Generate and Pass Identity Envelopes With LiveRamp Secure Signals Adapter

If you are working with Google secure signals, you can implement LiveRamp's secure signals adapter with ATS Mobile SDK to generate identity envelopes to be used within Google Mobile Ads (GMA) SDK. This implementation automatically passes identity envelopes down to Google Ad Manager's Open Bidding (EBDA).

The guide on this page applies if you have an existing GMA SDK implementation for iOS or Android. If you don't have it yet, see Google's documentation on Mobile Ads SDK to learn how you can get started.


LiveRamp Secure Signals Adapter is Available in Beta

Talk to a LiveRamp representative get help with implementation.


  • You must have Google secure signals implemented. If you haven't yet, work with your Google Account Manager to get it enabled. Within Google Ad Manager (GAM), ensure that:
  • For Android: the latest version of Google Play services (at least 22.2.0)
  • For iOS: the latest version of Google Mobile Ads SDK (at least 10.7.0)
  • An ATS placement with all your bundle IDs included. To learn how to create a placement ID, see Create an ATS Placement.

1. Obtain the AppID/Config ID in Console


Your ATS placement doesn't need to be approved yet to obtain a Config ID.

Before initializing the SDK, you must first obtain the Config ID in Console.

  1. Log in to Console.
  2. Go to ATS > Mobile.
  3. Click New.
  4. Enter a configuration name and select a placement.
  5. Click Let's Go.

A Config ID will be automatically generated and displayed in the "SDK Configurations" area.

2. Install the ATS Mobile SDK and Secure Signals Adapter

In this step, you will install the ATS Mobile SDK and include it in the call by Google to fetch signals.


The secure signals adapter is already bundled with the ATS Mobile SDK. To learn how to install the ATS Mobile SDK, see Gradle Integration or Manual Integration. Note that you should not progress to the initialization step of the ATS Mobile SDK, you should only install it.


Make sure to include the at least v2.1.0 of the ATS Mobile SDK.


The LRAtsSDKMediationAdapter for iOS will automatically pull in the LiveRamp ATS Mobile SDK as an upstream dependency.

To install with Swift Package Manager:

  1. in Xcode, go to File > Add packages.
  2. In Search or Enter Package URL, enter:

To install with CocoaPods:

  1. Add the following line to your Podfile:
    pod 'LRAtsSDKMediationAdapter'
  2. Execute pod install to install the LRAtsSDKMediationAdapter.

3. Initialize the Secure Signals Adapter for GMA SDK

To successfully initialize the ATS Mobile SDK through Google’s SDK, you’ll need to do the following:

a. Set Consent State Accordingly

Before initializing the GMA SDK, make sure the correct consent is set according to the region.

  • For EU: In the EU consent is required and must be set (preferably by a CMP). Without consent, the SDK will not initialize.
  • For U.S.: Currently in the U.S. consent is not required. The SDK will read the value of the IAB CCPA string if it is set or provided.
  • If consent checks do not apply to the regions where you are running the SDK, you can command the SDK to proceed without checking for consent:
    LRAtsMediationAdapter.hasConsentForNoLegislation = true
  • For iOS devices, LiveRamp requires ATT Consent.

See Initialization Best Practices to learn more.

b. Configure the Adapter

You must provide the Config ID you've obtained in Step 1 to configure the adapter before initializing the GMA SDK. Note that configuring the adapter will not trigger anything, envelopes will only be generated once you initialize the GMA SDK.

LRAtsMediationAdapter.configure(atsConfiguration: LRAtsConfiguration(appId: "<#your app/config id#>"))
LRAtsMediationAdapter.configure(LRAtsConfiguration(configurationId = "<#your app/config id#>"))


For iOS, you must check for ATT consent before initializing the GMA SDK.

c. Set the Identifiers

You can pass the identifiers before or after initializing the GMA SDK, however, we recommend you to do this as early as possible to ensure identity envelopes are obtained in time for the ad request.

LRAtsMediationAdapter.setIdentifier(identifier: LREmailIdentifier(email: "<#email#>"))
LRAtsMediationAdapter.setIdentifier(LREmailIdentifier(email = "<#email#>"))

4. Verify the Envelope Is Retrieved and Sent to Google

After the GMA SDK intitialization (preferably after the app has just been installed) and the user has provided their identifier, you can verify if your implementation is running properly.

Verify That an Envelope Is Retrieved

After Google’s initialization callback is fired, use a proxy tool such as Charles to filter your network calls to search for the api.rlcdn domain.

Your success criteria should be the 200 code (the JSON payload may vary). This confirms that an envelope is retrieved for the given user.

Verify That the Envelope Is Sent

After making sure an identity envelope is retrieved, you can now check if the envelope is sent in the Google ad request. To do this, load an ad placement that is enabled for open bidding and capture the outgoing GMA SDK ad request (you may need to enable network tracing).

Below is a URL example of a successful request intercepted with Charles. The a3p query parameter contains all the bid signals from from Google.

Based on the example above, the value of the a3p parameter is:


You can then base64-decide the a3p parameter, and verify that LiveRamp signal name (com.liveramp.ats.LRAtsMediationAdapter) and the envelope value you've previously retrieved are there. In the example below, you can find both objects in bold:
