Infinite Dendrogram Wiki

Unique Boss Monsters, commonly abbreviated as UBM, are a classification of monsters in Infinite Dendrogram. In the eastern part of the continent, they are called Treasurebeasts.


As the name suggests, Unique Boss Monsters is a classification granted by Control A.I No. 4, Jabberwock to 'boss' monsters that, due to the way they were born or created, can never be replicated ever again, making them in effect completely unique existences. As such, their name (if they have one) and a title are applied to the status visible to Masters. Along with their unique nature, UBMs possess great strength and unique abilities, to the point where they can be referred to as the 'Masters' of monsters.


A UBM can be 'created' in a variety of ways. Control A.I. No. 4, Jabberwock can, by use of the *** function, transform an ordinary monster into a UBM, granting them increased strength, intelligence and unique abilities, if they are able to withstand the process. A monster which was unique from birth/creation and possessing unique abilities can also be granted the title of UBM, as long as they are not someone else's possession and/or created to be used as a tool for others.

Special Rewards[]

When a UBM is defeated, an MVP (Most Valuable Player) will be selected from the participating fighters who contributed the most and convert the resources of the slain UBM into a unique drop item for them. This drop item will be customized to be what the MVP needs. This can range from the complete remains of the monsters, to be processed by a production class job holder into a new monster or made into an item or an item that possesses the ability of the UBM. This item cannot be transferred, stolen, or used by others. However, in a Master's case, their special rewards can be used by their Embryos too. In the event of damage or complete destruction of a special reward, they can repair themselves back in time save for certain exceptions. In the case that the MVP is a tian and they die, their special rewards will be retrieved by Mad Hatter and then placed in a dungeon or inside the gacha to be used as a prize for another person to obtain. Special Rewards obtained through the gacha or a treasure chest are not perfectly adjusted to their new owner.

Types of UBM[]

UBMs can be separated into different classifications based on a number of different factors, such as combat ability, level, etc. These rankings are Epic, Legendary, Ancient Legendary, Mythical and Superior. There is also an informal ranking known as "Irregular."


The lowest ranking of UBM. Generally speaking, it is thought that it would take someone with a high rank job and high rank Embryo to defeat a monster in this class. However, due to the differences in potential abilities between monsters, the strength of those in this class can vary wildly. Special rewards obtained from this rank of UBM are called Epic Arms (逸話級武具エピソードアームズ) and their abilities can be enhanced by certain skills to reach 10 to 24 times their normal output at maximum.


The 2nd lowest ranking class of UBM. Generally speaking, it would take a Pre-Superior (mostly someone with a Superior Job and an Embryo in the 6th form) to defeat a monster in this class. For a Superior however, defeating a monster of this class is not usually a difficult task. Because a monster of this level is difficult to defeat for a tian with a Superior Job, defeating a UBM of this class can become a national level project. A monster of this rank normally has their STR, AGI, and END over 10,000 at the minimum. Special rewards obtained from this rank of UBM are called Legendary Arms (伝説級武具レジェンダリーアームズ) and their abilities can be enhanced by certain skills to reach 25 to 49 times their normal output at maximum.

Ancient Legendary[]

The intermediate ranking class of UBM. At this level, even a battle type Superior would be hard pressed, with only a 30% chance of victory. They can be classified into various types, such as the pure performance type with extremely high stats, the multiple skill type boasting many different skills, or the skill specialized type, which sacrifices performance in all other areas to boost a single skill to the highest level. If the compatibility is bad, even a Superior would be unable to defeat this type. Special rewards obtained from this rank of UBM are called Ancient Legendary Arms (古代伝説級武具エンシェントレジェンダリーアームズ) and their abilities can be enhanced by certain skills to reach 50 to 74 times their normal output at maximum.


The upper rank class of UBM. They possess extreme power, to the point where a battle type Superior would find victory extremely difficult. A monster of this rank normally has their STR, AGI, and END over 40,000 at the minimum. Special rewards obtained from this rank of UBM are called Mythical Arms (神話級武具マイソロジーアームズ) and their abilities can be enhanced by certain skills to reach 75 to 99 times their normal output at maximum.


Main Article: Superior Unique Boss Monster

The apex of the UBM. These are non-standard UBMs that have surpassed Level 100. Only monsters of this level that can be reliably controlled by the Control A.I.s are given this designation. As such monsters are few and far between, they were collected and stored before Infinite Dendrogram began, to be used to create artificial disasters which would force the evolution of new Superiors. In terms of strength, they are powerful enough to destroy a country, and require multiple Superiors working in concert to defeat. They were not known to exist until the Greatest One was seen in the Dryfe Imperium. Unusually, it is possible for SUBMs to have multiple MVPs and give multiple special rewards, a phenomenon thought impossible beforehand. Special rewards obtained from this rank of UBM are called Superior Arms (超級武具スペリオル・アームズ) and their abilities can be enhanced by certain skills to reach 100 times or more of their normal output.


An informal category, given to a UBM that has surpassed Level 100, but cannot be controlled by the Control A.I.s They are registered in the system as Mythical UBMs, but possess power equal to that of SUBMs. As such, before the start of Infinite Dendrogram the Control A.I.s themselves would sortie to destroy them whenever they appeared. After the game began, the policy was changed to limiting their actions or in the worst case, manipulating Superiors to deal with them. However, some Irregular UBMs were left alone by the Control A.I.s for various reasons. Currently, there is an Irregular UBM dwelling in each of the seven countries. Although it is as powerful as SUBMs, unlike them, it only selects one MVP and as such gives only one special reward upon defeat.
