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Letty (レティ, Reti) is the main character of the Dragon Goes House-Hunting series. He is a weak and cowardly dragon who was disowned by his family. After he was kicked out of his home, Letty went in search of a dream home where even a weakling like him can live in peace and safety.


Letty is a male red dragon with curling yellow horns, and a beige underbelly. He is has wings but can't fly with them.



Letty stats card

Even though he is a dragon, in which he was meant to be vicious and brave, Letty is quite weak and cowardly. When he was disowned by his father and got kicked out, he decided to find his own home, but is shocked to learn how scary the outside world is. However, later on, when he learned of Varney, he became aspired to be have more courage. He was quickly put down of this dream though, as Nell stated that she liked him how he is and that there is plenty of tough dragons already. Letty suffers from severe emotional distress as he would often go into a breakdown or have a panic attack whenever he is really scared, worried or in a dire situation.

Despite his weakness, Letty is a very kind, friendly, and considerate indiviual, as he can go out of his way to try and make it so other creatures are more comfortable around him. He cares deeply for his friends and can gain a higher than average level of bravery when they are in danger (If Dearia isn't around that is). Letty has a dislike for his infamous title of ”Flame Dragon Lord” as it doesn't fit him at all and it even makes him feel uncomfortable. He is shown to be very apologetic in numerous situations, in which he gets scolded for his weakness.

In the end, Letty became a considerate dragon who just wants to be seen as nothing more than himself. He doesn't strive to scare people and in fact wishes to befriend them more rather than scaring them.


Not much is known about Letty's background before getting kicked out of his family. He grew up with his father and multiple siblings.


While guarding one of his family's dragon eggs, Letty accidentally falls asleep and this allowed a human hunter named Huey to steal the egg. Because of this incident, he was disowned by his father and was kicked out of his home. Distraught and fearing for his life, Letty, after being inspired by a story he read, realizes he needs to find his own "nest", where he can be safe.

During his journey, he arrived at the home of the dwarfs, in which he believed that they could build him a home, as he knew that they are skilled in architecture. Unfortunately, when the dwarves saw him, they fear that he may be after their gold and they just took him as a prisoner. When Letty went into a nervous breakdown, the dwarven elder calms him down and states that he and his kin will build a house for him. However, he then reveals to Letty that the dwarves wanted several of his body parts as compensation. While Letty seemed fine with it, he was immediately horrified when the dwarven elder included his tail and wings. When the latter revealed that the dwarves also wanted his organs, including his heart, a fearful Letty knew that they wanted him dead, as well as wanting to turn him into cool-looking weaponry.

When the cage he is in is opened, Letty manages to trick the dwarves into believing that someone is trying to steal their gold and was able to escape. However, this caused the dwarves to chase him down. As he was fleeing for his life, Letty stumbles across Huey and his Cait companion Albert, with Huey being the same hunter who stole the dragon egg that belong to Letty's family. Though Letty is now surrounded by both the two hunters and the dwarves, the two groups instead just fought each other over on which group should get the dragon. Amidst the chaos, Letty was able to escape.

As he was crying in fear, he was met by a duo of kind-hearted harpies who are willing to take him into their home, however, since their house was built to the trunk of a tall tree and is out of reach, Letty can't fly. The harpies decided to send him to a community of goblins, who captured Letty and wanted to eat him for dinner. However, after Letty revealed that he was sent by the harpies and that they gave in their regards, the goblins, who are in love with the harpies, immediately lets him go. When Letty tells them that he is looking for a home, the goblin leader tells him that he has to try and look for a home somewhere else. The next day, upon coming across a Sahuagin, the fish-like creature, allowed Letty to live with him and his kind underwater. Happily accepting this offer, the latter dives into the lake to get to the sahuagin's underwater home but is forced to get out of the lake as he can't swim. He learns of an elven estate agent who lives in the east, and he is skilled in architecture.

As he continued journey, Letty encounters a group of yuusha (In the English dub: Heroes), who wanted to kill him. Fortunately, however, a white-haired elf intervenes and saves Letty. After the dragon explained his situation and that he is looking for a famous and skilled elven architect, the elf introduces himself as Dearia, the architect he is looking for. Letty asks him to help him find a home and Dearia agrees.


Unnamed Father[]

Letty and his father left on a sour note. His dad seems to be more ashamed of him than anything was quick to kick out Letty.


Pip is Letty's adoptive son whom he is very protective over. They appear to have a good relationship. Pip looks up heavily to Letty and in a sense, overexggerates his father's personality, believing him to be a strong ferocious dragon. Since Letty can't understand Pip, Letty knows non the wiser of how his son views him.

Other than that, Pip and Letty have a nice father-son relationship. Letty cooks, reads, sleeps, and plays with Pip.


Dearia is Letty's friend, mentor, and realtor. Dearia is currently traveling with Letty to find him a home. While Letty often feels bad for having Dearia clear up his problems, Dearia doesn't seem to mind this at all. Dearia once travelled with a dragon named Varney, so Dearia is extremely pleased to be travelling with Letty. Dearia tends to leave Letty to his own time to time as a way to teach him lessons. Letty tends to look to Dearia for advice and protection, so when Dearia isn't around Letty can find himself in a bit of a pickle.


Nell and Letty started off a bit funny. Nell tends to find it confusing how Letty is far from what she learned about dragons. She tends to be critical and direct with words towards Letty. This can cause Letty to be a anxious in response to these critics. Despite her constant nagging of Letty's personality, she does cherish him as a friend. She even stated how despite him being a total weakling, she knows she will never find another dragon as kind and caring as him. In book 5, Letty had a small moment of worry over her, wonder who would protect her if in danger. This did backfire, as even Nell is stronger than Letty.


  • Letty only eats unfertilized eggs.