Supported Paths for ATS Mobile SDK

LiveRamp works together with multiple mobile channel partners, giving you flexibility on how you want to implement ATS Mobile SDK depending on which partner you are already working with.

Your mobile channel partners can help with:

  • Generating Identity Envelopes
  • Passing envelopes to the bidstream

In this article, we’ll dive into what each step means, and the supported partners available for each step.

Generating Identity Envelopes

The first step to future-proofing your inventory is to tie authenticated users to RampID with an Identity Envelope.

LiveRamp supports two methods of generating identity envelopes. If you haven't generated envelopes yet, you may choose one of the following methods:

  1. With ATS Mobile SDK (recommended):
  2. With a mobile channel partner:


Contact Your Respective Mobile Channel Partner

LiveRamp does not offer implementation support if you choose to generate Identity Envelopes with a mobile channel partner. Please contact your respective partner's support team to assist you with implementation.

Check if You're Generating Envelopes With ATS Mobile SDK

You can verify if you're fetching envelopes with the ATS Mobile SDK by using a Proxy tool such as Charles. You must then set up your proxy tool to intercept all network traffic between your mobile app and your router. LiveRamp will need to view unencrypted network traffic to confirm envelopes are fetched properly.

You can check out Google's guide (for Android only) on how to set up Charles Proxy for the Google Mobile ADS SDK on Android N or higher.

Once your proxy tool is set up to intercept all network traffic between your mobile app and your router, filter for call and check if the response contain an envelope like below:

Passing Envelopes to the Bidstream

Once your ATS Mobile SDK is up and running, you want to be able to monetize the envelopes by passing them into the bidstream as an ad request for your header-bidder SDK or ad partner.

Since the ATS Mobile SDK only generates envelopes, you need to pass the Identity Envelopes to one or more mobile channel partners that work with LiveRamp. Currently, this is possible with the partners below. Note that this list is will expand as we work towards gaining more partnerships in the future:

To learn how to pass envelopes to those partners, see Pass Envelopes to the Bidstream.