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DAA Summit

Summit Snapshot: Data Drives Small- and Mid-sized Business Online, It’s Imperative that Regulation not Short-Circuit Consumer Connections

August 17, 2021

Big Idea: Entrepreneurs are finding audiences on digital platforms to stimulate commerce, revenue and jobs – helping consumers discover new products and services. This dynamic ecosystem must be protected from defaults that limit discovery and engagement.

Responsible data usage and growth of small- and mid-sized businesses go hand-in-hand. This is according to a panel of entrepreneurs that addressed delegates at Digital Advertising Alliance’s Virtual Summit 21: What’s Next. 

Summit Snapshot: Identity Management Challenges Underscore Need for Cross-Industry Coordination and Leadership

October 1, 2020

Big idea: As the marketplace ponders what comes now and after cookies, the results will have to balance the value consumers place on privacy, convenience and access to diverse content.

With the industry’s heightened attention on identity management amid policy making and technology developments, it’s no wonder the ad tech community – joined by agencies, publishers and advertisers –

Summit Snapshot: Rep. Diaz Barragán (D-CA) Addresses Responsible Data Use and a Potential National Privacy Law

July 6, 2020

Big Idea: The transparency and safeguards that consumers demand and expect in a national data privacy law are foundational to the DAA Principles and the Privacy for America framework were echoed in a speech by Rep. Diaz Barragán at DAA Virtual Summit 20.

The Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) may have taken our annual Summit program “virtual” – having to relocate online from our original intended venue in Southern California, because of COVID-19 -- but that didn’t stop an influential member of California’s Congressional delegation from addressing our Summit audience on consumer data concerns and the need for a new federal privacy law.

Summit Snapshot 19:DC: Data4Good – Goodwill® Leverages the Data Universe to Drive In-Store Shoppers

July 9, 2019

Big Idea: Goodwill teams with Teemo and Ad Council to devise and implement a data-driven approach to drive in-store shoppers, using geolocation data and other signals to reach audiences with relevant messaging and content.

Once again, Digital Advertising Alliance Summit attendees enjoyed hearing a case study on how advertising data are being deployed for socially beneficial use – this time for an Advertising Council campaign on behalf of Goodwill. 

Summit Snapshot 19:DC: Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) Announces Push for Federal Data Privacy Law at DAA Summit with a Single National Standard

June 7, 2019

Big Idea: Rep. McMorris Rodgers: “We must lead the world in establishing a regulatory framework that balances data privacy with the ability for our startups and small businesses to continue to innovate.”

We had a record turnout for our Summit 19:DC across Hill Day, the Digital Advertising Accountability Workshop and the Summit itself.  It was our seventh annual Summit, as we returned to the city of first such meetup, Washington, DC.

Summit Snapshot ‘18: What Does GDPR Mean for the Global Advertising Ecosystem?

September 26, 2018

Big Idea: EU’s GDPR is now enforceable. This panel explored how companies seek to comply with these new rules, investigate other oversight models, and help ensure responsible data use in digital advertising according to a respective country’s laws & regs.

“What are other jurisdictions doing in the realm of regulation, co-regulation, and self-regulation?” Shannon Yavorsky, partner at Venable LLP, posed the question to the panelists of “Reality Check: Does GDPR Make the Entire World Go Round?” during the Digital Advertising Alliance Summit18 - ADapt!

Summit Snapshot ‘18: Using Data for Social Good – and Really Terrific Stories

August 17, 2018

Big Idea: Data about consumers empowers creative, innovative and and socially powerful marketing and advertising, in service to the greater good.

Marla Kaplowitz, president and chief executive officer, 4A’s, hosted a Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) Summit18 – ADapt! panel that explored these altruistic themes – with compelling content that truly demonstrates the depth and breadth of how data, advertising and social channels can be leveraged to make a world of difference, daily.

Summit Snapshot ‘18: The Evolution of Brand Safety Issues & Solutions

August 7, 2018

Big Idea: As digital ads expand in reach and influence, brand safety must be part of the consumer trust equation, where consumer privacy, transparency & control online is considered alongside other concerns such as security, fraud, context & viewability.

Over the years, many facets of brand safety have been in the spotlight -- adjacency, privacy, fraud, security, viewability and ad placement, among them. Interest-based advertising, for example, wholly relies on responsible data collection to target and establish connections between sellers and consumers and bolster consumer trust.

Helping the Ecosystem Adapt: 9 Ways the DAA Helped in 2017

January 18, 2018

The dynamic nature of digital advertising certainly was proven in 2017 – as our Digital Advertising Alliance self-regulatory program marked its eighth year in market.

While we may be a startup in spirit, we’ve achieved mature reach as our program has helped advertising organizations adapt to new technologies, evolving policy concerns, and ever-higher expectations of consumers.

We’re proud of those accomplishments, which were made possible by the support of our founding associations and the participation of so many hundreds of companies and thousands of brands.

Summit Snapshot: X-Factor -- Responsible Data Collection for Interest-Based Advertising Across Devices

October 7, 2017

Big Idea: The number of different devices we use is growing -- and so are the ways they’re talking to each other. Companies are trying to keep up, connecting cross-device data and marketing responsibly, to meet consumer expectations.

Innovation at DAA Summit 2017….

As marketers continue to coalesce the customer experience through the myriad devices we interact with on a daily basis -- which comScore now estimates to be between 10 and 12 devices per household -- they are also diligently heeding ethical standards and best practices in an increasingly dynamic ecosystem.


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