waiting for them, then force Tony under his thumb. After Feilong leaves the room, Moira MacTaggert and Nimrod agree to kill Stark right away, so they ready to deploy a masked operative made out of a reanimated Wolverine corpse, a Sentinel Zero.

Solicit Synopsis

• Tony Stark needs more than just an armor to defeat Orchis, he needs an army.

• Can Ironheart build one in time?

• Who will answer the call?



  • By cover artist Kael Ngu's own admission, this issue's cover is very likely inspired by the poster for the Korean drama Moving, since he was watching the series while working on the artwork.[1]
  • The title of this issue's story is a reference to the cartographical phrase "Here Be Dragons", since the Makluan are dragon-like creatures.
  • Forge refers to the Makluan dragon that intercepts him and Riri Williams as "that alien Falkor," referencing the character from the the German fantasy novel The Neverending Story and its film adaptations.

See Also

Links and References


  1. Ngu, Kael (October 22, 2023) Cover art for Invincible Iron Man #14, featuring Forge and Riri. I was .... Archived from the original on October 23, 2023.