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DAA Summit

Summit Snapshot: The One-Ton Cookie -- The Intersection of Self-Driving Vehicles and Relevance

September 21, 2017

Big Idea: As quickly as doors open in the connected car ecosystem, stakeholders and regulators are trying to shape useful rules and standards around a flow of data potentially useful to marketers.

Innovation at DAA Summit 2017…

The age of connected and autonomous vehicles has arrived, raising questions about the future of the auto industry, public safety, and the very nature of transportation. But as cars become smarter, companies and regulators alike are thinking about more than just their driving performance -- the focus also rests on the data such vehicles can collect.

Summit Snapshot: Policymakers are Noting the Good Work of DAA

June 26, 2017

Big Idea: Lawmakers care deeply about consumer privacy -- but they welcome industry self-regulation on privacy issues when they see it to be effective.

Recently, representatives of the ad industry have seen not just increased recognition, but an embrace of the Digital Advertising Alliance and its program among officials, especially as debates about privacy are reviving in Washington and elsewhere. Acceptance of support for advertising self-regulation in the United States appears to be growing.

Take one example from a policymaker address at our most recent DAA Summit 17 (June 13-14, 2017) in Lansdowne, VA.

Summit Snapshot: What’s Your Privacy Team Plan?

March 17, 2017

Big Idea: DAA Principles help advertisers address consumer concerns about privacy -- but that requires cross-enterprise support...

Communication and collaboration throughout organizations are critical to integrate the DAA Principles effectively. Innovations such as location and cross-device data collection and use are current examples where Principles adherence can help marketers manage privacy successfully.


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