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Marvel Database

Quote1 I don't them. I don't need to. I know who I am. In T-Ray's mixed-up memories--ones that he shared with me--I was wearing my Deadpool costume when he found me. But I didn't become Deadpool until after I left Project X--after I got this healing factor to cure my cancer. After my mom dies of cancer when I was a kid. After my dad died in a barfight because of one of my drunken friends. After I'd been kicked out of the army. Which I'd sighed up for as Wade Winston Wilson. Because that's who I am. And anyone who says differently... is just imagining things. Quote2

Appearing in ""Unfinished Buisintess: Mistaken Identites" (Part 4 of 4)"

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Synopsis for ""Unfinished Buisintess: Mistaken Identites" (Part 4 of 4)"

Deadpool goes to the Three Strikes Bar to find the location of T-Ray. It turns out to be a farmhouse in New Jersey and breaks in, confronting T-Ray about him pretending to be the real Wade Wilson. Deadpool claims to have full memory access since Cable restored his mind, and then rescues Sandi and Outlaw from T-Ray.

When they return to base, they hear about Providence currently being attacked by a giant alien, while Cable is nowhere to be found.

Solicit Synopsis

Deadpool has been on a quest to remake his image -- (to what, he has no clue) -- but he's working hard at it. But when you mention "unfinished business," no one has as much baggage with Deadpool than his arch-nemesis -- T-RAY!! That's right, the madman with the nose strip and delusions of Deadpoolness is back, setting up a climactic confrontation that will leave the Merc With a Mouth with an all-new status quo and lay the groundwork for some BIG CHANGES!


Legacy Numbering[]

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