

The SDK error states are defined with LRError enum. SDK returns the standard Error types. To get more information, you can cast the error to LRError.

notInitializedThe SDK is not initialized.
missingAppIdThe App ID is either empty or expired. You must verify that you provided appID and your subscription for the ATS SDK is still active.
fetchingConfigurationFailedThe fetching of LRAtsConfiguration for the given appID has failed.
noConsentThere is no consent from the user.
atsDisabledInCountryThe country is not listed in atsEnabledCountries in LRAtsConfiguration.
sdkIsNotReadySDK status is not ready.
sdkIsDisabledSDK is disabled.


Status of the SDK is defined with LRStatus enum.

notInitializedThe SDK is not initialized.
loadingThe SDK is in the process of initialization.
readyThe SDK is initialized and ready to use.
disabledThe SDK is disabled.
errorThe SDK is in an error state.


Status of the the bloom filter synchronization is defined with LRBloomFilterSyncStatus enum.

partialThis status is returned when the Bloom filters could only be partially downloaded.
fullThis status is returned when all the Bloom filters are fully downloaded.
errorThis status is returned if, for some reason, synchronization of the Bloom filters has failed (sdkNotReady, noInternet, etc.).


DealIDsResult's status is defined with LRDealIdsResultStatus enum.

partialThis status is returned if filtering is only done partially with all the Bloom filters. This can happen if at that moment all filters are not yet downloaded or the configuration has changed.
fullThis status is returned if filtering is fully done on all bloom filters.
offlineThis status is returned if there is no internet connection.
errorThis status is returned if the ATS SDK is not in a ready state when Deal IDs are requested, or if no Bloom filters are downloaded.