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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

For questions about translating English words or phrases into Latin. Bulk translation requests are off-topic.
Questions concerning Latin of the classical era, approximately 75 BCE to 300 CE
867 questions
for questions concerning the meaning and usage of individual words or a few words in conjunction with each other.
861 questions
For questions about etymology: the history of words in Latin or the change in meaning as the words are loaned into another language.
504 questions
For questions about translating Latin words or phrases into English. Bulk translation requests are off-topic.
491 questions
For getting community feedback on an attempted translation.
430 questions
For questions concerning expressions, word-plays, symbolic language, metaphors and the likes.
429 questions
Questions concerning Greek (late antiquity or older) either in relation to Latin or in itself. New Testament Greek questions should focus on language, not exegesis.
403 questions
When asking which choice (case, tense, mood etc.) is grammatical in a given situation, use this tag.
Syntax are the rules for how sentences and phrases are constructed in a language, including word order and how words change based on their relations to other words (
295 questions
Questions concerning verbs: words describing action.
264 questions
For questions regarding the meaning or connotation of a word or phrase.
244 questions
For questions requesting translations of full sentences.
234 questions
For questions regarding specific words for a specific purpose.
232 questions
when asking about a grammatical structure you cannot name and want explained.
Questions regarding the pronunciation of Latin words or syllables, or the history of Latin pronunciation. The desired time period for the pronunciation in question should be added.
226 questions
Questions regarding the Latin of the Medieval period, approximately 500–1400
188 questions
171 questions
For questions about comparing two or more words, not for comparative forms of adjectives.
165 questions
Questions regarding Latin since the year 1900
164 questions
Questions regarding Latin in the modern era, approximately 1400–1900
154 questions
For questions about declension—the inflection of Latin nouns and adjectives to mark grammatical features such as case and number.
152 questions
For questions about adjectives.
147 questions
For questions about morphology.
145 questions
For questions regarding how Latin has changed over time.
133 questions
Questions related to aspects of Latin as used in poetry.
132 questions
For questions about Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata (LLPSI) by Hans Henning Ørberg.
118 questions
For questions related to history. Bear in mind that questions about only history are off-topic; there should be a connection to Latin.
117 questions
For questions concerning how to choose the correct word from a selection of similar-looking alternatives
109 questions
used for questions concerning the liturgical and codified language of the church from the end of antiquity until today.
109 questions
Questions about the language used in the Vulgate (or Vulgata), a late fourth-century translation of the Bible.
102 questions
For questions about conjugating verbs.
101 questions
For questions about personal names (Ancient and Modern) in the Latin language.
99 questions
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